So könnte der POP-UP-Wissensstore in Weißwasser aussehen © TUD/Technisches Design

POP-UP-WISSEN - Knowledge creates dialog - the project of the TUD and its partners

Citizens in dialog with scientists - in a transparent, participatory and entertaining way for everyone. Through POP-UP-WISSENsläden, decentralized events at POP-UP-WISSENsorten and virtual activities in the POP-UP-WISSENsnetz, the curiosity of the population in Weißwasser and Dresden was aroused in 2022, questions were answered and future topics were generated. Read more about the BMBF project successfully completed by TU Dresden and its numerous partners for the Science Year 2022 - In demand!

learn more POP-UP-WISSEN - Knowledge creates dialog - the project of the TUD and its partners

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LAndkarte die Dresden und Weißwasser markiert © osm/TUD
