Cultural programme in winter term 2015/16

© Culture Office TU Dresden

© Sara Trumpp

© Sara Trumpp

© Sara Trumpp

© Nicola Knauer

© Sara Trumpp

© Nicola Knauer

© Nicola Knauer

© Nicola Knauer

© Sara Trumpp

© Nicola Knauer

© Nicola Knauer

© Nicola Knauer

© Nicola Knauer

© Nicola Knauer

© Nicola Knauer
The leisure programme and registration for excursions in winter term start in October.
Find all information about the events and how to register via email on this page.
If you are interested in the activities of the past semester check out the programme of the summer term 2015 on our website.

Programm in the winter semester 2015/16
We will start our semester programme with a guided walking tour through Dresden’s historic city centre. On this tour, you will get to know some of the most important sites and hear interesting stories from Dresden’s past and present. We are offering this tour in both German and English. The German tour is on Saturday, October 17th and the English tour is on Sunday, October 18th.
Fee: 2 €
Facebook Event Stadtführung (17.10.15)
Facebook Event Guided walking tour (18.10.15)
Please fill out the online registration form and then pay the fee as soon as possible during office hours at the Cultural Office in the International Office. Only after payment the place is bindingly booked. Please bring your student ID with you when paying. Payment via bank transfer or card is not possible.
Note: Your registration is NOT valid as a reservation. First come, first served.
The cultural programme is open to international and German undergraduate and graduate students enrolled at TU Dresden. The programme for PhD students and international guest scientists is organised by the Welcome Center.
With your registration you accept the terms and conditions of the Cultural Office.
The excursions are mainly offered in German. Tutors will translate into English during guided tours and workshops.
- our Cultural Office website,
- our Facebook page and
- our info board at the International Office, Mommsenstr. 6, 1st floor,
- or register for our newsletter.
- You may also subscribe to our instagram channel
- and check out our videos in the YouTube channel of TU Dresden.
The programme offers some excursion classics and new destinations, every semester. If you are interested in the details and pictures of our past activities check out the archive and our Facebook events.
I honestly would like to thank the Kulturbüro of the TUD for the big chances they gave me to get to know better the city Dresden. The organisation and the involvement in different kind of activities have to be considered as a treasure. I think it is not so common to go abroad and find people who are good and kind.
The Cultural Office staff keep you in discovering a new city, giving you little advices in order to enjoy every day pleasures the city can give (without them this couldn’t be the same!)
The trips and the chances to win tickets for concerts or other activities are a gift for me and I guess for every foreign student who comes here. I really appreciate their work and the way they organize things. The more activities they would organize, the more I would like to be present to enjoy Dresden with fun, happiness and joy! J
When I first arrived in Dresden to start my Erasmus I was completely lost and alone, I had no friends and I didn’t know where to go. Basically, the normal feeling that everyone can experience when arriving in a new country.
When at the Immatriculation day I saw for the first time the poster of the Cultural Office, I must admit that I was a little suspicious but curious at the same time.
Some time I can be very shy and stubborn, but then I thought:” Why not? Let’s start this adventure in the right way, I should try and register for a few things”.
So, I tried the Welcome tour on our very own DVB tram and I was really amazed, everyone was so friendly and enthusiastic and in just one hour or so (while sitting on a tram going around the beautiful city of Dresden) I felt that I had made the right decision. A few days later I decided to register to all the trips that they were offering during this Winter Semester. And I have to say that I absolutely didn’t regret it.
In my opinion the best trip of all was Berlin, we have seen so many things in just four days, the price of the trip (only 90 euros everything included) was ridiculous considering that everything was so well planned and organized that I was more and more amazed every day, even if the weather was very bad and cold. Everyday there was a new reason to get ready and start the day in the best way possible: with the huge buffet breakfast of the hotel. I am just kidding, but it’s true 😊
The girls working for the Cultural Office are like angels (yes, exactly like the three Charlie’s angels 😊), they are always so enthusiastic and ready to help and give you advices and tips about the trips or the life in Dresden and they never hesitate to give you a big smile even if it’s freezing cold and pouring rain, yes, we didn’t have a lot of luck, because the weather was always very bad, only for us.
During all these trips I have seen breath taking beautiful places in the region of Saxony, places that I didn’t even know that existed, I have been amazed by castles, stories, ballets, history, museums and the stunning nature of this beautiful region.
The most important thing was that I met so many new people, coming from different countries, different cultures, speaking every kind of possible language. I opened my self-up, trying new things and doing my best to enjoy every moment as much as I could. Even if I was thousands of km far from home, with these weekly plans I never felt homesick or alone, because I had found a new international family.
Even if my week had been stressful or full of lessons and new challenges, during these trips I really felt free and happy to have done the right decision of coming to Dresden, almost blessed.
Last but not least, what about the food? I have tried so many different and delicious thing from all around the world, more that I could have ever imagined; from the super classic German Schnitzel eaten inside and old medieval castle, to the vegan food of the hipster restaurant in Leipzig, to the classic Christmas meal of the German tradition.
Tip for the readers: Just register on time and be ready for a surprise!
P.S. See you next semester!
International X-Mas Party of TU Dresden 2017 © Salt & Pepper Photography
The International X-Mas Party of TU Dresden is a highlight of the university year.
Find impressions of the past parties on the website (see link above).
Show us your best snapshots of the excursions and make them the motif for next semester's flyer! Take part in the photo competition and win cool prices!
Find all information in the Facebook events and on the TUD website. Please send us an email if you prefer not to participate on Facebook.
The competition is supported by the Studentenwerk Dresden.
By the end of each term we ask you to participate in our online survey. Take 5 minutes and win a 5€ travel voucher or a TUD merchandise-set!
Find up-to-date information in our Cultural Office Facebook events
One more detail: All TUD students can take part - regardless whether they already joined one of the events offered by the Cultural Office or not. Good luck!
On Saturday, October 24th, you can join us on our first holiday excursion to Tourgau, one of the most important cities of the Reformation. Once you have encountered German cuisine in the restaurant “Germers”, we will get to know the time of “Luther and the Princes” in the Hartenfels castle. Afterwards, you have the opportunity to experience the revolutionary discovery of the printing press in a letterpress printing workshop.
Fee: 10 €
Facebook Event
On Sunday, November 1st, we will explore Dresden’s neighbouring city, Radebeul. Radebeul is famous for at least two things: its romantic vineyards and the birthplace of Karl May, the Saxon author of famous Wild West novels. After hiking through the different vineyards and lunch in a rustic saloon style restaurant, we will get to know the world of Winnetou and Old Shatterhand in the Karl May Museum.
Fee: 5 €
Facebook Event
To register* please send us an E-mail with the following information to . |
You have the chance to visit the dress rehearsal of the Ballett “Manon” on November 4th in the Semper Opera House. This event is only open to school groups and students. Through a detailed introduction you will get a behind-the-scenes view of the piece. You will end the evening watching a part of the rehearsal in Dresden’s world-famous opera house.
Fee: 2 €
Facebook Event
Our first weekend trip on November 7th and 8th takes us to the musical city of Leipzig. After a guided walking tour that highlights the stories of Bach, Wagner and the famous concert hall the “Gewandhaus”, you can listen to a part of Bach’s musical world in the St. Thomas Church. In the “Zeitgenössisches Forum” we will immerse ourselves in Germany’s more recent history namely, the peaceful revolution and reunification which started in Leipzig. You will get to know the trendier side of Leipzig by walking through the creative Plagwitz district. Accommodation, breakfast and entrance for all planned activities are included in your participation fee.
Fee: 20 €
Facebook Event
On our excursion, Jewish Dresden, on Sunday, November 15th, you will learn about the history of the Jewish community in Dresden. Through a tour of the Old Jewish Cemetery in the Neustadt district you will hear the stories of some of Dresden’s citizens—both ordinary and extraordinary. For example the Kaskel banking family, who founded the “Dresdner Bank”. In the New Synagogue, you will learn more about Dresden’s Jewish communities’ recent history and present day activities. Additionally, you will experience the modern and surprising architecture! At the end of the day together, you will have the opportunity to share your experiences and observations over “Kaffee und Kuchen”—a typical German tradition.
Fee: 4 €
Facebook Event
Hellerau — this district in Dresden is associated with modern and contemporary dance from the 20th century to present day, and has strong connections to famous names like Mary Wigman, Gret Palucca and William Forsythe. On Saturday, November 21st, we invite you to join us as we explore the grounds and facilities not only architecturally but also thematically. Through a conversation with the artistic director of the NORDWIND FESTIVAL, you will learn more about the current status of the institution as a warm-up for the performance “A Lecture on Borderline Musicals” from the Icelandic artists Erna Òmarsdóttir & Valdimar Jóhannsson.
Fee: 3 €
Facebook Event
International X-mas Party
On December 4th your classrooms in the “Hörsaalzentrum”(HSZ Bergstraße 64) will transform, with the help of Santa’s little helpers, into a party location—from the foyer to the Audimax! The evening begins with an international Christmas market with exotic food and music. Later, you will find a colourful cultural programme with contributions from all over the world. Afterwards, you can dance the night away on the dance floor. Facebook Event
To get in the holiday spirit, we will visit the Christmas exhibition in the “Sächsisches Volkskunstmuseum” on December 9th. We will take a tour and get creative in an arts and crafts workshop.
Fee: 5 €
Facebook Event
On our three day holiday excursion from December 11th to 13th, we will travel by bus to Eisenach, located in the heartland of the Reformation. There we will visit the “Wartburg” where Martin Luther translated the New Testament into German and, according to legend, where he encountered the devil. We will then travel further to Nuremberg where you will visit not only the world famous “Christkindlesmarkt" but also the Documentation Centre Nazi Party Rally Grounds. On the way back to Dresden, we will stop to visit Santa’s hard working elves in the workshops in Seiffen located in the Erzgebirge region. Here, we will find traditional German wood carvings.
Transportation, accommodation, breakfast and entrance for all planned activities are included in your participation fee.
Fee: 75 €
Facebook Event
When it comes to the holiday season, we have almost done it all! We have seen traditional wood carvings from the Erzgebirge region, created Christmas ornaments, visited a Christmas market. There is only one thing left to do: eat Stollen! On Friday, December 18th, the “Stollenmädchen”, Johanna, will take us through the Stollen bakery and explain the secrets of this famous Dresden Christmas pastry. At the end of our tour, we will, of course, try an assortment of Stollen with coffee and tea.
Fee: 2 €
Facebook Event
On Saturday, December 19th, we will send you off into the Christmas break with a visit to the “Ice disko”. Show us what kind of moves you have in your skates!
Fee: 3 €
Facebook Event
For up-to-date information see

Cultural Office at the International Office
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Visiting address:
SG 8.3 International Office, 157
Mommsenstraße 6
01069 Dresden
Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology
SG 8.3 International Office
Culture Office, Room 157
Frau Kožica
Mommsenstraße 6
01069 Dresden
Office hours:
Appointments by prior arrangement.