Load-bearing capacity of a granite slab
Table of contents
Project data
Titel | Title Tragfähigkeit von Natursteinplatten | Load-bearing capacity of a granite slab Auftraggeber | Client KEK GmbH Laußnitz Zeitraum | Period 09.2009 Leiter | Project Manager Dr.-Ing. Torsten Hampel Durchführung | Realisation Christian Dittrich, Dr.-Ing. Torsten Hampel, Tilo Jänke |
Report in the yearbook 2009
Load-Bearing Capacity of a Granite Slab

Granite slab during the load test
The nominal capacity of a 1.00 x 1.00 m x 3 cm (thick) granite slab needed to be determined in order to exclude failure under the actual load combination at the time of installation and current use.
Test Set-up and Procedure
In the actual structure, such granite slabs are exposed to permanent and changing loads. Therefore, it was necessary to apply a central point load of 4.000 N (400 kg) to the specimen four times in succession. Permanent changing stress was simulated by these first four load cycles. In a fifth cycle, the load-carrying capacity was demonstrated to be 10.000 N (1.000 kg). During all load cycles, the slab was punctually supported in accordance with the building situation.
Measurements were taken and recorded continuously during the experiment. The load applied was recorded by the machine‘s load cell. The deflection at the load point was measured using a transducer that was installed inside the cylinder. In addition, deflections were measured on two opposite edges of the slab with external linear variable displacement transducers (LVDT).
The figure shows measured load and deflection during the final load cycle. The slab was neither destroyed by repetitive loading nor by maximum load application. Surfaces of the upper and lower sides of the slab were examined after termination of the experiment. There were no cracks or any other visible damage noted. Tests results indicate that the substructure has the ability to bear a load of 10.000 N without damage.