35 years on - Will the Wall remain in people's minds?
November 2024 marks the 35th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. But we are still talking about East and West Germany, about the lack of alignment between East and West - in economic and political terms as well as in terms of mentality and identity. We ask: Are East and West Germany still valid categories at all and, if so, what do they look like? How desirable is a harmonization?
What expectations have been fulfilled and disappointed since then?
The series of events took place in cooperation with the SLUB and the FES as part of the"Science Year 2024 - Freedom" and is part of the project Democratic Freedom - Achieve, Experience, Preserve.
On November 12, 2024, the panel discussion took place at the SLUB with the following guests
- Dr. AgnèsArp, PhD historian and head of the Oral History Research Unit at the University of Erfurt
- Jana Hensel, journalist and author (including "Zonenkinder" and "Wer wir sind. Die Erfahrung, ostdeutsch zu sein")
- Dr. Hendrik Berth, psychologist and professor at the Faculty of Medicine at the TUD Dresden University of Technology
- Dr. Gert Pickel, Chair of Sociology of Religion and Churches, University of Leipzig
Moderation: Dr. Justus H. Ulbricht
On November 26, 2024, the Poetry Slam took place in the SLUB with the following guests:
On the poetry slam stage we welcome:
- Max Rademann, Berlin
- Sabrina Schauer, Eppstein
- Micha Ebeling, Berlin
- Skog Ogvann, Leipzig
The slam was hosted by Kaddi Cutz.