CFF program winter semester 2023/24
Table of contents
On this page you will always find the latest information on the semester program, as changes/additions often occur after the publication of the respective semester program.
About the Centrum
Founded at the end of 2017, the Centrum Frankreich | Frankophonie (CFF) is broadly interdisciplinary and has members from numerous Faculties, including those from the School of Humanities and Social Sciences as well as the Faculties of Electrical Electrical and Computer Engineering, Medicine and Mechanical Science and Engineering.
The CFF sees itself as a
- place for German-Francophone scientific and cultural exchange,
- a contact point for international cooperation
- a mediator of expertise in francophone cultural areas.
The CFF cooperates with the DRESDEN-concept partners, supports the "Culture and Societal Change" Research Priority Area and contributes to the visibility of TU Dresden's international relations.
Structured promotion of early-career researchers takes place within the framework of the Franco-German Doctoral College, funded by the Franco-German University.
The CFF is a founding member of the network of university France and Francophonie centers in Germany.
It also acts as an organizer and venue in the Literaturnetz Dresden.
Contact / Imprint
Postal address:
TU Dresden
Faculty SLK
Center France | Francophonie (CFF)
01062 Dresden
Visiting address:
Center France | Francophonie (CFF) |
Telephone |
+49 (0) 351 463 32038 (secretary's office) |
Website | |
cff_dresden[at] |
Image sources / Copyrights
- Flyer motif: Engin Akyurt on Pixabay
- MENSCHENanSCHAUEN exhibition: Stadtmuseum Dresden
- Lecture series: Integrale, TU Dresden
- Photo guest lecturer: Didier Houénoudé
- Lecture Guéneau: Matthias Kern
- Lecture Nguyen: DEZALB on Pixabay
- Lecture Oloff: 24127718 on Pixabay
- Lecture Struve & Macé: Gerd Altmann on Pixabay
- Lecture Junker: Clker-Free-Vector-Images on Pixabay
- Design. Angelika Gleisberg (CFF)
Events fall / winter 2023/24
MENSCHENanSCHAUEN. From looks to deeds
Exhibition of the Stadtmuseum Dresden in cooperation with the Kunsthaus Dresden - Städtische Galerie für Gegenwartskunst and in collaboration with the CFF, among others.
Further information can be found on the website of the Stadtmuseum Dresden.
Exhibition opening: November 4, 2023, 7:00 pm
WHEN: November 5, 2023 - July 7, 2024
WHERE: Dresden City Museum, Wilsdruffer Str. 2, 01067 Dresden
Lecture series
decolonial studies? - Research, education and mediation in a postcolonial perspective
With a view to the recent call by Jürgen Zimmerer et al. in "Forschung & Lehre" to "[break] the colonial amnesia in the sciences" and against the background of the upcoming anniversary of the TUD Dresden University of Technology in 2028, the lecture series will take a critical look at colonial history - including that of the TU Dresden and its predecessors. The aim is to raise awareness of the topic of "colonial history" and to provide the interested audience with a critical and diverse insight by bringing together institutions and stakeholders in the culture of remembrance and memory. Organized by the Institute of History and Integrale - Institut für studium generale of the TUD in cooperation with the CFF. The link to the OPAL course:
WHEN: Start on 07.11.23, weekly on Tuesdays, 7th double lesson, 18.30-20:00
WHERE: Auditorium Center of the TUD, Bergstr. 64, 01069 Dresden, lecture hall HSZ/02/E and in the Stadtmuseum Dresden
DAAD Guest Lectureship
Evening Lecture / Seminar
Professor Dr. Didier Houénoudé, an internationally renowned art historian, will be a guest lecturer in the Chair of History of Art at the Institute of Art and Music at TUD for one year from winter semester 2023/24.
Individual events will be held in cooperation with the CFF.
Evening lecture: Cultures of Benin: Art and cultural heritage from pre-colonial times to the present day
WHEN: November 6, 2023, 6:30 pm
WHERE: August-Bebel-Str. 20, 01219 Dresden, lecture hall E08
Seminar: Le royaume du Danxomè et le royaume de Porto-Novo: Histoire, organization sociale et culturelle
WHEN: Wednesday, 5 DS (14:50-16:20)
WHERE: August-Bebel-Str. 20, 01219 DD, Room 114
Lecture / Workshop
Sybila Guéneau (EHESS Paris): Le Néo-Polar des Années 1960 : quand le policier devient politique
This workshop with researcher Sybila Guéneau from the EHESS (Paris) will introduce the genre of the Néo-polar and examine how this form of crime fiction deals with the representation of reality and takes a position on social and political issues. She will be speaking as part of the seminar "Lupin, Maigret & Co. Der französischsprachige Krimi als Spiegel der Gesellschaft" by Dr. Matthias Kern.
WHEN: 30.11.2023, 4th DS (13:00-14:30)
WHERE: Wiener Str. 48, 01219 DD, room 0.04
Download the poster as PDF.
Thi Thu Thao Nguyen (Olympia Schools): Francophonie: Portrait du Vietnam
ThiThu Thao Nguyen (The Olympia Schools), former student of Romance Studies at TU Dresden until 2008, now regional ambassador of TUD in Vietnam (city of Hai Phong), speaks in the context of the seminar "Au-delà de l'Europe - cultures francophones et mondialisation. Cours d'introduction" by Dr. Torsten König about her home country.
In French language.
WHEN: December 12, 2022, 3rd DS (11:10-12:40)
WHERE: Online on ZOOM.
Information on access:
Meeting ID: 676 3246 8954
Invitation link: https: //
Identification code: niF*wE9Z
Download the poster as PDF.
Dr. AlineOloff (TU Berlin): The language of liberation. Women's movement in postcolonial France
Dr. Aline Oloff works at the Center for Interdisciplinary Women's and Gender Studies at the TU Berlin and has been leading a junior research group on diversity policies and anti-discrimination work at universities since this year. She will be speaking as part of the lecture "Parisiennes - Citoyennes! Feminist struggles since the French Revolution" by PD Dr. Bettina Lindorfer.
WHEN: December 12, 2023, 5th DS, (14:50-16:20)
WHERE: Wiener Straße 48, 01219 Dresden, Room 0.01
Download the poster as PDF.
Lecture Dr. Karen Struve & Myriam Macé: Of revolutions and revolts: Female voices in francophone bandes dessinées
Prof. Dr. Karen Struve & My riam Macé(University of Bremen/French Literary Studies) will speak as part of the lecture "Parisiennes - Citoyennes! Feminist struggles since the French Revolution" by PD Dr. Bettina Lindorfer.
WHEN: January 9, 2024, 5th DS (14:50-16:20)
WHERE: Unfortunately, due to the announced strikes, the lecture must take place online on ZOOM under the following link:
Passcode: NL8@YtN5
Download the poster as PDF.
Prof. Dr. Carsten Junker (TU Dresden): Entangled feminisms around 1800 and after: Revolution - Transnationality - Coloniality
Prof. Dr. Carsten Junker(Chair of American Studies with a Focus on Diversity Studies) will speak as part of the lecture "Parisiennes - Citoyennes! Feminist struggles since the French Revolution" by PD Dr. Bettina Lindorfer.
WHEN: January 16, 2024, 5th DS (14:50-16:20)
WHERE: Wiener Straße 48, 01219 Dresden, Room 0.01
Download the poster as PDF.
Tandem evening franco-allemand
Get to know your tandem partner!
Would you like to spend a convivial evening in a Franco-German atmosphere and get to know a tandem partner? Then this event at the Institute français Dresden is just right for you!
On the occasion of the Franco-German Week, the Institut français Dresden is organizing a Franco-German evening in cooperation with the Centrum Frankreich Frankophonie of the TU Dresden, to which you are cordially invited.
Depending on your choice, you will be offered a space for exchange in German as well as in French.
We look forward to seeing you!
Due to the limited number of places, pre-registration is requested at the following e-mail address:
WHEN: January 25, 2024
WHERE: Institute français Dresden, Kreuzstraße 6, 01067 Dresden
Call for projects
Ambassador:in of Reading Strasbourg-Dresden"
Strasbourg has been officially named World Book Capital 2024 by UNESCO. This title, awarded for the first time to a French city, will be officially conferred from April 23, 2024, World Book and Copyright Day, until the closing ceremony on April 23, 2025.
As part of their city partnership , the cities of Strasbourg and Dresden have jointly called for the creation of a community of Franco-German reading ambassadors in both cities.
The CFF supports and promotes this call as far as possible.
Website of the call: