Laminar Flow Hoods
Herasafe™ KS (ThermoFisher Scientific)

Laminar flow hood Herasafe™ KS (ThermoFisher Scientific)
The laminar flow hoods can be used for culturing human and primate iPSCs and their derivatives under biological safety levels 1 and 2 (S1 and S2).
All required plastic consumables (serological pipettes, filter tipps, reaction tubes, gloves, tissues, desinfectant, PBS) are included. The user has to bring only his own cell culture reagents (coating, medium, passaging agent, supplements) and tissue culture dishes or plates.
Genetically modified organisms have to be listed in the GVO forms of the customer lab.
Safety instruction is required for access. Please contact us for setting up an appointment.
CRTD R1.114 and R.1115 - south wing
+49 351-458-82156
Picking Hoods
Heraguard™ Eco (ThermoFisher Scientific)

Picking Hood for manual selection of colonies, Heraguard™ Eco (ThermoFisher Scientific) with Stereo microscope.
The picking hoods can be used for manual isolation ("picking") of human and primate iPSC colonies under a stereo microscope (Zeiss Stemi 2000-CS). For S1 work only.
All required plastic consumables (serological pipettes, filter tipps, reaction tubes, gloves, tissues, desinfectant, PBS) are included. The user has to bring only his own cell culture reagents (coating, medium, passaging agent, supplements) and tissue culture dishes or plates.
Genetically modified organisms have to be listed in the GVO forms of the customer lab.
Safety instruction is required for access. Please contact us for setting up an appointment.
CRTD R1.114 and R1.115 - south wing
+49 351-458-82156
Cell Culture Incubators
Heracell™ 150i (ThermoFisher Scientific)

Cell culture incubators Heracell™ 150i (ThermoFisher Scientific)
For incubating human and primate iPSCs and derivatives under biological safety levels 1 or 2 (S1 or S2). Standard conditons: 37°C, 5% CO2. Usage included when booking laminar flow hood and/or picking hood.
CRTD R1.114 and R1.115 - south wing
+49 351-458-82156
EVOS® XL Core Microscope (ThermoFisher Scientific)

EVOS® XL Core Microscope (ThermoFisher Scientific)
Cell Culture Microscope for imaging live iPSCs in culture in Phase Contrast and Bright Field mode. Saving to USB possible. Included when booking laminar flow hood and/or picking hood. Please book it seperately when using the microscope for longer time periods (no booking fees).
CRTD R1.114 - south wing
+49 351-458-82156
Fluorescence Microscope
EVOS® FL Microscope (ThermoFisher Scientific)

EVOS® FL Fluorescence Microscope (ThermoFisher Scientific)
The fluorescence microscope can be used for imaging live iPSCs in culture with EVOS LED light cubes (DAPI, GFP, RFP, Cy5) in addition to Phase Contrast and Bright Field mode. Saving to USB or server possible.
CRTD R1.115 - south wing
+49 351-458-82156
4D-Nucleofector™ Core Unit + X Unit + Y Unit (Lonza)

Cell Transfection System 4D-Nucleofector™ Core Unit + X Unit + Y Unit (Lonza)
For efficient electroporation of diverse cell types, cell lines and primary cells including human iPSCs as single cell solution with DNA, RNA and proteins in combination with respective Nucleofector™ kits.
CRTD R1.115 - south wing
+49 351-458-82156
NanoPhotometer® NP80 (Implen)

NanoPhotometer® NP80 (Implen)
Spectrophotometer for measuring the concentration of nucleic acid and protein solutions in small volumes.
CRTD R1.115 - south wing
+49 351-458-82156
S1000™ Thermal Cycler (BIO-RAD laboratories)

S1000™ Thermo Cycler (BIO-RAD laboratories)
Thermocycler with interchangable reaction plattforms - PCRs can be performed in one 96-well plate or two 48-well plates can be run in parallel.
CRTD R1.116 - south wing
+49 351-458-82156
Gel Electrophoresis System
Mupid™-One (NIPPON Genetics)

Gel electrophoresis system Mupid™-One (NIPPON Genetics)
Compact system for gel electrophoresis.
CRTD R1.116 - south wing
+49 351-458-82156