Leadership Culture

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As a modern employer, TU Dresden wants to offer its employees in teaching, research, technology and administration attractive working conditions and continuously develop our leadership culture. Those in leadership positions shape future scenarios. Their actions and their exemplified values have a direct influence on the development and motivation of the employees. They support their employees in recognising their own resources and potential and using them effectively in their day-to-day work. Leadership roles and situations at a university are associated with different requirements and challenges. TU Dresden's leadership guidelines as well as numerous support and continuing education offers are intended to support everyone with leadership responsibilty in developing and implementing effective leadership.
Leadership Guidelines at TU Dresden
TU Dresden's Leadership Guidelines are based on our values of participation, transparency, appreciation, honesty and a creative willingness to innovative. They represent TU Dresden's common understanding of leadership. They were drafted as part of the leadership culture project, which is anchored in the Spirit field of action of the Excellence Program, in a participatory process with both management and employees from academia, technology and administration and are intended to provide a reliable orientation framework for all employees.
Leadership at TU Dresden is characterized by
- We are aware of our leadership role and our impact as role models.
- We make decisions and supervise their implementation.
- We agree on goals and take responsibility. We act in a binding manner and are reliable.
- We take the necessary time for leadership tasks.
- We are committed to decisions made, whereby constructive criticism is welcome.
- We protect and support people who are supervised by us, and fulfill our duty of care.
- We take care of ourselves and embrace appropriate services.
- We see diversity as an opportunity and regard inclusion as a managerial task.
- We resolutely oppose any form of discrimination.
- We acknowledge the individual person with their abilities, competencies, development potential and individuality.
- We allow leeway for development in the respective area of responsibility and competence and beyond.
- We support and promote the development of our employees, taking into account their individual abilities and needs as well as the needs of the university.
- We consider ourselves responsible for opening up and developing professional perspectives.
- We create a respectful, trustworthy and open culture of cooperation.
- We develop and boost the sense of unity and responsibility in our team through team-building and nurturing measures.
- We take time for regular communication and create a welcoming atmosphere for the concerns of our team. We listen, ask questions when necessary, and allow for room for different perspectives.
- We involve our team in decisions and master challenges together. Here, we take into consideration the scope of action with both its possibilities and limits.
- We enable participation in diverse projects and promote exchange and networking.
- We value achievements by recognizing them and making them visible.
- We acknowledge and recognize success.
- We consider change, problems and mistakes as opportunities and keep on learning.
- We encourage open communication about mistakes and undesirable developments and use the potential for individual, structural and organizational improvements.
- We reflect on our actions and continue developing our (leadership)skills.
- We are allowed to show insecurities.
- We promote the self-reflection of all participants.
- We recognize and analyze conflicts and take responsibility for finding solutions together with all parties involved.
- We regularly give and take constructive, respectful feedback on both factual and behavioral levels.
- We seek and use internal and external support as part of our learning culture.
- We foster and promote a respectful, clear and open culture of communication at eye level and beyond all hierarchical levels.
- We provide time and space for regular spontaneous communication.
- We communicate relevant information in a comprehensible and barrier-free manner that is geared to all target groups.
- We make sure that the goals and strategies of the various organiza-tional levels are always known and taken into account.
- We establish a clear basis for decision-making.
- We communicate decisions in a comprehensible way, including
information about participants and decision making.
- We ensure the generation of goal-oriented results.
- We define processes and roles and keep a record of them.
- We prioritize tasks, taking into account framework conditions and resources.
- We regularly evaluate and adapt processes.
- We are willing to hand over tasks and responsibilities.
- We encourage creative, innovative spirit and the use of leeway and
accept the associated risks.
- Brochure Leadership Guidelines of TU Dresden (ebook)
- Brochure 'Leadership Guidelines of TU Dresden' as accessible PDF version

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