Jun 28, 2021
Diversity as chance: Diversity-sensitive teaching award 2021
As in previous years, TU Dresden will once again award the Best Practice Award for diversity-sensitive teaching, starting on the German Diversity Day on May 18. The teaching award has been designed to honor lecturers and teaching concepts that address diversity, or one or several aspects of diversity (e.g. gender, inclusion, origin, family responsibilities, etc.) in line with TU Dresden’s Diversity Strategy 2030. In doing so, the courses and lecturers help to raise awareness among students to diversity in everyday university (and societal) life. At the same time, the teaching award is intended to effectively expose the high relevance of diversity-sensitive aspects as part of excellent teaching for all students.
Due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic and the substantial switch to online teaching, best practice examples for diversity sensitivity in online teaching are much sought after.
A total of up to 10,000 EUR in prize money is available, funded by the Excellence Strategy of the Federal and State Governments.
Nominations can be made by all students, members of staff, university initiatives and groups of TU Dresden. Students are particularly encouraged to participate by submitting nominations. There must be a cost center at TUD for accounting purposes. Self-proposals are possible as well.
Please submit your proposals using the attached form and attachments in electronic form by email to by July 09th, 2021 extended.
call: https://tu-dresden.de/chancengleichheit/preise-und-wettbewerbe
German Diversity Day and Charta: https://www.charta-der-vielfalt.de/diversity-tag
Information for journalists:
Dr. Cornelia Hähne
Staff unit Diversity Management
Phone.: +49 351 463-39726