Mar 13, 2018
"Successful management at TU Dresden" - very positive feedback
The info event took place on 2nd March 2018 in the Rectorate Building Ballroom and was very well received by all the participants. It was also the prelude to the "Successful management at TU Dresden" further education and advisory programme.
The Vice-Rector for University Development, Professor Antonio M. Hurtado, explained the strategic orientation and structures at TU Dresden to the 70 participants. Ms. Nicole Rose from the Centre for Continuing Education gave detailed information on the programme’s content and format. Space and time were then dedicated to a lively exchange.
All information on the further education programme for managers at TU Dresden can be found on the Centre for Continuing Education’s website:
The Centre for Continuing Education would like to warmly thank all participants and those involved!
NameNicole Rose
Continuing Education for Executives
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