Practice oriented development TRC – completed projects
![Recycled carbon fibers](
Recycled carbon fibers
Basic research on recycled carbon fiber yarns (WIR-B1) further details
Funding: BMBF / WIRreFa
Period: 12/2022 – 01/2024
![Cross section of an epoxy resin impregnated yarn made from recycled carbon fibers](
Cross section of an epoxy resin impregnated yarn made from recycled carbon fibers
Basic research on rods made of recycled carbon fibers (EDISON-rCF) further details
Funding: BMWK
Period: 01/2021 – 04/2024
Transfer of innovative design and reinforcement concepts from lightweight construction to concrete construction (CC-Mesh) further details
Funding: BMWK
Period: 11/2020 – 04/2024
![WIRreFa material cycle](
WIRreFa material cycle
Theory and basics (WIRreFa – WE! recycle fibers) more details
Funding: BMBF
Period: 09/2020 – 05/2021
![Partners in the project RUBIN – ISC](
Partners in the project RUBIN – ISC
Concept for the RUBIN project (RUBIN — Industrial standard of carbon reinforced concrete (ISC)) more details
Funding: BMBF
Period: 09/2020 – 03/2021
Development of reinforcing mats made of carbon rods in the joint project Development of a machine for the production of carbon rod mats
Funding: BMWi / AiF / ZIM
Period: 06/2019 – 08/2021
![Rissverteilung eines Risses im Altbeton auf mehrere kleinere Risse in der Instandsetzungsschicht](
Crack distribution of a crack in old concrete to several smaller cracks in the repair layer
TRC as a basis for a jointless surface of concrete roadways (TOBFOB) mehr Infos
Funding: BASt
Period: 05/2019 – 03/2021
![Verbindung von Brettsperrholzwänden mit Carbonbeton](
Connecting cross laminated timber walls with carbon reinforced concrete
Connections for cross laminated timber wall constructions with high shear resistance further details
Funding: BBSR / ZukunftBAU
Period: 12/2018 – 06/2021
Determination of the pull-out force of a novel joint technology
SP 4: Connections according to structural requirements in the Zwanzig20-joint research project smart3: Thermally activated connections in modular construction – TAVIMBA further details
Funding: BMBF / smart3
Period: 09/2018 – 08/2021
![Elementwand aus Carbonbeton](
Element wall made of carbon concrete
Building system 2.0 for carbon reinforced concrete further details
Funding: EU/ESF | Freistaat Sachsen
Period: 05/2018 – 06/2021
![JB2017_Rovings_maschinelleSchlaufen_©Kerstin Speck.jpg](
Mechanical production of the loops in the weft direction
Material-efficient and practice-orientated design of anchorage and overlapping areas for CFHT textile reinforcements further details
Funding: BMWi / AiF
Period: 01/2015 – 11/2018
![Wand- und Treppenelemente aus Carbonbeton](
Wand- und Treppenelemente aus Carbonbeton
CRC for self-sufficient living (Wachstumskern autartec®) further details
Funding: BMBF / autartec®
Period: 09/2014 – 08/2018
![Prüfung Einbauteile](
Pull-out test of a flat anchor with a concrete cover of 16 mm
Dimensioning and construction recommendation for statically effective mounting parts in prefabricated TRC elements further details
Funding: BMWi / AiF
Period: 05/2014 − 10/2015
![Spacersystem DistTEX consists of spacer-bolts and distance-cages, which are simply sticked together.](
Spacersystem DistTEX consists of spacer-bolts and distance-cages, which are simply sticked together
Development and testing of a spacer system for textile reinforcements in concrete further details
Funding: BMWi / AiF
Period: 10/2012 – 03/2014
![Kontaktiertes Textil](
Wired textile before casting a smarttex-board
Load-bearing members with adaptive heating structures made of carbon fibers for buildings with climate neutral energy strategy | smarttex further details
Funding: BMWi / AiF
Period: 06/2012 – 08/2015
![Laid open Basalt reinforcement after fire, window opened](
Uncovered basalt reinforcement after fire loading
High-temperature resistant basalt-carbon hybrid textiles for strengthening further details
Funding: BMWi / AiF
Period: 07/2011 – 03/2014
![Rectangular double wave for indoor use made of TRC](
Rectangular double wave for indoor use made of TRC
Flexible, mechanized technology for the production of TRC components with integrated fasteners further details
Funding: BMWi / AiF
Period: 07/2010 – 05/2012
Textile carbon reinforcement for water impermeable concrete structures more details
Funding: BMWi / AIF / ZIM
Period: 03/2010 – 10/2011
Load application in thin-walled components made of textile-reinforced concrete with small dowels more details
Funding: DAfStb
Period: 07/2002 – 02/2005
Shear strengthening with carbon sheets further details
Funding: ASV Fulda
Period: 11.2002 – 2004
Restoration of RC components using 2D fabrics – masts, shells, slabs further details
Funding: AiF
Period: 02/1999 – 03/2001