Feb 21, 2022
Third Gender Equality Report of the German Federal Government – Shaping Digitalization Towards Gender Equality
In summer 2021, the federal government published its third equality report under the title “Shaping Digitalization Towards Gender Equality”: https://www.dritter-gleichstellungsbericht.de/de/topic/60.dritter-gleichstellungsbericht.html.
There are many facets to the topic of digitalization and gender equality. For example, digitalization impacts men and women in the labor market differently. Algorithms, which are being used in more and more spheres of life, harbor new potential for discrimination. Meanwhile, gender stereotypes in social media persist. Even the question of who develops and creates digital technologies, how, and under what conditions is influenced by gender politics. The Expert Commission of the Third Gender Report of the Federal Government highlights all of these facets and more in their report.
The Agency for the Third Gender Equality Report at the Institute for Social Work and Social Education (Institut für Sozialarbeit und Sozialpädagogik) will continue to receive funding until the end of June 2022.
They are therefore available to provide presentations or talks on the Third Equality Report in the first half of 2022.