Service Catalogue
The Service Catalogue is an overview of the IT services of the TU Dresden and the Sächsischen Landes-, Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek (SLUB). It is maintained jointly by all institutions. For technical questions, please contact the Service Desk of the Centre for Information Services and High Performance Computing (ZIH). The responsibility for the content of the individual services lies with the IT officers of the respective institutions. The instructions on maintaining the service catalogue contents are available for all service providers.
WiFi network eduroam
In cooperation with the ZIH of the TU Dresden, the SLUB Dresden provides the WiFi network eduroam with the usual access data in all its locations.
Matomo – Access statistics for web areas
You can request detailed access statistics for your web area in the WebCMS of the TU Dresden via the unit web and video.
DRESDEN Technology Portal
The DRESDEN Technology Portal is a joint online database of all partners of the DRESDEN-concept. It provides a comprehensive overview and access to scientific instruments, services and technologies of research institutions in Dresden, Germany.
PDF/A Online Validation
SLUB's PDF/A Online Validation allows publications to be checked against the required PDA/A standard before they are submitted to the Saxon document and publication server Qucosa.
Qucosa, part of the international Open Access infrastructure, is Saxony's document and publication server. It serves the free publication, verification and long-term archiving of electronic documents.
Journal editorial system Qucosa.Journals
Researchers at TU Dresden are offered access to the open editorial system Open Journal Systems (OJS), which maps the editorial process of producing quality-assured OA journals. Under the label Qucosa.Journals, researchers can manage and publish their own OA journals on this technical basis.