Jul 14, 2021
Mobile Work
The majority of you have become acquainted with working remotely due to the measures implemented during the coronavirus pandemic. The Personnel Representation Council would like to keep the possibility of more flexibility and working remotely for TUD staff in the future.
Therefore, the Personnel Representation Council and the employer have agreed on a draft of the service agreement (Dienstvereinbarung, DV) “Mobile Arbeit/Mobile Work”. We would now like to present it to you in order to incorporate your personal experiences.
The draft can be found on our website: https://tu-dresden.de/tu-dresden/organisation/gremien-und-beauftragte/personalrat/dienstvereinbarungen
The DV is to apply to all members of staff - from administration to technical staff and researchers. A separate service agreement applies to staff of the Faculty of Medicine.
The present draft represents general principles for mobile work at TU Dresden, independent of the relevant coronavirus regulations. Of course, a DV cannot regulate all specific questions that may arise within the context of its actual implementation. Working remotely offers everyone a high degree of flexibility, but also entails a similar level of responsibility. This includes agreements between employees as well as with their superiors.
We would be grateful to receive suggestions and comments on this draft. Please send these by email to by March 31, 2021. The next round of negotiations with the employer is scheduled for the end of April 2021.