Academic advising & support services
You can find an overview of all study counseling services at the Institute of History here.
Table of contents
Academic advising
- Academic advising takes place in the rooms BZW/A529 and BZW/A532 or - in justified exceptional cases - via ZOOM. The link will be sent to you by e-mail before the consultation hour begins.
- It is obligatory to make an appointment via OPAL.
- Exception: If you only need a signature, you are welcome to come by without registration from 5 minutes before the start and up to 5 minutes after the end of the consultation.
- Academic advising is expressly not offered by telephone or e-mail!
- Please use the extensive information we have put online for you before you make use of the student advisory service!
- The Student Advisory Service is not responsible for questions regarding the recognition or acquisition of Latin language skills, Latinum or modern foreign language skills as part of your teacher training course in History!
In this case, please contact the TU Dresden Language Training Department or your contact person at the State Office for Schools and Education.
Dates in summer semester 2025 (lecture period):
The TERMINVERGABE via OPAL is obligatory.
Academic advising on history didactics as a subject & science
- Tuesdays, 15:00-16:00 -with Jun.-Prof. Dr. Corinna Link @ BZW/A528
(general questions about history didactics as a subject & science + teaching & exams with Dr. Corinna Link )

NameDr. Corinna Link
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Chair of Modern and Contemporary History and Didactics of History
Chair of Modern and Contemporary History and Didactics of History
Visiting address:
Bürogebäude Zellescher Weg (BZW), A528 Zellescher Weg 17
01069 Dresden
Office hours:
- Tuesday:
- 15:00 - 16:00
(Vorlesungszeit. Obligatorische Anmeldung in OPAL)
Counseling for History Teachers
- Tuesdays, 13:30-14:30 - with Dr. Mathias Herrmann @ BZW/A532
(general questions about teacher training; crediting of study & examination achievements; general questions about the first state examination + teaching & examinations with Dr. Mathias Herrmann)

Dr. Mathias Herrmann
Studienfachberater Lehramt Geschichte
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Counseling for practical school studies
You can find the most important information on practical school studies here.
- The internship coordination of the ZLSB is exclusively responsible for the practical school studies (SPÜ and Blockpraktikum B) in History until at least 31.07.2025.
This expressly applies to ...- ... Questions about the organization and implementation as well as for the examinations for the block internship B in winter semester 2024/25 (usually in February/March 2025)
- ... Questions on the organization and implementation as well as for the examinations of SPÜ and Blockpraktikum B in SoSe 2025
- The position of subject advisor for practical school studies in History is expected to be filled by a seconded teacher on 01.08.2025.
General questions about studies and examinations
will be answered by ...
the Central Student Advisory Service of the TUD Dresden University of Technology
the Centralized Teacher Examination Office for the modularized teacher training courses
You can also find information and offers relating specifically to teacher training on the website of the Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research (ZLSB) and at the Ministry of Education ("Becoming a teacher in Saxony").
Support services during your studies
TU Dresden supports you in balancing your studies and family life. For example, if you are caring for relatives or have children, you can make use of the hardship regulation as part of the SPÜ and Blockpraktikum B (see SPÜ FAQ box, question 7 and Blockpraktikum B FAQ box, question 2). You can also get further support here:
- If you have psychological problems, you can contact the Psychosocial Counseling Center at Studentenwerk Dresden for support (e.g. with exam anxiety or problems in your social environment): - The "Commissioners for Students with Disabilities and Chronic Illnesses" act as contact persons for all questions regarding studying with a health impairment (e.g. regarding compensation for disadvantages in study and examination achievements, digital and structural accessibility and support options in everyday student life). - The "Making Teachers Confident" (ZLSB) project supports student teachers at TU Dresden in successfully mastering their studies, overcoming organizational hurdles and developing key skills for their studies and careers: