Final theses
Table of contents
Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Science
BA degree programs of the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Science
BA degree program Linguistics, Literature and Cultural Studies
Master's degree programs
Diploma program Sociology
Faculty of Education
Bachelor, Master and Diploma programs
Degree and certificate documents
Similar to other examinations, you must also register your thesis with the Examination Office. However, the registration of the Bachelor's or Master's thesis is not linked to the regular registration deadline for examinations, but to other deadlines.
The examination regulations stipulate the following: "The topic will be issued at the latest at the beginning of the semester following the completion of the last module examination."
The word "beginning" here means the first month of the new semester. In practical terms, this means that if you received your last grade in the winter semester, for example, you must submit your BA thesis by the end of the first month of the following summer semester (by the end of April) at the latest.
However, this regulation does not mean that all modules must have been completed by the time you register your thesis (i.e. you may still have outstanding grades for individual modules). You can register your thesis before completing all modules. A minimum of 75 credits is required for admission to the BA thesis; there is no minimum number of credits for admission to the MA thesis. However, it is recommended that you are at the end of your studies so that you can use the skills you have learned in your thesis.
You must register for your thesis using the registration form. Please complete the form as soon as you have agreed the topic of your thesis with your first supervisor. Please use the appropriate form for your degree program and submit it with all (digital) signatures to the Examination Office by email. You will then receive the submission deadline and further information from the Examination Office.
From the date of admission to the final thesis (= day after the signature of the first assessor), the processing time for the BA thesis is 10 weeks, for the MA thesis 22 weeks (MA Social Pedagogy) or 20 weeks (MA-VocEd, MA-WBF/OE).
You will receive the exact submission deadline and other important information by e-mail from the Examination Office when you are admitted to the thesis.
- 1 digital copy by e-mail or via Datashare
- 2 bound copies (ring binding is sufficient), each with a bound declaration of independence* with original signature (without data carrier), please use the same version that was sent by e-mail. Some examiners (Ms. Anhut, Mr. Schubert, Dr. Schramm) read and evaluate the thesis exclusively digitally. In these cases, no bound copy must be submitted.
- 1 additional declaration of independence* with original signature for the examination file
(*Formulation according to the information sheet you will receive with your admission)
By post:
If you send the thesis by post, the postmark applies to meet the deadline. Please send us a scan/image of the proof of posting by e-mail after posting the thesis.
Drop it in the deadline mailbox:
On the day of submission, you can drop your thesis in the TU Dresden deadline mailbox until 11:59 pm. You can find all information about the deadline mailbox here. Please use an envelope for your work on which you note the exact address (School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Academic Affairs Office, Examination Office for degree programs of the Faculty of Education) and your sender . Very thick work must be individually wrapped.
Personal submission to the Examination Office:
If you would like to submit your thesis in person at the Examination Office, you can make an appointment using the appointment booking form.
Deadlines for submission
It is possible to submit an informal and justified individual application for an extension of the processing time for your thesis to the responsible Examination Committee, provided there are reasons for which you are not responsible. To do this, write a letter on your personal header sheet (your personal details such as name, address, telephone number, and the addressee) and state the exact reasons and the period for the desired extension and, if necessary, enclose evidence (in the case of illness: the original of the form for the certificate of incapacity for examination, copy of the child's birth certificate in the absence of childcare, etc.).
Please submit this application with your signature by post to the Examination Office; the application will be forwarded to the responsible Examination Committee for a decision.
Final and certificate documents
As soon as all grades are complete, the final documents (certificate of completion, certificate of grades) are created and sent by the Examination Office by e-mail. At the same time, the certificate documents (certificate dt/eng, certificate dt/eng, supplement, diploma supplement) are created and sent to the signature round. Once all signatures have been obtained (4-6 weeks), you will be informed that the documents are ready for collection or can be sent by post.
Please enter your current address in selma. If you are already exmatriculated at this time and your ZIH login has been deactivated, please send your private e-mail address and current cell phone number to the Examination Office by e-mail, you will then receive the access code for encrypted e-mails from TU Dresden by SMS.