Feb 21, 2023
New DeZIM study on experiences of discrimination in Saxony
This paper summarises central results of the study "Experiencing Discrimination? Experiences of Discrimination and Attitudes Relevant to Discrimination in Saxony". For the first time, this study deals with a wide range of experiences of discrimination that people in Saxony have. It looks at discrimination along various characteristics, including gender, religious affiliation, physical appearance, age, disability, sexual orientation, racist attributions, origin or socio-economic status. The study, which was commissioned by the Saxon State Ministry of Justice and for Democracy, Europe and Equality (SMJusDEG), thus closes a previously existing research gap.
A central result of the study is that a total of slightly more than every second
respondent in the Saxon population survey stated that they had already been excluded or disadvantaged. This indicates an urgent need for action: If just under half of the respondents state that they have not been treated
When almost half of the respondents say they have not been treated equally, this calls into question the image of an equal society.
Read the paper here: https://www.dezim-institut.de/fileadmin/user_upload/Demo_FIS/publikation_pdf/FA-5395.pdf (German)