Writing Consultations for Students
Table of contents
What is a writing consultation? An explanatory film
Accessibility Note: Detailed video description to read and have read aloud at https://tud.link/25u4.
Making an appointment for a writing consultation
Welcome to our writing consultation services!
Here, you will find information on how to register for a personal writing consultation. At the moment, writing consultations take place either online (BBB, Matrix) or face-to-face in room FOE 109 (Fritz-Foerster-Bau).
If you choose an online consultation, we are going to send you the link by mail beforehand.
Appointments for writing consultations are made in OPAL. There, you can register for your appointment in the desired time slot. Individual appointments are also possible. In this case write us an e-mail to .
Not studying at the TU Dresden? Then you can use the SLUB's Writing Consultation service at any time.
Face-to-face writing consultation upon request
Currently, writing consultations for international students are scheduled online. If you are looking for a face-to-face consultation, you can write us an email detailing your request and possible dates to . Face-to-face writing consultation take place at the Fritz-Foerster-Bau (FOE 109).
FAQ: Writing Consultation
Schreib-Peer-Tutor Robert stellt in dieser Stippvisite zu den Angeboten des Schreibzentrums auch die Schreibberatung und typische Fragen, die dabei besprochen werden können, vor.
Please note: At the moment, the video on writing consultation is only available in German.
We offer writing consultations for free to all students at TU Dresden. In an individual conversation, our trained tutors will talk to you about all aspects of your current writing project (thesis, term paper, project work…).
And we would like to emphasise: Writing consultation is not only aimed at those who are facing acute difficulties and do not know how to proceed, who have got bogged down or tangled. We see it as an advantage to discuss one's own text with others in the writing process, and an outside view of working strategies or text drafts can be enormously helpful. Use the writing consultation to share your thoughts, sort them out or develop them further - Writing does not have to be a solitary affair ;-) !

The Writing Centre team during a team meeting in January 2021.
You will be advised by the trained Writing Peer Tutors of the TU Dresden Writing Center. You can find an overview of the team and further information about the individual persons on our team page.
If you are wondering what writing tutors are doing, you can watch the video (YouTube) from the writing peer tutoring conference 2017 here (Video only available in German).
That's no problem at all. The tutors are trained to help you find solutions on your own. The fact that they are not from the same discipline as you has the advantage of giving you a new perspective on your writing project. You will probably have to explain aspects of your writing project in more detail or in a simplified way, so that new thoughts, ideas and perspectives will automatically open up to you.
And as described under "Does the writing consultation replace consultations with teachers?" Your teachers are there to help you with discipline-specific questions.
- Are you fighting the empty page?
- You want to start but just don’t know how?
- You are not satisfied with your structure?
- You are unsure on how to limit your topic and where to find suitable literature?
- You have to hand in your paper shortly, but you can’t shake the feeling that you’re missing something, and you won’t make it on time?
- You don’t know how to structure your paper?
- You feel like your text is not scientific enough?
- Are you looking for that last something to make your sentences better?
- You don’t know how to motivate yourself to write?
- You just want to talk to someone about your writing project and get all your worries and doubts off your heart?
These and other questions about planning, writing, and correcting your text can be topics of a writing consultation. We will help you finding out how you can progress your writing. Furthermore, you can receive constructive feedback on parts of your text, please read the FAQ on text feedback to find out more.
And maybe you already know this, but: When you talk about your thoughts, you are already giving them a structure and it’ easier to come to new conclusions. That it what we are hoping for in a writing consultation.
Depending on the topic you are talking about, up to 60 minutes. You can come to the writing consultation several times.
No, writing consultations do not replace consultations with you lecturers, but they widen your perspective. During a writing consultation, there is more time to talk about your writing project, and with our tutors being students, it is usually easier to ask questions or talk about difficulties.
Field specific aspects or criteria of grading can only be talked about with your lecturer. But we can help you prepare for your consultation, for example by preparing a list of questions, so you can use your time with the lecturer more efficiently.
You are not sure whether your question is in the right place or whether you should talk to your teacher about it? Just come to us first and we will find out together.
You can prepare for the meeting, but you don’t have to. Just come with all your questions, doubts and thoughts – if there is no rhyme or reason to them, we will sort them together.
If you already wrote something and you want to talk about a specific part of your text or your structure, then let us know at least 48 hours in advance so the tutor can prepare. You can send us up to three pages of your text or bring it printed with you.
We use BigBlueButton for the online writing consultations. As by now we are all so used to working in online settings, we don't need to say much more about it at this point. We make sure to create a pleasant atmosphere online and look forward to seeing you on screen.
FAQ: Textfeedback
We will give you feedback on excerpts of your work. However, this does not include editing or proofreading. The aim of the feedback session is to give you constructive and critical feedback on individual areas of your text so that you can continue to apply the information you have received and the methods we have worked out together to your work after the writing consultation. Sample corrections can be about finding common linguistic errors and helping you to correct them systematically.
Perhaps you have a very specific request as to what exactly you would like to receive feedback on. This could be, for example, the expression, the structure of the text or the argumentation. Then you are welcome to express your wishes by e-mail. If you would like to receive feedback on your text "just because", we will give you feedback on the aspects that particularly catch our eye.
In addition to feedback on a specific part of the text, text feedback can always lead to a more general exchange about the aim and structure of the text, which ideally facilitates further work on the text beyond the consultation.
Please note that we do not give feedback on non-academic texts such as applications or e-mail correspondence. If necessary, please contact other contact points, such as the Career Service.
If you would like feedback, , register for a regular writing consultation at OPAL. If possible, register for an appointment in good time (no less than 48 hours before the appointment) so that we have enough time to read your text.
As soon as you have registered, we will contact you promptly by e-mail so that you can send us your text excerpt of up to five pages. If you have already developed an outline and a title or research question, you can also send these to us. If these are not yet available, please describe in three to five sentences the direction your work should take. This will make your text excerpts easier for us to understand.
You can also bring your text to the writing consultation spontaneously. Spontaneous feedback can also be helpful, even if it is different from prepared text feedback.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Any questions? Feel free to contact us at any time:

Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft
NameRobert Bosse
Schreibberatung, Workshops
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).

Writing Center of TU Dresden
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Visiting address:
Fritz-Foerster-Bau, room 571 Mommsenstr. 6
01069 Dresden
Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Zentrum für Weiterbildung/Career Service
01062 Dresden
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