Expert Group: Calculation Methods and Simulation
The development of modern lightweight structures requires scientists to exploit the whole potential a material has to offer while also enhancing the level of cost efficiency achieved. Computer-aided methods can make a decisive contribution to and are of increasing importance in future engineering development processes. Therefore, linking the calculation methods along the entire value chain plays a key role.

Complex structure-property relationships in the simulation-based design of lightweight structures in multi-material design.
The scientific focus of our work lies on developing and realizing of practice-oriented methods combining multi-process, multi-material, multi-scale simulation techniques which facilitate the design of efficient lightweight materials,
structures and systems in multi-material design. We benefit from the broad expertise of the ILK in the fields of experimental analysis, processengineering
and design and incorporate this know-how directly into both the model development and the results evaluation processes. So, the design process, which is largely shaped by the complex interactions between material, production, joining and system behavior, can be made more robust, precise, and efficient.
Our goal is to synergistically exploit the currently insufficiently used high material-specific potential of new materials and design methods, through digital twins and data driven methods. We combine in-house developed simulation and analysis methods with commercially available software solutions.

Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Math. Bernd Grüber
Head of Calculation Methods and Simulation
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Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology
Visitors Address:
DÜR, Floor 4, Room 463 Holbeinstr. 3
01307 Dresden

Dr.-Ing. Andreas Hornig
Deputy Head of Calculation Methods and Simulation
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Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology
Visitors Address:
DÜR, Floor 4, Room 462 Holbeinstr. 3
01307 Dresden