We want you and your whole family to feel at home in Dresden as quickly as possible, therfore we have put together an overview. We are glad to provide you with an information pack containing contacts, addresses and insider tips.
Topics include:
• Children in Dresden
• Living in Dresden
• Family and household-related services
- Familienwegweiser des Bundesministeriums für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend | Guide for families issued by the Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth
- Familienfreundliches Sachsen | Familienportal des Freistaat Sachsen | Family-friendly Saxony | Saxony’s Family Web Portal
- Eltern, Kind + Kegel | Familienmagazin für Dresden und Umland | Parents, Kids + Kin | Magazine for families in Dresden and its environs
- Staff Unit Diversity Management | Family friendliness and childcare
- Family friendly Infrastructures on TU Dresden campus
- Flexible childcare by the Studentenwerk ("Student Services") for TU Dresden employees
- Übersicht der Schülerlabore in Dresden | School Labs in Dresden - Overview
- Kinder Universität Dresden | Children‘s University Dresden
- Dresden - Stadt der Wissenschaft - Juniordoktor | Dresden - City of Science - Junior doctor
- Kinder-Tagesbetreuung in Dresden | Übersicht | Child day care in Dresden - Overview
- Elternportal: Anmeldeverfahren und Platzvergabe | Online registration and application procedure
Kinder und Freizeit | Recreational offers for children
Eltern, Kind + Kegel | Familienmagazin für Dresden und Umland | Parents, Kids + Kin | Magazine for families in Dresden and its environs
If a member of your family requires longer-term support or nursing care, you are entitled to free, comprehensive advice. This has been the case since 2009.
Advice is available from the care councelling service at TU Dresden or from approx. 430 care support centres throughout Germany.
Staff Unit Diversity Management | Taking care of familiy members
“Centre for Quality in Care” Foundation | Database of care support centres
Wege zur Pflege | Portal des Bundesministeriums für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend | Paths to nursing care | Web portal by the Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth
Pflegen und Leben | Internetportal für pflegende Angehörige | Caring and living | Internet portal for care-giving family members
Pflegeheim Verzeichnis | Directory of nursing homes
Pflegeplatz-Vermittlung | Finding a nursing home place
Haushaltsnahe Dienstleistungen | Flyer by the Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth
Steuerminderungen durch haushaltsnahe Dienstleistungen: oder | Tax reduction through household related services