University Council
The University Council is an advisory and supervisory body, it participates in strategy development and in the structural and development planning of the university.
The responsibilities of the University Council are regulated in Section 91 SächsHSG.
The University Council in its current composition has been in place since 26.10.2023.
Dipl.-Ing. Jörg Thiele
Managing Director of iproplan®Planungsgesellschaft mbH Chemnitz
Deputy chairman
Gilbert Häfner
President of the Higher Regional Court of Dresden
Christian Behr
1st Pastor at the Kreuzkirche Dresden and Superintendent of Dresden Mitte / Evangelical Lutheran Church of Saxony
Ludo Deferm
Executive Vice-President of imec
Dr. Julia Duwe
Partner at Roland Berger GmbH
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Barbara Haering
President of the Board of Directors of econcept AG
Prof. Dr. Kristin Paetzold-Byhain
Chair of Virtual Product Development, Faculty of Mechanical Science and Engineering, TU Dresden
Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Gerd Schwerhoff
Chair of Early Modern History, TU Dresden
Prof. Dr. Babette Simon
Luxembourg Agency for Research Integrity (LARI), Vice Chair
Ronald Slabke
Chairman of the Management Board of Hypoport SE
Bettina Voßberg
Managing Director of Packwell GmbH & Co KG
Office of the University Council
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Visiting address:
Rektoratsgebäude, Room 313 Mommsenstr. 11
01069 Dresden
Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Office of the University
01062 Dresden