Cultural programme in winter term 2020/21
REVIEW winter term 2020/21 - You missed the following events:
Table of contents
- Car city Zwickau - Saxon state exhibition: Boom.
- Dresden royal place
- Bautzen - heart of the upper Lusatia
- Graffiti tour through Dresden and curling
- Herrnhut Star manufacture with demonstration workshop - crafting the famous star
- Koenigstein fortress in Saxon Switzerland
- Cooking Club - sweet christmas time
- Photo walk through Dresden
- Cooking club - your country
- 150 years of the Dresden Philharmonic Orchestra in the Kulturpalast
- Slide in the ice channel - bobsleigh and skeleton track Altenberg
- International Friends Speed Dating – Online Edition
- With the Cultural Office through the Christmas season
- International Friends Speed Dating - Online Edition
- Further information
Car city Zwickau - Saxon state exhibition: Boom.
Saturday, 5 December 2020
Did you know that the cradle of the automotive industry is in Saxony? And that AUDI was already the second car company August Horch founded in Zwickau? The Horch Museum is part of this year’s state exhibition “Boom – 500 years of industrial culture in Saxony”. Join our excursion to Zwickau and get to know much more. On a guided tour in both parts of the exhibition you will learn how August Horch revolutionised the social culture in companies and why AUDI was founded. In addition, you can see the old engines and cars up close, and even to see an original boxing alley with racing cars from the 1930s. Of course, a short city tour through Zwickau is also a must.
Fee: 8,50 Euros
Included in the price: guided tour in both parts of the Horch Museum, entrance to all exhibitions and the state exhibition, lunch, city walk
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Dresden royal place
Sunday, 6 December 20
No other building reflects Saxon history more impressively than the Dresden Residence Palace. Almost completely burnt out after the bombing of Dresden in 1945, it did not shine in its old glory until years after German reunification. Come with us and follow in the footsteps of August the Strong and other electors and kings and marvel at the unimaginable treasures of the Dresden State Art Collections. On the programme: New Green Vault, Turkish Chamber, Armoury in the Giant Hall, Royal Parade Rooms of Augustus the Strong as well as Porcelain and Copperplate Engraving Cabinet. Later we will let the impressions sink in over lunch and then stroll around the Striezelmarkt.
Fee: 10 Euros
Included in the price: guided tour, lunch
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Bautzen - heart of the upper Lusatia
Friday, 11 December 2020 (from 12 noon)
Witajće k nam! – This is how people greet each other in Bautzen, in Sorbian. But not only is the Sorbian culture unique, but so is the medieval flair of the narrow streets and many towers. Discover Bautzen on Friday, 11 December 2020 (from 12 noon). After a city walk and lunch together, you have the opportunity to taste original Bautz'ner mustard. In the afternoon you will visit the former prison Bautzen II, also known as the “yellow misery".
Fee: 7 Euros
Included in the price: city walk, lunch, mustard tasting, guided tour in the former Stasi prison
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Graffiti tour through Dresden and curling
Friday, 11 December 2020
The quarter of Dresden-Neustadt is famous for its graffiti, but did you know, that there is a lot of graffiti in Dresden-Friedrichstadt as well? Together, we want to discover all the Characters, Tags and Murals on Friday, 11 December 2020. After dinner together we will go onto the ice track to play the German version of curling, so called Eisstockschiessen. It is not so difficult and it’s a funny team event.
Fee: 8 Euros
Included in the price: graffiti tour, dinner, curling
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Herrnhut Star manufacture with demonstration workshop - crafting the famous star
Saturday, 12.12.20
The Herrnhut Star is considered the origin of all poinsettias and has become world famous. You can marvel at it in all colours at the Dresden Christmas markets. We will be testing our dexterity and making our very own star so that our windows can shine in Christmas splendour. A guided tour of the show workshop and lunch together will complete this traditional excursion to Upper Lusatia.
Fee: 11 Euros
Included in the price: guided tour, tinker stars, bus ticket, lunch
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Koenigstein fortress in Saxon Switzerland
Sunday, 13 December 2020
August the Strong celebrated his 350th birthday this year, but the history of Koenigstein fortress goes back many more years. Join us on a journey through the 800-year history of the fortress, discover various exhibitions on clothes, weapons and the development of the fortress. In good weather we round off the day with a walk through the beautiful Saxon Switzerland.
Fee: 8 Euros
Included in the price: guided tour on the fortress, entrance to all exhibitions, lunch, short hiking trip
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Cooking Club - sweet christmas time
Friday, 18 December 2020
Culinary delights from all over the world taste best when prepared together! We meet once a month to get to know the traditional dishes of a country. We invite you to cook with us and to present your own country! We will get into the Christmas spirit! Let`s bake and decorate traditional Christmas cookies together! So that nobody goes home hungry, we will prepare classical savoury Christmas food as well. Feel free to bring a small delicacy from special occasions in your home country to taste!
Fee: 2 Euros
Included in the price: cooking and dinner together
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Photo walk through Dresden
Monday, 21 December 2020
Beautiful Dresden! Discover anew the photogenic sides of Dresden on a special walk with us! A professional photographer will give us an insight into her craft and give us useful technical and creative tips on how our photographs become true masterpieces. Afterwards, we will marvel at our most beautiful motifs of the Old and New Town during a small photo show at the Studentenwerk with pizza and pasta. And maybe we will already be planning our next walk together...
Fee: 7 Euros
Included in the price: guided photographic tour through Dresden with technical instruction, lunch
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Cooking club - your country
Wednesday, 20 January 2021
Culinary delights from all over the world taste best home-cooked and prepared together! During the International Coffee Hour we meet to get to know the traditional dishes of a country. We invite you to cook with us and to present your own country! For Wednesday, 20 January 2021, we are still looking for culinary inspiration. Which dish would you like to prepare with other students ? Let us know by email!
Fee: 2 Euros
Included in the price: cooking and dinner together
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150 years of the Dresden Philharmonic Orchestra in the Kulturpalast
The Dresden Philharmonic Orchestra celebrates its 150th birthday. On this occasion, we invite you to visit the Philharmonic's concert hall, the Kulturpalast. On a guided tour you will learn interesting information about the building in the centre of the city and the history of the orchestra. During the final dress rehearsal you will hear Strauss’ "Der Bürger als Edelmann" and Schuhmann's "Sinfonie Nr. 4 in D minor." A drink of coffee and some cake will round off the afternoon.
Fee: 6 Euros
Included in the price: guided tour at the Kulturpalast, visit of the final dress rehearsal, coffee and cake
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Slide in the ice channel - bobsleigh and skeleton track Altenberg
The Altenberg racing sledge and bobsleigh run is the venue for national and international competitions, such as World Cups and European and World Championships. Accompany us on a guided tour to Altenberg on Sunday, 29.11.20, and receive many exciting facts about the bobsleigh run, which is one of the most demanding artificial ice rinks in the world. You can watch a small competition live and close up to the track. And the best comes last: After a lunch together, we will do some sports ourselves and experience the ice channel in a spectacular way. We will race down in ice tubes in wok style - pure adrenalin!
Fee: 10 Euros
Included in the price: guided bob run tour, Ice Tubing, lunch
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International Friends Speed Dating – Online Edition
Dec, 28th 2020
Are you looking for someone to go for a walk with, someone to recommend a film, recipes, craft tips, someone to chat with or just want to meet new people? Then our International Friends Speed Dating is just the thing for you. It's guaranteed that you've never met anyone like this before. In different rounds, we will ask you fun questions that will help you get to know each other. In each round, you are thrown together with other people.
Join the event on Facebook
With the Cultural Office through the Christmas season
As soon as it gets dark, arches light up in the windows, everyone is eating cookies and chocolate now, and where does this new smell come from? Every day in December we show you a different aspect of the German Christmas season. Find out how incense candles are produced, where the candle arch and the small angle figures come from and how you can craft some Christmas decoration for your room. Try to make your own mulled wine. We'll show you how to do it and tell you our favourite cookie recipe and how the Christmas goose will taste best. Find information every day on Facebook and in our Instagram story.
International Friends Speed Dating - Online Edition
Thuesday, Jan 26th from 7.30pm
You want to get to know new people? Then our International Friends Speed Dating is just right for you. In different rounds we’ll ask you entertaining questions to get to know each other. In each round you will of course meet new people. Together you can then solve some small tasks or riddles. Having fun is paramount. So look forward to nice people and funny topics of conversation. Zoom-Link
In addition, due to the ongoing Corona issue, we offer cultural excursions that can be taken individually and Corona compliant.
Orienteering through the old town of Dresden
Can you find the right way only with a map and a compass?
Show it during an orienteering run in the old town of Dresden. You run or walk through the old town armed only with a map and have to find the right route between different stations. You will also have to answer small riddle questions. Send us the correct solution and win great prizes!
More detailed information can be found at this link:
Find more tracks in and around Dresden at:
Further information
Please fill out the online registration form and then pay the fee as soon as possible during office hours at the Cultural Office in the International Office. Only after payment the place is bindingly booked. Please bring your student ID with you when paying. Payment via bank transfer or card is not possible.
Note: Your registration is NOT valid as a reservation. First come, first served.
The cultural programme is open to international and German undergraduate and graduate students enrolled at TU Dresden. The programme for PhD students and international guest scientists is organised by the Welcome Center.
With your registration you accept the terms and conditions of the Cultural Office.
The excursions are mainly offered in German. Tutors will translate into English during guided tours and workshops.
- our Cultural Office website,
- our Facebook page and
- our info board at the International Office, Mommsenstr. 6, 1st floor,
- or register for our newsletter.
- You may also subscribe to our instagram channel
- and check out our videos in the YouTube channel of TU Dresden.
The programme offers some excursion classics and new destinations, every semester. If you are interested in the details and pictures of our past activities check out the archive and our Facebook events.
I honestly would like to thank the Kulturbüro of the TUD for the big chances they gave me to get to know better the city Dresden. The organisation and the involvement in different kind of activities have to be considered as a treasure. I think it is not so common to go abroad and find people who are good and kind.
The Cultural Office staff keep you in discovering a new city, giving you little advices in order to enjoy every day pleasures the city can give (without them this couldn’t be the same!)
The trips and the chances to win tickets for concerts or other activities are a gift for me and I guess for every foreign student who comes here. I really appreciate their work and the way they organize things. The more activities they would organize, the more I would like to be present to enjoy Dresden with fun, happiness and joy! J
When I first arrived in Dresden to start my Erasmus I was completely lost and alone, I had no friends and I didn’t know where to go. Basically, the normal feeling that everyone can experience when arriving in a new country.
When at the Immatriculation day I saw for the first time the poster of the Cultural Office, I must admit that I was a little suspicious but curious at the same time.
Some time I can be very shy and stubborn, but then I thought:” Why not? Let’s start this adventure in the right way, I should try and register for a few things”.
So, I tried the Welcome tour on our very own DVB tram and I was really amazed, everyone was so friendly and enthusiastic and in just one hour or so (while sitting on a tram going around the beautiful city of Dresden) I felt that I had made the right decision. A few days later I decided to register to all the trips that they were offering during this Winter Semester. And I have to say that I absolutely didn’t regret it.
In my opinion the best trip of all was Berlin, we have seen so many things in just four days, the price of the trip (only 90 euros everything included) was ridiculous considering that everything was so well planned and organized that I was more and more amazed every day, even if the weather was very bad and cold. Everyday there was a new reason to get ready and start the day in the best way possible: with the huge buffet breakfast of the hotel. I am just kidding, but it’s true 😊
The girls working for the Cultural Office are like angels (yes, exactly like the three Charlie’s angels 😊), they are always so enthusiastic and ready to help and give you advices and tips about the trips or the life in Dresden and they never hesitate to give you a big smile even if it’s freezing cold and pouring rain, yes, we didn’t have a lot of luck, because the weather was always very bad, only for us.
During all these trips I have seen breath taking beautiful places in the region of Saxony, places that I didn’t even know that existed, I have been amazed by castles, stories, ballets, history, museums and the stunning nature of this beautiful region.
The most important thing was that I met so many new people, coming from different countries, different cultures, speaking every kind of possible language. I opened my self-up, trying new things and doing my best to enjoy every moment as much as I could. Even if I was thousands of km far from home, with these weekly plans I never felt homesick or alone, because I had found a new international family.
Even if my week had been stressful or full of lessons and new challenges, during these trips I really felt free and happy to have done the right decision of coming to Dresden, almost blessed.
Last but not least, what about the food? I have tried so many different and delicious thing from all around the world, more that I could have ever imagined; from the super classic German Schnitzel eaten inside and old medieval castle, to the vegan food of the hipster restaurant in Leipzig, to the classic Christmas meal of the German tradition.
Tip for the readers: Just register on time and be ready for a surprise!
P.S. See you next semester!
International X-Mas Party of TU Dresden 2017 © Salt & Pepper Photography
The International X-Mas Party of TU Dresden is a highlight of the university year.
Find impressions of the past parties on the website (see link above).
Show us your best snapshots of the excursions and make them the motif for next semester's flyer! Take part in the photo competition and win cool prices!
Find all information in the Facebook events and on the TUD website. Please send us an email if you prefer not to participate on Facebook.
The competition is supported by the Studentenwerk Dresden.
By the end of each term we ask you to participate in our online survey. Take 5 minutes and win a 5€ travel voucher or a TUD merchandise-set!
Find up-to-date information in our Cultural Office Facebook events
One more detail: All TUD students can take part - regardless whether they already joined one of the events offered by the Cultural Office or not. Good luck!

Cultural Office at the International Office
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Visiting address:
SG 8.3 International Office, 157
Mommsenstraße 6
01069 Dresden
Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology
SG 8.3 International Office
Culture Office, Room 157
Frau Kožica
Mommsenstraße 6
01069 Dresden
Office hours:
Appointments by prior arrangement.
Missed events
Unfortunately, you have missed these events this semester:
On Monday, October 19th, 2020, you will meet many important people and organizations that will help you to study successfully at TU Dresden. Above all, the tutors will support you at the start of your studies and go on a campus tour with you. The Cultural Office team and student organizations will be glad to meet you at the information market (1pm - 1:30pm, HSZ, Bergstrasse 64) . Find more information in the TU Dresden news.
Another opportunity to meet the Cultural Office team and learn all details about this semesters excursions is the information market on Thursday, October 22nd, 2020, from 2 to 4pm. Unfortunately, this year's market will only take place virtually. Follow this link with ZIH-Login and this link without ZIH-Login. More details:
Matriculation Ceremony.
On Saturday, 31.10.2020, our semester programme traditionally begins in a DVB tram. The Cultural Office, the DVB and the Student Council of Transportation Sciences invite you to an exclusive discovery tour of your study city. With a specially chartered tram, you will get to know different parts of the city and its highlights, which you can later explore on your own - including useful insider tips from the Cultural Office-team. And the best part: Participation is free of charge and you can invite international guest scientists and your friends and colleagues from Germany and all over the world.
You can pick up your free ticket on Monday, 19 October 2020 from 1:00 to 1:30 pm at the information market of the International Office (imentoned above) or at the SCS information desk at the SLUB´s Central Library during their office hours.
Fee: Free admission
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