Sep 23, 2023
23.09.: International Sign Language Day: Barriers, languages and the happiness of being oneself
Since 2017, the International Day of Sign Languages (#IDSL) has taken place every year on 23 September. This international day of action in the sign languages was initiated by the World Federation of the Deaf, an international NGO and interest group of over 130 national associations, which campaigns for the rights of approximately 70 million deaf people worldwide, because the preservation of deaf culture and sign languages stands for a fundamental human right. sign language has been researched and documented since the second half of the 20th century. German Sign Language (DGS) was only recognised as a language in its own right in 2002.
The fact that all of this has still not brought accessibility in daily life for deaf people is shown by our lecturers of the language courses for German Sign Language, Petra Novotná and Marvin Zehner on the occasion of this day. In addition to barriers and wishes for politics and society, they talk about dreams, languages and the happiness of being oneself:
Curious to discover German Sign Language? The Diversity Management department is once again offering German Sign Language courses to all TUD members in the winter semester 2023/2024.