Information about PhD studies
Table of contents
- 1. What are PhD studies?
- 2. Advantages of enrolling as a doctoral student
- 3. Support in research and doctoral studies
- 4. temporary enrolment in doctoral studies (with student ID)
- 5. Deadlines for applying for enrolment
- 6. Extension of Student Status in Doctoral Studies
- 7. Applicants with international certificates
- 8. Further interesting links
1. What are PhD studies?
In general, doctoral degrees (PhD) at TU Dresden are possible in all available fields of study, whereby doctoral studies in Germany are generally regarded as an individual research project. You must first find a professor who is interested in your research topic and who can supervise your doctoral studies. When making initial contact, you should submit your curriculum vitae and, if possible, a brief exposé on the topic you are considering.
Find out more about the requirements of the individual faculties and their doctoral regulations! In order to qualify for a doctoral degree from TU Dresden, you must be officially accepted as a doctoral candidate by the respective faculty, i.e. confirmed by the Doctoral Committee.
As a rule, a doctoral project at the TU Dresden is possible independently of enrolment. If you are considering the possibility of temporary enrolment, you can find out more about the application process in the section below.
2. Advantages of enrolling as a doctoral student
- Periods of study (including doctoral studies) will count towards your pension; proof of this is provided in the form of your enrollment certificate.
- You can travel throughout Germany with the affordable Deutschlandticket (EUR 29.40 instead of EUR 49.00/month). This also allows you to significantly reduce your costs for participation in scientific conferences, exchange meetings or research stays outside the university campus.
- The use of MOBIbike is subsidized in several ways.
- By using the services of the Studentenwerk, you will benefit from attractive meal prices in canteens and cafeterias, social and cultural activities, advisory services and childcare facilities as well as reduced admission to student clubs. You are also welcome to consult TUD's social coun-seling service.
- You will also benefit from reduced admission fees and discounts at many cultural facilities (theaters, concerts, cinemas, museums, exhibitions, operas, etc.) that offer discounts for students, as well as cheaper subscriptions to newspapers and specific software.
- You will also have the opportunity to take advantage of the wide range of sporting activities offered by the Dresden University Sports Center.
- Only properly enrolled (doctoral) students (and doctoral university employees with an employment contract at TU Dresden) are fully insured by the University against accidents in connection with their work at TU Dresden. In order to enjoy the same insurance coverage students or employees as a doctoral candidate, it is essential that you enroll as a doctoral candidate.
- You are also welcome to benefit from the services offered by Student Health Management.
3. Support in research and doctoral studies
TU Dresden offers a wide range of services to support you in your research project. In particular, we recommend that you register with the Graduate Academy and contact the Welcome Center of the TU Dresden regarding any social matters. Please also read about the whole process of application/enrolment as well as tips for funding on the websites of the Graduate Academy
4. temporary enrolment in doctoral studies (with student ID)
Acceptance as a doctoral student is a prerequisite for temporary enrolment and thus for the receipt of a student identity card. With your enrolment you acquire the status of a student and are obliged to re-register in time for each semester by transferring the semester fee in accordance with the enrolment regulations of TU Dresden. Like all other students, you will then receive a student identity card (campuscard). The following deadlines apply to the application for enrolment The application is made via the corresponding online portal. Please note that you must re-enter your data to apply for enrolment, even if you have already registered with the Graduate Academy in the Promovendus portal.
5. Deadlines for applying for enrolment
for the start of studies in the winter semester:
1st June until 15th September (additional extension: 15th December)
for the start of studies in the summer semester:
1st December till 15th March (additional extension: 15th June)
6. Extension of Student Status in Doctoral Studies
Your enrolment is limited to eight semesters according to § 16 Abs. 3 Immatrikulationsordnung der TU Dresden. If you wish to extend your student status, you must submit a corresponding application to the Matriculation Office or International Office in good time before the end of the eighth semester (within the re-registration period). The supervisor of your doctorate and the Doctoral Office of your faculty must agree beforehand ( Application for extension of the doctoral studies programme)
7. Applicants with international certificates
If you have an international university degree, the Doctoral Office of your faculty, in cooperation with the International Office, will check whether the degree obtained abroad differs significantly from the degree requirements specified in the respective doctoral regulations. You can find out in advance about the recognition of your university degree on the website of the Central Office for Foreign Education.
If you are a doctoral student in your home country and only come to TU Dresden for up to two semesters without obtaining a degree, please apply as an exchange student.
8. Further interesting links
- You can find detailed information on doctoral studies at the TU Dresden in the Research section.
- The Graduate Academy offers young academics target-group-specific qualification opportunities.
- All international guest researchers, doctoral students and postdocs who stay for more than three months receive support for questions outside of their studies from the Welcome Center of the TU Dresden.

Admissions Office
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Visiting address:
Fritz-Foerster-Bau, Ground Floor Mommsenstr. 6
01069 Dresden
Im Gebäude können Sie Unterlagen zum Studium auch persönlich am Servicepoint vom SCS im Erdgeschoss abgeben oder Sie nutzen den Briefkasten vom Immatrikulationsamt vor dem Gebäude.
Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology Admissions Office Helmholtzstr. 10
01069 Dresden
For security reasons, students are asked to only write to us from their TUD email address.
Office hours:
- Tuesday:
- 09:00 - 11:00
- 13:00 - 15:00
- personally in the office
- Thursday:
- 13:00 - 15:00
- personally in the office
Please note different opening hours for Medicine and Dental Medicine
Office hours by phone:
Contact with the admissions office is always made via the Student Service Center.

Counselling of international students
NameMs Dr. Monika Diecke
International PhD students
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Visiting address:
Fritz Foerster Bau, Office 187 Mommsenstraße 6
01069 Dresden
Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology International Office
01062 Dresden