New SprInt Certificates
Table of contents
Select your personal focus area for your certificate and and become an expert – in language, culture, or both!
You can now better prioritize your linguistic or intercultural qualification within the SprInt program. If you would like to improve your skills both in language and in intercultural aspects, apply what you’ve learned abroad, or – as a new option – implement your new knowledge @home, you can acquire a comprehensive “Excellence” certificate.
All final certificates can be obtained from the University Executive Board in German and English. The certificate constitutes detailed proof of the your professional development in the SprInt program. Thus, the highest level of management at TU Dresden acknowledges your professional continuing education, the skills you acquire along the way, and your practical experience in the context of internationalization.
All SprInt participants that still would like to earn the old version of our certificates (“Basis” and “Special”) can submit the required supporting documents to by March 31, 2022. Moreover, we also accept certificates of attendance (without any time constraints) that have already been credited for a SprInt certificate if you decide to apply for one of our new certificates.
Focus on language: “Language Expertise” certificate

* one teaching unit (TU) = 45 minutes
Combine multiple language learning programs in order to continuously and purposefully bring your foreign language skills to the next level with varied content. For instance, you could take job-related English courses for one semester. At the same time, or a semester later, you could attend one or two English workshops and one individual coaching session. If you are looking for flexibility with regard to the time and place of learning, check out our language learning app. The time you invest in using it is also credited toward your “Language Expertise” certificate. You are free to choose the order in which you use our various programs and services. We would be happy to advise you on a useful study plan to help you reach your goals.
If your English skills are demonstrably at the B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, or if they correspond to those of a native speaker, then you can also learn another modern foreign language from an external service provider and have your achievements credited toward a SprInt certificate. This is decided on a case-by-case basis and the period of recognition is a maximum of 2 years. Please note, however, that the costs for a foreign language course from an external service provider cannot be reimbursed from SprInt program funding. If you can provide proof that the foreign language in question is relevant to and necessary for your work at TU Dresden, you can apply for a financial contribution from Directorate 2 – Personnel, Unit 2.4 – Auxiliary Services and Part-Time Staff. Another precondition is the availability of funds. Please address your application in writing to the above-mentioned Unit (Ms. Wörz) along with a review from your supervisor attesting to the professional necessity and relevance of the foreign language to your work. The individual assessment will follow.
Time required to earn the “Language Expertise” certificate: approx. 1 year / 2 semesters
Checklist: PDF
Focus on culture: “Cultural Expertise” certificate

* one teaching unit (TU) = 45 minutes
Are you aware of the value and richness of intercultural learning and are ready to take part in a more in-depth and effective learning process to gain new experiences? Then take advantage of our manifold intercultural training courses and services. Attend 24 TU (1 TU = 45 minutes) in total as one-day workshops (8 TU each) from each of the three categories: general, topic-specific and culture-specific intercultural skills. You are free to select the workshops you would like to attend from these three categories.
In the next step, you will transition from acquiring theoretical knowledge to practical application by gaining enriching international experience@home – that is, on campus or in Dresden and its environs – or by completing a experience abroad of at least five days.
- Option 1: NEW | International experience@home (at least 20 TU)
Regardless of mobility abroad, we would like to recommend to all SprInt participants the opportunity to try out their theoretical knowledge in practice through useful and intentional intercultural experiences, thus offering opportunity for professional, personal and interpersonal development. Conceived in particular for participants for whom a stay abroad is not an easy or optimal decision, we now offer an option equivalent to mobility in a foreign country: international experience@home.
So, what exactly does international experience@home mean? Organizing a welcome activity for international students, colleagues or guests; becoming a mentor to an international mentee; volunteer work in association – these are just a few examples of the many possibilities available for your international experience@home.
For more information on this component including a list of relevant activities and locations, where you could complete an experience@home, visit the international experience@home page.
We cordially welcome you to discover and strengthen the diversity and sense of community in Dresden and the surrounding area. Help shape positive working, urban and private environments by contributing to social cohesion and taking on local and global responsibility in Dresden and beyond.
Please note: Your international experience@home must consist of activities equaling at least 20 TU. At the time that you apply for a certificate, your international experience@home must have taken place within the last 1.5 years.
Option 2: Experience abroad (at least 5 days)
As part of the ERASMUS+ program, you can receive financial support for your personal mobility in the form of a stay abroad at a foreign university, company, organization or language school. You can gain insights into different approaches to work from your international colleagues and apply your newly acquired foreign language and intercultural skills.
To help you find a suitable partner abroad and apply for funding for your stay abroad, please feel free to contact the International Office (Christiane Schmitt-Teichert, Tel.: +49 351 463-42269) or the LEONARDO-BÜRO SACHSEN (Claudia Schönherr, Tel.: +49 351 463-42054).
Other forms of structured mobility abroad for university staff, such as via the Fulbright Program (, may be officially recognized pending prior consultation.
This certificate also offers flexibility in the order in which you complete the different components.
Time required to earn the “Cultural Expertise” certificate: approx. 1 year / 2 semesters
Checklist: PDF
Combining “language” and “culture” focuses: “Excellence” certificate

* one teaching unit (TU) = 45 minutes
Become an expert in both! Complete select components from both areas: “Language Expertise” and “Cultural Expertise.” Round out your training with practical international experience@home or abroad. We look forward to presenting you with a high-caliber “Excellence - Language and Cultural Expertise” certificate.
Time required to earn the “Excellence” certificate: approx. 2 year / 4 semesters
Checklist: PDF
How do you apply for your certificate?
Please send us your completed checklist via email. After verifying your documents for completeness, we will send you your certificate via post.
Funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Free State of Saxony under the Excellence Strategy of the Federal and State Governments