The BQL.Digital team supports lateral entrants in the in-service teacher training programme (BQL) with their digital challenges. As an independent structural unit of BQL at TU Dresden, BQL.Digital offers lateral entrants comprehensive support services in the field of digital education: This includes not only technical and media didactic support and customised self-learning modules, but also interactive workshops and the opportunity to use the media lab.
BQL.Digital's support for digital services offers individualised support for lecturers and lateral entrants: The team is available for technical questions and media didactic concerns.
From handling tools such as Actionbound to Zoom - BQL.Digital helps with questions and challenges regarding the use of digital tools. Individual consultations and digital consultation hours ensure personalised support.
Further information can be found in the OPAL course BQL.Digital under "Support".
BQL.Learn - Self-learning modules
BQL.Learn offers a wide range of self-learning modules for the effective use of digital media in the classroom: The collection includes over 20 self-learning modules that deal with various aspects of digital education. The self-learning modules cover topics such as the use of digital devices in the classroom (Calliope Mini, interactive whiteboards), the use of collaborative tools such as Padlet, CryptPad and TaskCards, as well as interactive tools such as LearningApps, Kahoot! and H5P. The self-learning modules offer a structured learning path with information pages, explanatory videos and screencasts. Experts working in the teaching profession share their experiences of using the tools in the videos. After completing a module, participants can test their knowledge in a knowledge quiz and exchange ideas in an OPAL forum.
Further information can be found under Angebote / BQL.Learn and in the OPAL course BQL.Digital
BQL.Digital offers interactive workshops within the BQL programme that are designed for lateral entrants. The variety of topics ranges from social media to artificial intelligence and also includes the use of digital tools in the classroom. The workshops can take place both face-to-face and online. They combine theoretical content about the tools used with practical exercises and teaching examples from the school area. Further information can be found under Angebote / Workshops.
Media lab
The media lab at the ZLSB is a central place to explore technical possibilities: Here, all participants in teacher training programmes have the opportunity to try out innovative media technology for educational purposes. The lab is equipped with modern technology to train newcomers in areas such as podcast creation, explanatory video production and the use of green screen technology. The available technical equipment can also be used outside the lab, for example for lecture recordings, hybrid events or for interviews. Further information can be found under Angebote / Medienlabor and in the OPAL course The Media Lab at the ZLSB.
Research activities
Since the launch of BQL.Digital in 2018, the team has been actively involved in national and international conferences to present research results and exchange ideas with other scientists. Further information can be found under Publications.
BQL.Digital: A detailed overview
Detailed information on BQL.Digital and the digital offerings can be found on the website Digitalisation in teacher training and schools under Projekte / BQL.Digital.
In the news and in the Lateral entry blog (BQL.Blog) you will also find selected news items about the activities of BQL.Digital at TU Dresden.
Dagmar Oertel and Christin Nenner () are available as contact persons for the BQL.Digital services:

Research associate
NameMs Dipl.-Medieninf. Dagmar Oertel
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research (German abbreviation: ZLSB)
Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research (German abbreviation: ZLSB)
Visiting address:
E03 Gebäude für Forschung u. Lehre, Room 201 Ludwig-Ermold-Str. 3
01217 Dresden

Research associate
NameMs Dr. Christin Nenner
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research (German abbreviation: ZLSB)
Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research (German abbreviation: ZLSB)
Visiting address:
Seminargebäude II, Room 201 Zellescher Weg 20
01217 Dresden