Dr. Steffen Taut
Radiation Protection Executive
phone 32475
- New notifications and license applications
- Use of sealed radioactive sources
- Use of nuclear materials
- Operations of X-ray emitting devices and stray radiation emitting devices
- Operations of Accelerators
- Transport of radioactive substances and materials
Dr. Margret Acker
Deputy Radiation Protection Executive
phone 32477
- Head of the Central Radionuclide Laboratory
- Use of open radioactive substances
- Discharge of radioactive wastes
Svenja Mäser
Radiation Protection Office Staff
phone 32475
- Operations with ionizing radiation by TU personnel in non-TU Dresden facilities
- Management of the Radiation Passports
- Coordination of the personal dosimetry
- Coordination of the required medical examinations
Madlen Berger
Radiation Protection Technician
- Local dosimetry measurements
- Contamination measurements
- Measurement equipment of the Radiation Protection Office
- Radiation protection equipment of the Radiation Protection Office
- Operation of the Central Source Storage