Service Catalogue

66 Search results

OpenLDAP Service

Tags: Authentication, B2B, Identity Management (IDM)

Shared use of central identity management

Data network connection

Tags: B2B, Datanet/Internet, Access Campusnet

Connection of institutions to the central data network of the TU Dresden

Central IP address management

Tags: B2B, Datanet/Internet

Subnets for organizational units of the TU Dresden

DNS service

Tags: B2B, B2C, Datanet/Internet

Name resolution for the Domain Name System (DNS)

Firewall at the interface to the campus network

Tags: B2B, Datanet/Internet, Access Campusnet

Virtual firewalls for institutes

OpARA - Archiving and publication of research data

Tags: Archive, B2B, B2C, Research Data, Storage

Archiving and publication of research data

TU Dresden trouble ticket system

Tags: B2B, Consulting, Help/Support, Information, Collaboration

Structured processing of requests with znuny (based on OTRS)

ERP-System SAP

Tags: ERP, Management Application

IT-system for business management planning and control of company resources (ERP)

DRESDEN Technology Portal

Tags: Research Data, Reseach Tool, Collaboration, Web

The DRESDEN Technology Portal is a joint online database of all partners of the DRESDEN-concept. It provides a comprehensive overview and access to scientific instruments, services and technologies of research institutions in Dresden, Germany.

Location: > > Dresden > BSS Bürogebäude Strehlener Str. 22, 24

SLUB Homepage

Tags: Reseach Tool, Web

The SLUB Homepage is the primary website of SLUB Dresden. Here, users are offered user-friendly and web-friendly, target-group-specific information on central SLUB services as well as numerous communication options.

Location: > > SLUB

SLUB Room booking system

Tags: Authentication, Information, Time Services

The SLUB room booking system allows various group study rooms to be reserved online.

Location: > > SLUB

Virtual desktops

Tags: Workplace, B2B, Collaboration

Provision of access to virtual desktop sessions