STEM scholarship holders 2019/2020

The 2019 MINT-EC scholarship holders (from left to right): Martin Wüstling, Max Herzog, Laura Schramm, Fabian Glüer, Noel Hofmann, Emma Friederike Wittwer
The STEM scholarship was awarded for the first time at TU Dresden in 2019 to students who attended a MINT-EC network school. During the first year of their studies, the six scholarship holders will receive €300 of financial aid each month. On this page, the scholarship holders briefly introduce themselves:
Laura Schramm (Economics and Engineering)
Why I decided to study at TU Dresden: TU Dresden is one of only a handful of universities that offer a Diplom degree program in Economics and Engineering. They also offer a wide spectrum of consolidation opportunities both for economics and engineering subjects.
What STEM means for me: For me, STEM is the epitome of the future – the foundation of research, development and innovation – which is exactly why I want to get involved and be successful in this area.
Questions I would like to answer in the future: To remain competitive on an international level, how can companies simultaneously ensure good working conditions and a high level of productivity? How can we minimize the negative effects of economic growth such as high environmental impact and high resource consumption?
Max Herzog (Physics)
Why I decided to study at TU Dresden: While still in school, I worked on research here, meaning I got to know the university and met a lot of nice people here. It’s ideal for me because I get to study at one of the best universities in the country and still stay in close proximity to my friends and family.
What I’m passionate about: Physics in all its facets: You can study elementary particles that are so tiny that it's impossible to see them with the naked eye or the universe which no single person will ever be able to see in its beautiful entirety. For all that, it’s possible to research all these things and carefully formulate laws that apply not only to one specific case, but to all possible processes of its kind – no matter how large or small.
Questions I would like to answer in the future: How can nuclear fusion be harnessed practically as an energy source? In my opinion, it would have the potential to solve all of Earth's energy problems and allow humans to soar to the stars. We have a bright future ahead of us if we learn to use these incredible powers for the greater good rather than for destruction.
Emma Friederike Wittwer (Molecular Biology and Biotechnology)
Why I decided to study at TU Dresden: I really wanted to stay in Saxony for my studies and so it was perfect that TU Dresden has such a specialized degree program close to me and, as a University of Excellence, offers a good introduction to research.
What STEM means for me: Sustainability, Teamwork, Endless possibilities, Motivation
Questions I would like to answer in the future: How did life on earth come about? Will we be able to find a cure for every illness?
Noel Hofmann (Physics)
Why I decided to study at TU Dresden: I had a look at other universities’ websites, but quickly came back to TU Dresden and decided to study here. Some contributing factors were TU’s good reputation and the fact that it’s close by, so I could continue to live at home.
Questions I would like to answer in the future: It’s my absolute dream to work in space science later. I would like to find out if there’s life out there beyond Earth.
Martin Wüstling (Electrical Engineering)
Why I decided to study at TU Dresden: TU Dresden is held in high regard and is also one of Germany's 11 Universities of Excellence. I was able to get a taste of university life beforehand thanks to internships and visits during school and chemistry Olympiads. The wide range of courses on offer and the possibility of graduating with a Diplom were also factors that finally persuaded me to make my decision.
What I’m passionate about:I love taking a look behind the scenes at nature and technology to find out how the things that surround us work. I enjoy practical work and like to design experiments myself.
What STEM means for me: For me, STEM primarily means research and innovation that makes our lives easier and advances science and technology. It also means everyday life to me, because we almost always (consciously or unconsciously) rely on products resulting from natural sciences or computer science.
Fabian Glüer (Electrical Engineering)
Why I decided to study at TU Dresden: TU Dresden is a University of Excellence, internationally recognized for its important research projects in the technical and natural sciences.
What STEM means for me: Networked thinking and interdisciplinary research with the goal of understanding our environment and making it a better place. One example is the Research Priority Area of Energy, Mobility and Environment, in which engineers, chemists and geoinformaticians work closely together.
Questions I would like to answer in the future: How will electric mobility become affordable for everyone and available everywhere? What constitutes innovative energy sources?