Motivation letter
The most important part of the documents to be submitted is the letter of motivation. It gives you the opportunity to present your personality, your choice of studies and, above all, your reasons for applying for a Deutschlandstipendium. Together with the information in your CV and your previous school and academic achievements, the letter of motivation rounds off the overall picture that the members of the selection committee form of the applicants and base their decision on.
First, you should briefly describe your personality - what qualities characterize you, what do you value in life, what has shaped you, what hobbies do you have?
Then go into more detail about your degree program. Here you can explain why exactly you have chosen your degree program at TU Dresden, what your expectations are, what you want to specialize in or what your specialization is and what your future goals are.
You should also explain why you are suitable for a Deutschlandstipendium. What achievements have you shown so far at school, during training or during your studies? Where and in what way have you been socially involved? Have you taken on responsibility in a club, an organization or in the family? Do you have any special circumstances such as a migration background or family circumstances such as caring for a relative or bringing up children?
As an option, you can provide details of a desired sponsor in the letter of motivation or in a later part of the application form, which matches your interests and whose focus matches the content of your degree programme. Please refer to the list of our sponsors.
Please include the previous scholarship year in your letter of motivation for the renewal application . Tell us how the scholarship has influenced your studies and your everyday life and whether you are in contact with your sponsor, for example. Tell us about your involvement in the network of scholarship holders and your other commitments that were made possible by the scholarship.
*For medical students: If you are already working on your doctorate, please provide more detailed information about the status of your work.
A classic letterhead is not necessary - just add your name in the header. A heading is also not necessary. For the salutation , you can use "Dear Sir or Madam" or "Dear members of the selection committee".
Please anonymize the letter of motivation as far as possible. Your name is sufficient. You should omit your address, telephone number, e-mail address, matriculation number and date of birth.
The letter of motivation should be the size of a DIN A4 page, written in at least font size 10 and preferably with 1.5 line spacing. So be concise, precise and informative. And above all - be authentic.
The Career Service at TU Dresden offers advice on motivation letters during its open consultation hours.