Service Catalogue

52 Search results

Shared NFS and CIFS storage

Tags: B2B, B2C, Collaboration, Central Data Storage

Shared storage space

Time service

Tags: B2B, B2C, Time Services

Time synchronization for individual computers

Time display

Tags: B2B, B2C, Time Services

Clocks in teaching rooms at TU Dresden


Tags: B2B, B2C, Collaboration

Web-based platform for group collaboration and support of typical workflows


Tags: B2B, B2C, Access Campusnet

Access to the TU Campus network from external networks


Tags: B2B, B2C, Access Campusnet

Wireless access to the Internet via eduroam or guest WLAN

Remote support

Tags: B2B, B2C, Help/Support, Collaboration

Remote access for support and maintenance

Enterprise cloud

Tags: B2B, B2C, Virtual Server (VM)

High-availability virtual machines with the ability to be accessed via the Internet

Research cloud

Tags: B2B, B2C, Virtual Server (VM)

Fast provisioning of virtual machines in the TU-internal network for research and testing purposes

Location: > > Dresden > TRE Rechnergebäude, Zellescher Weg 16

Server housing

Tags: B2B, Housing

Housing of decentralized IT systems in central computer rooms

Location: > > Dresden > TRE Rechnergebäude, Zellescher Weg 16

Central management of PC workstations / PC pools

Tags: Workplace, B2B, PC-Pool

Operating model based on Windows domains

Directory services (Active Directory/LDAP)

Tags: Authentication, B2B, Identity Management (IDM)

User administration based on centrally maintained identities