Campus development
A sustainable campus is characterized by innovative ideas and lively diversity. The high number of students and employees as well as the compact campus buildings call for creative and multifunctional solutions to meet the diverse demands. Various projects at the TU Dresden form the basis for targeted campus development in the coming years.
Table of contents
Master Plan Campus Design

Campus zum Wohlfühlen
Lead by the Institute of Landscape Architecture (Prof. Irene Lohaus), a master plan for campus design was developed in cooperation with the Institute of Traffic Planning and Road Traffic (Prof. Regine Gerike) and Directorate 4 - Property Management, Technology and Security.
The master plan defines the framework for the future development of the outdoor areas on the central campus and places many individual initiatives and measures in an overall context. Continuous implementation over the next few years will enable the gradual creation of a central campus which also reflects the research of the University of Excellence and invites people to linger and to enjoy outdoor areas on the campus.
Master Plan Campus Design
getTUgether Zones
Sustainable Campus Project

Green Seminar Room at Weberplatz
With its initiatives and measures, the Sustainable Campus Project supports the environmental management of the TU Dresden in fulfilling its environmental objectives. It is also an important driving force for sustainable campus development.
Increasing biodiversity and improving the quality of life open spaces on the campus are the overriding goals of the Sustainable Campus Project. Sustainable Campus Project
Accessible Guidance and Orientation System

Guidance and Orientation System
The guidance system enables all university members and visitors to intuitively find and reach their destination on the campus and in the buildings of the TU Dresden. The aim is to achieve optimum accessibility and to integrate existing and reasonable structures into the system. Accessible Guidance and Orientation System
Construction Projects Funded by Public Funds

Center for Advancing Electronics Dresden (cfaed)
The European Union offers a variety of funding programmes to support research and education as a valuable public good. As one of the strongest research universities in Germany and Europe, the TU Dresden also benefits from these public funds.
Thanks to the subsidies, extensive construction measures can be implemented to expand a research-relevant infrastructure. Funded Construcion Projects

Bycicle stands at the Auditorium Centre (HSZ)
In order to create a lively, easily accessible, coherently designed and sustainable campus, the Institute of Transport Planning and Traffic, headed by Professor Regine Gerike, is developing a mobility concept for the campus.
Good accessibility of the campus is necessary for all university members and guests in order to reach their work and study places and to ensure efficient and sustainable processes.