Measures and projects
TU Dresden has made tremendous progress over the past decades compared to other universities in Germany and abroad. The peak of this development is marked by the university being awarded the renewed University of Excellence status in 2019. The projects outlined in the Excellence proposal can be divided into five strategic areas with 13 measures:
Table of contents
In the strategic area of activity TALENT, TU Dresden pursues the goal of actively finding and recruiting dedicated researchers from around the world who shape their academic discipline with excellent research and offering them attractive working conditions as well as the greatest possible opportunities for professional development.
Attracting Excellent Professors
At TUD, we ensure our strategic orientation and continuous capacity for institutional renewal by optimizing and professionalizing our appointment processes. A multitude of closely interlinked activities and measures facilitate a structured, standardized and transparent appointment system. The appointment team aims to guarantee long-term quality assurance in the selection process (from the application to the negotiation phase) by providing continuous support and advice to the faculties and Central Academic Units which have the right to appoint professors. To further streamline and shorten the procedures, we strive to make the fast-track procedure the norm. In the medium term, we also plan to implement potential analysis and assessment tools as part of the selection process for professors.
Appointment Officer of the Rector | Team Leader
NameKathrin Dietzmann
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Visiting address:
Günther-Landgraf-Bau, room 6-119 Mommsenstraße 15
01067 Dresden
Active recruitment in combination with tailored applicant field screening and a target group-specific active outreach supplements the corresponding regular planning, application and selection phases in the appointment process at TUD. The aim of this holistic and binding recruitment approach is to noticeably increase diversity in applications for professorships as well as the proportion of previously underrepresented groups at this career level. Active recruitment enables and intends the conception, implementation and evaluation of visits and stays for excellent future professors at different points in the appointment process. The success of these activities is reflected in the recruitment and long-term retention of excellent international academics at TUD.
In order to retain the best minds in the long term, the Dual Career Service offers the partners of newly appointed (junior) professors individually tailored information and support in the phase of professional reorientation. In doing so, the Dual Career Service sees itself not only as a door opener and source of advice for career changes, but also as a holistic service partner for additional matters relating to family, housing and life in Dresden. With these services, TUD strives to welcome newly appointed professors and their families to their new home and offer support in a tailored format wherever it is needed.
Appointment Officer of the Rector | Team Leader
NameKathrin Dietzmann
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Visiting address:
Günther-Landgraf-Bau, room 6-119 Mommsenstraße 15
01067 Dresden
The Eleonore Trefftz Program – inaugurated in 2013 – is a special format for recruiting female scientists and will be continued within the EXU framework. The program is intended to support the long-term increase in the proportion of women at TU Dresden and to promote the diversity of the research and teaching potential. To this end, highly qualified female scientists are invited by the Faculties or Central Academic Units that are planning appointments in the medium term. In this way, the visiting professors are able to explore interfaces in their research areas for a period of up to 12 months, work together with scientists at TU Dresden and familiarize themselves with Dresden as an attractive science location.
NameSarah Nieder
Dresden Fellowship Program and Eleonore Trefftz Program
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International Office
International Office
Visiting address:
Fritz Foerster Bau, Office 167 Mommsenstraße 6
01069 Dresden
Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology International Office
01062 Dresden
Promotion of Early-Career Researchers
As the central contact and service point for early-career researchers at TU Dresden, the Graduate Academy (GA) contributes to creating optimal conditions for doctoral candidates and postdocs – based on internationally recognized standards – and also to ensuring the greatest possible scope for development. The support provided by the Graduate Academy comprises consulting and coaching, a writing workshop, networking and career events, support programs with travel grants and short-term scholarships. The GA also offers a wide-ranging interdisciplinary qualification program that includes workshops on academic work and communication, organization and management, and career planning. In this way, the Graduate Academy makes an important contribution to increasing the attractiveness of TUD in the competition for the brightest minds from all over the world. As part of a joint postdoc center, the Graduate Academy has been cooperating with the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) since 2020.
Managing Director
NameMs Dr. Barbara Könczöl
Qualification Program
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Visitors Address:
Graduiertenakademie Mommsenstraße 7
01069 Dresden
Research-Oriented Teaching
Thanks to the "FOSTER" measure, students and lecturers can now apply for funding to promote research-based learning and teaching. Funding is provided, for example, for student participation in research competitions or international conferences, for arranging student research activities (e.g., research projects, exhibitions of student research, publication of student research results), as well as for developing and carrying out research-focused teaching and learning formats (modules, summer schools, tutorials, etc.). In addition to providing students with financial aid for their further professional development, FOSTER supports student research by offering sponsored students workshops on academic writing and other topics, as well as by providing lecturers with advice on the didactic concepts used in their teaching and learning formats.
The goal is to create incentives for student research, to strengthen interdisciplinary approaches, and to help the next generation of academics become more familiar with research culture and to ultimately attract them to TUD to conduct excellent scientific work. Smaller grants can be applied for at the Center for Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching (ZiLL); targeted calls for projects with more extensive scopes will be made each year. The FOSTER program is slated to become permanent by 2026.
Detailed information about the FOSTER program
NameHenriette Greulich
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The "Teaching Synergies Program" (TSP) gives researchers from the DRESDEN-concept institutions the opportunity to work in close collaboration with TU Dresden lecturers and share their research expertise in research-guided teaching formats at TU Dresden. The focus of the program is to develop and guide the higher education didactics of teaching tandems between TU Dresden and participants from the DRESDEN-concept research alliance. A structured qualification program for didactics in higher education that is designed around the specific needs and context of the target group (primarily postdoctoral fellows) is also organized by the TSP. This qualification program also includes online self-study courses and certificates for research-based teaching.
The cooperative approach helps TU Dresden and DRESDEN-concept form synergies in teaching. The TSP offers its participants the unique opportunity to gain university teaching experience and to acquire qualifications in the field of research-guided teaching. This is an essential step for forging a teaching-related career and developing skills on the way to a professorship. The inclusion of (early-career) researchers from outside the university also makes the range of courses offered at TUD even more attractive and research-oriented.
Detailed information about the Teaching Synergies Program (TSP)
NameHenriette Greulich
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Teaching Excellence Tracks (TET) integrates both content and processes of excellent research (e.g., from Clusters of Excellence, Collaborative Research Centers, DRESDEN-concept partner institutions, or DFG-funded projects) into existing or newly established study programs in a targeted manner via teaching and learning paths (research modules, research formats, and science coaching). Students interested in cutting-edge research are put in a research-guided mindset and also benefit from a research-oriented and interdisciplinary degree program with appealing, internationally compatible methods of teaching and learning. These research-focused learning and teaching tracks incorporate (digital) research infrastructures into teaching at TU Dresden. It is aimed at lecturers who would like to offer research-oriented courses as part of structured teaching and learning paths in order to attract the next generation of academics to pursue interdisciplinary research agendas.
Research-guided learning and teaching tracks are an exclusive and innovative offer whose concept and structure is being developed in a collaborative process and continuously adjusted to fit the needs of teaching staff. Feedback and suggestions about the pilot project are always welcome. The opportunities for participation are manifold and appealing, ranging from the development of research-guided teaching and learning methods to the development of entire research-oriented modules; from dedicated committee work all the way to course design for the implementation of the teaching and learning tracks.
Detailed information about Teaching Excellence Tracks
NameHenriette Greulich
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Personnel Development
The Central Unit for Personnel and Organizational Development is intended to help attract the brightest minds to TUD, to support them in their development, to retain them at the university, and also to successfully accompany change processes. In doing so, its core tasks – in collaboration with individual stakeholders involved in personnel development – are promoting careers, potential, continuing education and the work-life balance of all employees, creating good, healthy working conditions, developing transparent structures and clearly defined responsibilities, supporting team building and networking as well as achieving equal opportunities and the full integration of all employees. In addition, the measures and goals described in the 2020 personnel development plan need to be implemented.
Personnel Development at TU Dresden
Head of Unit Personnel Development
NameMax Schulz
Consultant Strategic Personnel Development
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In the strategic area of activity PROFILE, TU Dresden pursues the goal of further developing itself as a technical, comprehensive university with a greater disciplinary range to a national and international top-level, to realize internationally visible, excellent research in all Research Priority Areas and to implement broad interdisciplinarity on an equal basis.
Strengthening emerging fields
The aim of the emerging field is to broadly examine and research cultural manifestations as well as the consequences of processes of change in society. Main focal points include social and cultural conflict research, the study of the relationship between social dynamics and emotional orders, and the exploration of disruptive phenomena with regard to digitalization, as well as the tension-prone interplay between culture and technology. The newly established Chair of Digital Cultures reflects the social dynamics of digitalization in research and teaching, e.g., in the new master’s degree in Digital Humanities. Theoretical and case-related research on constellations and effects of societal change include the expertise and the full potential of TU Dresden and its partners. This will enable the generation of additional transdisciplinary impulses for the future orientation of Humanities and Social Sciences at TU Dresden, as they are already laid out in additional tenure track professorships and the Open Topic Postdoc program.
NameProf. Dr. Christian Prunitsch
Chair of Western Slavic Literatures and Cultural Studies
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Visiting address:
Bürogebäude Wiener Straße, Room 218 Wiener Straße 48
01219 Dresden
Office hours:
- Monday:
- 11:00 - 12:00
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The measure "Disruption and Societal Change” is intended to contribute to achieving scientific excellence and international visibility in all five Research Priority Areas of TUD, especially in the Emerging Field “Societal Change”, and thus to develop the university as a whole to a high level. In joint interdisciplinary work, the aim is to elevate disruption to a basic category of research into societal change and to record its preconditions, logics and effects more precisely in a basic-oriented and exemplary subject-related manner.
NameProf. Dr. Christian Prunitsch
Chair of Western Slavic Literatures and Cultural Studies
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Visiting address:
Bürogebäude Wiener Straße, Room 218 Wiener Straße 48
01219 Dresden
Office hours:
- Monday:
- 11:00 - 12:00
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The emerging field of water research is a measure as part of the Excellence Strategy of TU Dresden and is supported by a multidisciplinary team, consisting of scientists from the three departments of the Faculty of Environmental Sciences as well as the Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research (UFZ). It is our mission to tame water extremes. To help achieve this goal, we are conducting research on the adaptation of our natural and urban water systems to climate extremes, such as periods of heat and drought, heavy precipitation, and flooding, as well as to continuing land-use change and increased pollutant discharge. We aim to enhance the resilience of our water systems and minimize the negative effects of extremes on water quality and quantity as much as possible.
As part of the emerging field, the new Chair “Data Analytics in Hydro Sciences” was established in joint appointment with the UFZ, which has been filled by Professor Jakob Zscheischler since March 2023.
Current key topics of the emerging field are:
- Influence of climate-induced changes and extremes on aquatic ecosystems and pollutant dynamics and impacts; opportunities to improve resilience and ensure water quality through adaptive management
- Impact of climate-related changes and extremes on urban drainage basins and their interaction with natural hydrological drainage basins, opportunities for climate adaptation, goal of zero pollution
- Management strategies for transforming forestry toward drought-resilient, climate-adapted forests and their role in water balance
Mr Prof. Dr. Stefan Stolte
Chair Hydrochemistry and Water Technology
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The focus of this Emerging Field is on designing efficient, safe, and intelligent transport systems. Transport and mobility are being rethought under the normative vision of sustainable development. Research on user needs and mobility services will drive and simultaneously inspire research on new automated and connected technologies. Five key areas have been defined for this integrative research approach:
- technological innovations
- user needs & mobility concepts
- governance & transition paths
- overarching research & simulation methods
- research laboratories & driving simulators
Close interdisciplinary cooperation of the focus areas is the central success factor for the holistic and systemic research on automated and networked mobility. TU Dresden pools the expertise of the largest Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences in Germany as well as various other partners at TU Dresden in the DRESDEN-concept network as well as with non-university research institutes and industry. Construction and infrastructure measures, planned large-scale research projects, and two research training groups on scenarios, evaluation, and acceptance of highly automated mobility offer excellent conditions. An Excellence Chair of Transport Modeling & Simulation should accelerate development.
NameProf. Dr. S. Travis Waller
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Chair of Transport Modelling and Simulation
Visiting address:
Gerhart-Potthoff-Bau, POT 003 Hettnerstraße 1-3
01069 Dresden
Managing Director
NameDr. Michael Krieg
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Dean's Office "Friedrich List" Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences
Dean's Office "Friedrich List" Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences
This Emerging Field will focus on software methods and system architectures for data-intensive research. The priorities are data analysis and knowledge extraction, visual representation/interactive use of large amounts of data, and the provision of virtual research environments. The Center for Interdisciplinary Digital Science (CIDS) and the Center for Synergy of Systems (SynoSys) were founded to pool and expand the expertise required to use digital processes and research digitalization processes.
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Björn Andres
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Visiting address:
Andreas-Pfitzmann-Bau, 2022 Nöthnitzer Str. 46
01187 Dresden
Digitization as a driver of innovation
Digitalization, as a process with enormous technical and societal impact, poses significant challenges that require the full breadth of academic competencies available at TUD. With the Center for Interdisciplinary Digital Science (CIDS) which brings together TUD’s expertise in the field of digital and data-intensive science and will be housed in the new Lehmann Center Building. TUD addresses the fields of digitalization, digital architectures and software in a highly visible synergetic approach. This Center will promote scientific cooperation, bundle research expertise, improve support services and bolster the attractiveness of the University as a whole.
NameProf. Dr. Wolfgang E. Nagel
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Center for Information Services and High Performance Computing (ZIH)
Center for Information Services and High Performance Computing (ZIH)
Visitor Address:
Willers-Bau, Room A 207 Zellescher Weg 12
01069 Dresden
The Center Synergy of Systems (SynoSys) develops transdisciplinary approaches and methods in the fields of network science, data science, digital science and citizen science with the aim of conducting integrative research into complex phenomena at the interfaces between biomedicine, social sciences and life sciences. The focus is on dynamic phenomena such as pandemics, chronic diseases, mental health, planetary health, and the emergence of cooperative systems in biology and society, which cannot be understood solely through individual, traditional sub-disciplines, but only through lateral perspectives and integrative methods from complexity research. SynoSys is not only a think tank – it’s also a “link tank” that teaches early career researchers about complexity research and science beyond disciplinary boundaries. As a department of the Center for Interdisciplinary Digital Sciences (CIDS), SynoSys is a node in the network of transdisciplinary research.
Contact: Prof. Dirk Brockmann
To promote the university’s digital transformation in all performance dimensions, TU Dresden is renewing its digital and IT governance as part of the EXU program. The focus is on the establishment of a Chief Officer for Digitalization and Information (CDIO) as a member of the Extended University Executive Board in 2020. The CDIO develops strategies for digitalization in teaching, research, and administration as well as for the responsible use of IT. The main initial milestones are the establishment of the CDIO Strategy Council and the IT coordinating team, the gradual development of the Center for Interdisciplinary Digital Sciences (CIDS), and the targeted further development of IT service management.
NameMs Dr. Melanie Rödel
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Office of the Chief Officer Digitalisation and Information Management
Office of the Chief Officer Digitalisation and Information Management
Visiting address:
Rektoratsgebäude, Raum 314.1 Mommsenstraße 11
01069 Dresden
Research Promotion
Competitive third-party funding applications are an important key to excellent research at TU Dresden. As part of TU Dresden’s research promotion, the Project Scouts team support scientists in all phases of the application for third-party funding. In this process, the STUDIO formats serve to develop and explore joint project ideas. At the same time, they promote networking and finding relevant project partners within and outside of TU Dresden. The identification of relevant funding measures in connection with text-strategic and formal guidance on the preparation of applications round off the service provided by the Project Scouts.
Further information & services of the Project Scouts
Health Sciences, Biomedicine and Bioengineering
NameDr. Sacha Hanig
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In the strategic area of activity COLLABORATION, TU Dresden pursues the goal of deepening its regional and international research networks and facilitating new collaborations.
Further Development of DRESDEN-concept
The DRESDEN-concept Science and Innovation Campus measure aims to further develop the alliance's close cooperation institutionally as well. Under the DRESDEN-concept, this should increasingly create structures that will further increase the visibility of Dresden as a research location and further improve the framework conditions for local scientists. The main focus is on shared infrastructures and independent junior research groups. Moreover, DRESDEN-concept institutions provide incentives for interdisciplinary and inter-organizational research, and the transfer of knowledge into society is also taken into account. Monitoring measures are intended to record and analyze the alliance's outcomes (business intelligence) and communicate their strength based on data.
In order to provide scientists with better access to specialised equipment and adequate services, joint technology platforms are being established. The goal is to use investments efficiently and to ensure their planning security in the long term. Through the joint use of equipment and laboratory infrastructure, duplicate purchases are avoided, the costs of servicing and maintenance distributed, and access and availability improved. For a smooth implementation, this paradigm shift from “owning” to “using” is accompanied by communication, standardization and manifestation in target agreements.
Advisor Technology Platforms
NameJuliane Hoth
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Visiting address:
Günter-Landgraf-Bau, 6-222 Mommsenstraße 15
01069 Dresden
Expansion of International Collaborations
The internationalization of TU Dresden is to be advanced further in order to enable scientifically synergetic collaborations that have an impact on studying and teaching as well as on transfer. To this end, strategic partnerships are to be expanded both at the central level and at that of the Schools. Funding programs which enable all status groups at TUD to participate in internationalization will be implemented. One goal is for internationality to be reflected in the culture of the University and in the self-image of all University members. Success is made visible, among other things, through joint activities with strategic partners, increased international activities of all University members, and the visibility of internationality: on campus, in research and teaching, in communication and organization.
Further information on the internationalization strategy
Team Leader
NameDanny Klotzsche
Advisor Strategic Partnership Work
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The Dresden Fellows program has been attracting leading international researchers to TUD since 2013. Apart from their other scientific duties, Dresden Fellows initiate new research activities together with their TUD hosts and strengthen the cooperation through joint publications and third-party funding applications. In addition, the scientists are also given the opportunity to become involved in teaching and research transfer (e.g. through courses taught in English or research-oriented workshops). Important aspects of the program are networking with relevant colleagues at TUD and DRESDEN-concept and integration into life at the University and in the community.
Further information about the Dresden Fellows Program
NameSarah Nieder
Dresden Fellowship Program and Eleonore Trefftz Program
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International Office
International Office
Visiting address:
Fritz Foerster Bau, Office 167 Mommsenstraße 6
01069 Dresden
Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology International Office
01062 Dresden
The transCampus with King’s College London is a research-intensive partnership with shared structures and professorships that has since evolved well beyond its origins in diabetes and cancer research. The successful, largely interdisciplinary collaboration is to be increased and expanded across academic disciplines. Special emphasis is placed on supporting early-career scientists.
Furthermore, TUD aims to establish one or more new non-European partnerships with a similar level of engagement and scientific excellence. Technology transfer will also be a key focus in this collaboration to further enhance the international reputation of TUD. We are well on our way in the endeavor with our partners in India and Taiwan.
Further information about transCampus
NameDr. Maike Heber
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The "transCampus science to business" accelerator program supports emerging commercial spin-off projects. The goal is to establish Saxon start-ups and SMEs in the marketplace. It was launched in 2018 in collaboration with Hebrew University Jerusalem and King's College London, and is now to be expanded in 2023 with the University of Zurich and ETH Zurich as well as with global cooperation partners from the medical sector. Support includes seed funding and the promotion of entrepreneurial thinking and acting through the Summer School on Technology Transfer in Life Sciences and close cooperation with the Center for Innovation, Transfer and Entrepreneurship (TUD|excite). The purpose is to enable project initiators to acquire their own financial resources and receive a positive marketability evaluation from TUD|excite.
Alumni are a vital part of a university's ecosystem and stand as her strongest allies. The expansion of the Alumni Office, with focused support for international alumni, contributes to TU Dresden’s visibility and reach by providing networking and exchange opportunities, alongside public relations benefits. Our international alumni also help maintain a global sense of community and continuity, ensuring that TU Dresden’s excellence extends not only far beyond the duration of a student's time on campus, but beyond borders as well.
To the Alumni Office
Head of Alumni Relations
NameSusann Mayer
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Directorate 7 - Communication and Marketing
Visiting address:
Nöthnitzer Str. 69, Room C. 104
01187 Dresden
In the strategic area of activity IMPACT, TU Dresden pursues the goal of further strengthening the impact of TU Dresden in the academic communities nationally and internationally as well as in the economy and society. As a social protagonist, TU Dresden strives to contribute to public discourse and to improve the living environment of the region's inhabitants.
Strengthening the Innovation Chain
The Center for Innovation, Transfer and Entrepreneurship (TUD|excite) pools all activities relating to IP management, know-how transfer to innovative businesses, and the TUD-related startup service dresden|exists, and supplements them with new pioneering services. In view of shorter innovation cycles, increased competitive intensity and limited resources, the time needed to enter the market is increasingly becoming a critical success factor. This is also true when it comes to sustainability, which must be addressed with a greater sense of urgency. The goal is to boost synergies, simplify processes and systematically expand the range of services for university members, corporate partners and start-ups. Innovation scouts, managers and teams will provide early support to researchers and clusters in planning their projects and the subsequent application, and they will enable quick and effective transfer.
NameMr Prof. Dr. Andreas Pinkwart
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Public Outreach
Excellent science communication is playing an ever more central role: Communicating science to society in an understandable way is meant tp promote a constructive and democratic culture of debate. For this reason, TUD trains its researchers and staff with the help of lectures and in science communication workshops to both enable and motivate them to go public with their research on their own. The TUD Young Communicators - a student video team - is helping to develop high-quality video formats specifically for younger target groups. Today, TUD increasingly relies on visual and interactive communication, such as infographics or playful approaches.
Head of Media Relations / Press Officer
NameMatthias Fejes
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Directorate 7 - Communication and Marketing
Visiting address:
Nöthnitzer Str. 69, Room C.211
01187 Dresden
Visiting address:
Nöthnitzer Straße 69, Raum C.211
01187 Dresden
The exchange of knowledge with civil society through dialogue is what characterizes the "TUD in Dialogue" program, a measure that is anchored in the Directorate University Culture. The measure addresses topics such as the promotion of democracy and democratic values, social cohesion, participation, anti-racism, diversity and inclusion as well as sustainability. "TUD in Dialogue" sees itself as a science communication tool that is innovative, targeted and has its finger on the pulse of the times. To this end, the Excellence measure creates spaces for low-threshold formats for dialogue and participation between researchers and citizens in Dresden and the region. The aim of the formats, which are mostly outreach in nature, is to promote a constructive culture of debate and contribute to reducing skepticism towards science.
TU Dresden will celebrate the 200th anniversary of its founding with a ceremony on May 1, 2028, marking the start of the subsequent anniversary celebrations. The 200-day celebration program, which will run until November 2028, will provide an opportunity to strengthen the relevance and effectiveness of TUD for all stakeholders.
With a diverse celebratory program that will focus on current topics and focal points of TU Dresden, TUD invites its guests, students and employees, as well as citizens and local and international partners to the campus and to events in the region. The TUD presents itself as a cosmopolitan, committed, responsible, regionally anchored and internationally oriented top university that is helping to shape the transformation of science and society in a forward-looking way. To this end, numerous events and formats are being planned together, which will contribute to closer networking and cooperation with stakeholders from politics, business, media and society as well as the science community. Our important global partners, whether from Europe, the USA, India or Taiwan, will also help shape the program.
The anniversary will thus not only commemorate achievements and celebrate current accomplishments, but also pave the way for future developments, transformations and successes at TUD.
University anniversary project management
NameMs Bianca Prüfer M.A.
Advisor Fundraising and University Anniversary 2028
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In the strategic area of activity SPIRIT, TU Dresden pursues the goal of further developing its university culture. This culture is characterized by transparency, appreciation, honesty, creativity, innovative spirit and participation while facilitating top performance in the light of this set of values. In addition, TU Dresden aims to strengthen the university's willingness and ability to engage in critical self-reflection, proactive transformation, and the assumption of responsibility at all levels to become a successful learning organization.
Internal Participation and Communication
Internal communication lays the foundation for TU Dresden's success. An efficient and transparent dialogue among staff ensures a high level of motivation when working together. Moreover, well-informed staff is happier and more loyal, while also working more productively. In order to meet these requirements, internal communication at TU Dresden is constantly being refined – with a view to the needs of TUD members as well as trends in society, the professional world and digitalization. To this end, we revise existing tools, develop new communication and participation models and establish an ongoing dialogue with members of the university.
Further information can be found in the internal area (ZIH login required)
Head of Unit Internal Communication
NameClaudia Vojta
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Directorate 7 - Communication and Marketing
Visiting address:
Nöthnitzer Str. 69, room C.201
01187 Dresden
An intranet is currently being set up as a central tool for internal communication for all employees in science, technology and administration. Geared towards the needs of employees, the intranet will offer an efficient interactive platform that enables the exchange of information and knowledge between employees, regardless of department or location. The implementation project has been running since September 1, 2021.
Further information can be found on the project website in the internal area (ZIH login required).
Kristina Richert
Intranet Project Management
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Directorate 7 - Communication and Marketing
Visiting address:
Nöthnitzer Str. 69, Room C.202
01187 Dresden
This measure pursues the goal of developing processes and tools for strategy work. Both the development and implementation of the strategy as well as the analysis and monitoring of strategy implementation are taken into account. The measure also includes the renewal of TU Dresden's mission statement. To safeguard the capacity for renewal and the position of TU Dresden as a University of Excellence in the long-term, special attention is paid to the active integration of the competencies of TUD members in the development of the university and the formulation of overall and sub-strategies.
Head of Unit Strategy / EXU Office
NameJan Röder
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Unit Strategy
Unit Strategy
The leadership culture project is part of personnel and organizational development at TU Dresden and supports the development of leadership culture at TU Dresden. The project aims to establish a common understanding of leadership based on our TUD values in a participative process with managers and staff of all TUD Schools. An additional aim is to formulate leadership guidelines, which are shared by managers at all careers levels and in all areas of responsibility. Based on these, the structural framework for leadership will be reviewed and personnel development tools and programs (continuing education, workshops, team building and networking measures) will be further developed.
Head of Unit Personnel Development
NameMax Schulz
Consultant Strategic Personnel Development
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For us, compliance means responsibly adhering to the law and to internal forms of governance, including regulations, statutes and instructions. Compliance is a key component of our members’ and associate members’ daily practice in education, research, transfer and administration. With the involvement of all university groups and staff representatives, we have established the Compliance Management System (CMS), which is tailored to the specific aspects of our various areas of activity, to firmly cement effective compliance at TUD. It is supported by four main pillars:
- Compliance in science and research
- Compliance in education
- Compliance in administration
- Compliance in interpersonal relations
Director Division University Development
NameMr Dr. Volker Balli
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Visiting address:
Rektoratsgebäude, Raum 303 Mommsenstraße 11
01069 Dresden
Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology Geschäftsbereich Universitätsentwicklung Dr. Volker Balli
01062 Dresden
Evidence-based university development was launched as a strategic measure to contribute to the sustainable development of TU Dresden as a University of Excellence. By providing evidence-based information through an integrated reporting system, the goal is to support decision-making processes and address the challenges faced by TU Dresden as a learning organization using innovative, quality-assured methods for future readiness.
Director Division University Development
NameMr Dr. Volker Balli
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Visiting address:
Rektoratsgebäude, Raum 303 Mommsenstraße 11
01069 Dresden
Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology Geschäftsbereich Universitätsentwicklung Dr. Volker Balli
01062 Dresden
Campus & Project House
The “Campus Development” measure aims to design the main campus as an expression of the Dresden spirit and to more closely connect the individual buildings and areas. The campus design master plan provides the conceptual foundation for the development of appealing outdoor spaces with excellent amenities. The future campus also includes TU Dresden’s accessible guidance and orientation system, featuring a uniform, bilingual, visual, and tactile wayfinding system. To make the campus socially and environmentally sustainable, the measure also aims to promote biodiversity and sustainable mobility within the university. The „Green Office“ of TU Dresden was established in 2021 as a contact point and for networking the activities aimed at improving ecological sustainability at TU Dresden.
NameDr. Volkhard Gürtler
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The establishment of the Green Office in 2021 provides both employees and students who want to get involved in the topic with a low-threshold contact and service option. Sustainability can only be practiced institution-wide if the university community is institutionally supported in its commitment and is given opportunities for participation. The Green Office makes this possible. Stakeholders and projects are specifically connected with each other, made visible, and enabled to take concrete action. As a coordination and networking hub, the Green Office primarily operates in the areas of dialogue and transfer as well as education for sustainable development.
Director Directorate 9 – University Culture
NameDr. Cornelia Hähne
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Directorate 9 – University Culture
Directorate 9 – University Culture
The Project House Future will be erected at the heart of the main campus of TU Dresden. Covering topics from all Schools, the building will offer both scientists and students the opportunity to get talking to each other, advance joint scientific work and present research results. This togetherness will allow new initiatives and project ideas to be developed and put into practice until they are ready for application.
Office of the Chancellor
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Visiting address:
Rektoratsgebäude, room 208 Mommsenstraße 11
01069 Dresden
Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology Rektorat
01062 Dresden
Parcel address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology Rektorat Helmholtzstraße 10
01069 Dresden
Equality and diversity are anchored as interdepartmental topics in the TALENT and SPIRIT target corridors. In recent years, we have launched directives such as the 2030 Diversity Strategy, the Gender Equality Concept and the action plan for implementing the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities at TU Dresden, and we have designed and implemented a wide variety of measures and formats within these fields of action. Successful examples of inclusive and overarching programs include the Gender Equality and Diversity Incentive Fund, the Diversity-Sensitive Teaching Award and the Diversity Days. TU Dresden is actively shaping and fulfilling its societal responsibility as a modern organization with exemplary character by further developing and expanding the fields of action and impact zones in the context of diversity.
Head of Diversity Management
NameDr. Sylvi Bianchin
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Funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Free State of Saxony as part of the Excellence Strategy of the Federal and State Government