Nov 14, 2023
ACC-Forum 2023: Many thanks to all participants!
From 16 to 20 October, the first ACC Forum took place at the IBZ St. Marienthal in Ostritz, a combination of autumn schools and a conference under the motto "From Change to Transformation". ACC stands for Academic Coordination Centre of the Euroregion Neisse (ERN) and unites the universities in the border triangle of Germany, the Czech Republic, and Poland.
There were in total four different autumn schools: Biodiversity Management; Regionality and Sustainability; Small Town, Big Problems - Or Experimental Field for Future-oriented Urban Transformation: Quo vadis Ostritz? and Transformation of the Working World, in which more than 90 students from the border triangle took part. They worked in international teams on joint projects, which they also presented. The overarching theme was the sustainable future, which can only be achieved through fundamental change in society, economy, and technology.
The subsequent scientific conference featured presentations by over 40 speakers from all over the world, who addressed the challenges of transformation from various perspectives.
The event could not have taken place without our sponsors. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our sponsors and supporters. We would like to thank the Gesellschaft Freunde und Förderer der TU Dresden e.V. for the room rental, FOSTER TU Dresden for enabling the participation of TU Dresden students, the Internationalisation Programme of TU Dresden for supporting the scientific conference, the Saxon State Ministry of the Interior for financing the intercultural aspects of the Autumn School Biodiversity Management, the partner universities (TU Liberec, HSZG, BA Bautzen, WU Wroclaw, KANS) for their financial and personnel support.
We are delighted that we were able to organize such a large and unique event and are excited to see what further cooperation in teaching and research in our Euroregion will bring.