TUD Psychological Counseling
The first part of the FUN*cast episode on mental health was produced in cooperation with Dipl.-Psych. Jochen Richter from TU Dresden’s Psychological Counseling. Psychological Counseling is offered by psychologists from Occupational Health Services, who must maintain confidentiality. Counseling is available to all TUD staff – from technicians to administrative staff to academics. It doesn’t matter if you are on a fixed-term or permanent contract, or whether you are working as an apprentice, employee or civil servant at TU Dresden – we’re here for you!
You can download a flyer here in German or in English.
Anti-discrimination and complaints at TU Dresden
The second part of the FUN*cast episode on mental health was produced in cooperation with Anja Wiede, the contact for cases of harassment, discrimination or violence at TUD. Pursuant to § 13 of the General Act on Equal Treatment (AGG – Allgemeines Gleichbehandlungsgesetz) and the Guidelines on dealing with harassment, discrimination and violence, the Complaints Office is available to all staff and students at TUD. Victims and their relatives may contact the Complaints Office (anonymously, if desired) for advice on how to best handle cases of harassment, discrimination and violence. This could take the form of a further referral to more qualified counseling or taking action via official complaint procedures. You can find more information about complaints procedures here.
We also recommend having a look at the Complaints Office’s calendar of events.