Feb 06, 2023
Sprint 2 - Digitality in teaching, Skills-oriented teaching and Sustainability teaching
sTUDies 3.0 teaching strategy is a program initiated by the Vice-Rector Academic Affairs for the further development of content, structures and processes in the field of teaching at the TU Dresden. Until 2025, innovative and creative measures and initiatives will be developed together that contribute to the further development and improvement of the quality of teaching and particularly strengthen the cooperation in teaching and the joint responsibility for teaching at the TU Dresden.
This week, the development of the sTUDies 3.0 teaching strategy enters the second round or sprint. The three teaching strategy working groups, each with 11 or 12 members (across status groups), will share their perspectives and experiences on the following three work assignments over the next four weeks:
- Field of action digitality in teaching: A digital learning culture at TU Dresden strengthens the individual digital sovereignty of students and takes "[...] the triad of (subject) science, personal development and career preparation" into account (Wissenschaftsrat, 2022: Empfehlungen zur Digitalisierung in Lehre und Studium, Drs. 9848-22 ). What definition and description of a digital learning culture would you suggest for TU Dresden?
- Field of action competence-oriented teaching: Please develop proposals on how competence-oriented teaching and testing can be implemented through obligatory and regular exchange, consultation and support offers for all teachers (professors, scientific MAs; tutors). Refer to existing structures of the TU Dresden (course coordinators, course developers, etc.) and make their offers and initiatives visible in this context. Can potentials for the entire university be derived from this? Please also refer to examples from other universities, e.g. the University of Freiburg and the University of Vienna.
- Field of action: Sustainability in teaching: Based on the goals and sub-goals developed by the ESD working group within the framework of the TUD's sustainability strategy, we ask you to underpin these with measures and responsibilities. In doing so, also make visible measures that already exist at TUD.
To support the working groups, TUD member develop initial approaches to these questions, which are then presented in a short presentation in the working groups and questions of understanding are clarified. The members of a working group collect their thoughts on the approach, their ideas and comments digitally in a shared working environment before jointly determining who can complete which further tasks/contribute perspectives by when. In weekly digital meetings and in the virtual work environment, the tasks are discussed cooperatively and worked on collaboratively.
At the end of the four-week sprint, the three solution approaches have been expanded by the three working groups to include the respective subject- and status-related perspectives and a solution proposal has been developed. This is then uploaded to the sTUDies 3.0 teaching strategy website for the TUD public so that further feedback can be provided. Finally, the Teaching Strategy Board receives the proposals of the working groups at regular intervals.