Do you need basic information on academic writing or related topics? Are you looking for new strategies for learning and writing and would like to try them out in a group and receive feedback from other students?
Take advantage of the Writing Center's online workshops: our tutors will support you with academic writing - specifically for your current writing project or in preparation for your next writing assignment: you can find an overview of the current workshops and information on how to register under "For students" > "Workshops".
From winter semester 2024/25, the Writing Center will also be offering workshops, events and lectures on academic reading and writing in English specifically for international students as part of theSTUDYSMART network project. Enrollment takes place via the OPAL course STUDY SMART.
Every semester, the Writing Center of TU Dresden and the SLUB offer a joint series of events on the basics of academic reading and writing.
When and where:
- during the lecture period on Wednesdays, 4th double period (13:00 - 14:30), online
Participation in the series can be credited with 1 to 2 CP in the Aqua area or with 2 CP or 4 CP in the supplementary teaching area. All information on the individual workshops as well as registration for the various options for participation can be found in the OPAL course "Fundamentals of Academic Reading and Writing".
Of course, it is also possible to participate in individual workshops. Registration is possible in the OPAL course of the Writing Center in the respective semester program. A certificate of attendance can be issued on request.
If you have any questions, please get in touch at any time!

Consultant for Writing Didactics
NameClaudia Hammermüller
Further education coordination, public relations
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Writing Center of TU Dresden
Writing Center of TU Dresden
Visiting address:
Fritz-Foerster-Bau, 5th floor, room 557 Mommsenstr. 6
01069 Dresden
You don't have time to attend a workshop on a specific date or would rather learn on your own?
Then you can take a look at our Infothek on OPAL (translation into English in progress) - and if you do want to talk about certain methods, your individual writing process or your writing project, come to a writing consultation at any time with your questions - or just to exchange ideas: more information on writing consultation and registration.
We also offer you the one-week stress management course "STRESSenziell" on OPAL (workload approx. 10-20 min per day).
Further free e-learning offers of the TU Dresden and the SLUB, mostly in German:
- E-Learning-Kurs "Literatur erfassen, verwalten und zitieren - Basiswissen Literaturverwaltungsprogramme" der SLUB (in OPAL)
- E-Learning-Kurs " DiLiNews - Alles rund um Digitale Kompetenzen im Studium" des Career Services (in OPAL)
Videoreihe "Einführung ins wissenschaftliche Arbeiten", Institut für Germanistik, Marlene Rummel (auf YouTube) - nicht nur für Germanistik-Studierende geeignet :)
Videoreihe "Wissenschaftskommunikation 2.0", Angewandte Linguistik TU Dresden (auf YouTube)
Translated with (free version)
The Career Service, the Central Student Information and Counselling Service of TU Dresden and the SLUB offer regularly an extensive workshop program on other key competence topics (mostly in German):
- Workshops of the Career Services of TU Dresden
- Workshops of the Central Student Information and Counselling Service of TU Dresden
- Offers of the SLUB in the SLUB Calendar of Events
- E-Learning-Kurs "Literatur erfassen, verwalten und zitieren - Basiswissen Literaturverwaltungsprogramme" der SLUB (in OPAL)
The workshops of the TU Dresden Writing Center are mostly offered in a peer-learning format by students for students.
If you are interested in our workshops but don't have time at the moment, you can add your name to the list of interested parties in OPAL and will receive an email as soon as further dates are available.
The workshops are aimed at TU Dresden students at all stages of their undergraduate studies. Doctoral students can find suitable offers on the website of the Graduate Academy and the website of the Center for Continuing Education.

Consultant for Writing Didactics
NameClaudia Hammermüller
Further education coordination, public relations
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Writing Center of TU Dresden
Writing Center of TU Dresden
Visiting address:
Fritz-Foerster-Bau, 5th floor, room 557 Mommsenstr. 6
01069 Dresden