Jan 15, 2024
Voluntary commitment and excellent achievements - a portrait of international students at TU Dresden

DAAD Award Ceremony 2023 Prorector Education, Prof Dr Michael Kobel (left) and the award winner Zhaowei Zheng (right)
Voluntary commitment and excellent achievements - a portrait of international students at TU Dresden
Every year, TU Dresden honours the social and societal commitment of international students with the DAAD Prize. The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) provides funding for this every year. The 1,000 Euro prize, which has been awarded at TU Dresden since 2013, is intended to help give a face to the steadily growing number of international students and emphasise that each and every one of them is an enrichment for our society.
After all, it is not only the local economy that benefits from well-trained specialists from abroad, society and TU Dresden itself also thrive on these committed young people who are willing and motivated to face the challenges of our time.
Both small and large projects can leave a lasting impression. The following examples are emblematic of the countless unknown and private commitments of the international community at TU Dresden and beyond .
This year's DAAD award winner Zhaowei Zheng was involved in various projects during her psychology studies, which she successfully completed in September 2023. Her excellent academic achievements and involvement in the nationwide mentoring programme "Balu und du", which promotes equal opportunities and educational justice for primary school children, were decisive for the award. Zhaowei Zheng was a mentor for a primary school child from Dresden for over a year and built up a close relationship during this time. The process of mentoring young children was very warm and fulfilling for her. This commitment has also left a lasting impression on her own future and Zhaowei Zheng is considering the possibility of a future career in child and adolescent psychotherapy. Her commitment shows that compassion, and above all her own time and support, can make a lasting difference to a child's life and is therefore a valuable contribution to our society.
The DAAD Prize 2023 was presented to Zhaowei Zheng on 15 December 2023 by Vice-Rector Education Prof. Michael Kobel.
The prize will be awarded again in 2024 and interested TU students can find out about the current call for applications on the DAAD Prize website.
Many other international volunteers at the TUD
Another outstanding commitment was shown by Valeriia Kliuieva from Ukraine, for whom the active change towards multicultural equality in university policy is an important part of her social commitment. At TU Dresden she studies her Master in European Languages and is a member of the student council of the Faculty of Linguistics, Literature and Cultural Studies at TU Dresden and a representative for foreign students at the Saxon Student Union Conference. The war in her country and the current situation around the world have made her realise that everything can be changed for the better if people support each other and remember that their own voice counts. That is why she now encourages international students to actively participate in the social and political life of the university.
Tuguldur from Mongolia studies architecture at TU Dresden and works as a child carer at an adventure playground in Johannstadt, a district of Dresden. The adventure playground there is a safe place for all children who want to play together after school or during the holidays or take part in various events. His previous experience in the construction industry and his internship on building sites motivated him to do this. His view of social activities has also changed over time: 'If it's enjoyable and brings positive experiences, you don't realise how quickly the time you dedicate to it goes by.
Computational Modeling and Simulation Master student Diksha Chawla from India is a volunteer member of the student council of the Faculty of Computer Science and helps to establish communication between students through her activities. She takes indescribable pleasure in supporting everyone who needs her help. Her motivation is quite simple: it is the joy of being able to make a difference in other people's lives and to witness their personal development.
The long story of Noah Elias Tatari's personal development from Syria began in 2015 when he fled to Germany at the age of just 15. He is currently working towards his teaching degree for secondary schools at the TU Dresden. On the side he helps others as a bridge builder between the Arab and European worlds. At the HELPLINE Dresden of the Regionale Arbeitsstellen und Angebote für Bildung, Beratung und Demokratie e.V. (RAA - Sachsen e.V.), Noah Elias Tatari helps in emergencies as a translator when talking to the police or emergency services, puts people in touch with important counselling services or also offers information on everyday problems by phone or email. In addition, his YouTube channel "Noah's Class" on the German language for people from Arabic-speaking countries already has more than 100,000 subscribers. Having had similar experiences himself, he knows exactly how important human support is and how to help people who have been forced to leave their homes.
The volunteer work of Mohamad Nadim Tatari from Syria, who is also heavily involved in the RAA's Helpline Dresden, is also impressive. His degree in psychology and his personal experience enable him to effectively help people with a migration background. Everyday problems or critical, difficult situations are what Tatari is currently dealing with. And that is also changing his life: Now he not only has the opportunity to recognise the needs of others, but also to actively contribute to addressing them and offering support.
The team at the International Office would like to thank everyone for their commitment and all the outstanding applications for the DAAD Prize 2023. The examples are symbolic of the countless small and large contributions that the international community in Dresden makes to living and growing together.
Authors: Viktoriia Liebiedieva and Luise Thalheim
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