Jul 09, 2019
Workshops and events 2019/2020
The Centre for Continuing Education of TU Dresden offers a wide range of further training and counselling services for the scientific university staff, i.e. for the research assistants, the university lecturers and the professors.
In 2019/2020 the following workshops and events are planned:
(Workshops in English are presented in bold letters)
Media Training Science Communication for Press and Public Relations
Day 1: Online / Day 2: Presence for TU Dresden employees
Medical Officer and psychological services offered by the TUD Health Service (GER)
Lecture "University as a workplace"
16.01. - 17.01.2025
Project management - basics (GER)
Face-to-face workshop for TU Dresden employees
Collegial case consultation for women in leadership positions (GER)
Peer case consultation in presence for managers
20.01. - 19.09.2025
Certificate - Good advice at TU Dresden (GER)
Certificate program for employees of TU Dresden who work in an advisory capacity
Recognizing and dealing with psychological stress among employees (GER)
Face-to-face workshop for managers at TU Dresden
Company integration management (BEM) at TU Dresden (GER)
Lecture "University as a workplace"
Last aid course - Knowing how to do it in the end (GER)
Face-to-face workshop for TU Dresden employees
Offers of the University Health Management of the TUD (GER)
Lecture "University as a workplace"
Gallery tour: Diversity TU Dresden (GER)
Presence workshop for employees of TU Dresden
04.02. - 05.02.2025
Language and Behavior Profiling - recognizing and understanding the other person (GER)
Presence workshop for employees of TU Dresden
Counseling in focus - Impulses for practice: How do I find a good conversation starter? (GER)
Lecture “University as a workplace”
Collegial case consultation for managers without authority to issue directives (GER)
Peer case consultation in presence for managers
Examination law at universities - basics (GER)
In-person workshop for TU Dresden employees
11.02. - 04.03.2025
Preparing conflict discussions according to the Harvard principle (GER)
Presence workshop for employees of TU Dresden
Examination law at universities - current case law (GER)
Attendance workshop for TU Dresden employees
24.02. - 26.02.2025
Confident and effective communication with academics (GER)
Online workshop for TU Dresden employees
12.03. - 13.03.2025
Creating accessible digital documents - basics (GER)
1st day: Online / 2nd day: Presence
12.03. - 13.03.2025
Confident and quick-witted argumentation (GER)
Face-to-face workshop for TU Dresden employees
13.03. - 14.03.2025
Project management - basics (GER)
Face-to-face workshop for TU Dresden employees
The annual meeting (GER)
Face-to-face workshop for managers at TU Dresden
01.04. - 15.04.2025
Positive Psychology - Guide to positive attitudes and feelings (GER)
Online workshop for employees of TU Dresden
Everything about committees - useful information and practical tips for successful work in and with committees (GER)
Online workshop for professors at TU Dresden
03.04. - 04.04.2025
Agile working - methods for effective team collaboration (GER)
In-person workshop for TU Dresden employees
Argumentation training against slogans (GER)
In-person workshop for TU Dresden employees
04.04. - 23.05.2025
Microtraining for stress reduction (GER)
Online workshop series for TU Dresden managers ( TU Dresden management program )
07.04. - 08.04.2025
Crash course in leadership - leading successfully without authority (GER)
Face-to-face workshop for (prospective) managers at TU Dresden ( TU Dresden management program )
07.04. - 08.04.2025
Targeted communication for successful projects (GER)
In-person workshop for employees of TU Dresden
Rights & duties for managers: Recruitment procedures at TUD (including residence law issues) (GER)
Online lecture for managers at TU Dresden(TU Dresden management program )
10.04. - 11.04.2025
Systematic project management - successfully managing risks, resources and stakeholders (GER)
In-person workshop for employees of TU Dresden
Raising awareness of export control risks and dual use in international scientific collaborations (GER)
Online lecture for employees of TU Dresden
Gender and diversity aspects for excellent research - from theory to practice (GER)
In-person workshop for TU Dresden employees
30.04. - 25.06.2025
Crash course train-the-trainer for TUD experts (GER)
In-person workshop series for employees of TU Dresden
05.05. - 19.05.2025
Conducting targeted and fair discussions (GER)
In-person workshop for TU Dresden employees
Counseling in focus - Impulses for practice: Good question! Questioning techniques in counseling (GER)
Online lecture for TU Dresden employees as part of the lecture series "In focus - University as a workplace"
The Chair - Rights and Duties of Professors (GER)
Online workshop for professors at TU Dresden
08.05. - 09.05.2025
Project management basics (GER)
In-person workshop for TU Dresden employees
Ensuring good scientific practice for professors (GER)
Online workshop for TU Dresden professors
Dealing with suicidality - a workshop for counselors (GER)
In-person workshop for TU Dresden employees
Rights & duties for managers: Getting started with classification (GER)
Online lecture for TU Dresden managers ( TU Dresdenmanagement program )
14.05. - 15.05.2025
Conflict management: First aid kit for conflicts (GER)
In-person workshop for employees of TU Dresden
Implementing sustainable micro-projects - how do we get into action (GER)
In-person workshop for TU Dresden employees
Delegating and managing tasks effectively (GER)
In-person workshop for TU Dresden managers (TU Dresden management program )
Collegial case consultation for professors (GER)
In-person workshop for TU Dresden professors
Anti-discrimination and prevention of violence at the university (GER)
Online workshop for TU Dresden employees
The Chair - labor law in the context of personnel responsibility (GER)
Online workshop for TU Dresden professors
The annual review (GER)
In-person workshop for TU Dresden managers ( TU Dresdenmanagement program )
27.05. - 28.05.2025
Voice and presence - strengthening my impact (GER)
In-person workshop for TU Dresden employees
Strengthening decision-making skills in complex leadership situations (GER)
In-person workshop for TU Dresden managers ( TU Dresdenmanagement program )
03.06. - 04.06.2025
Making participation meaningful - new ways to make decisions together (GER)
In-person workshop for TU Dresden employees
17.06. - 18.06.2025
Enhancing Leadership Skills in Academia (EN)
In-person workshop for (prospective) TU Dresden managers ( TU Dresdenmanagement program )
Formulating image descriptions in an understandable way (GER)
In-person workshop for TU Dresden employees
UniSAFE - Dealing with genderbased harassment, discrimination and violence at the university (ENG)
In-person workshop for TU Dresden employees
Rights & duties for managers: Basics of level determination (GER)
Online lecture for TU Dresden managers ( TU Dresdenmanagement program )
Diversity-sensitive language
In-person workshop for TU Dresden employees
Argumentation and action training against inhuman statements
In-person workshop for TU Dresden employees
03.09. - 17.09.2025
Positive psychology - guidance on positive attitudes and feelings (GER)
Online workshop for TU Dresden staff
04.09. - 05.09.2025
Project management basics (GER)
In-person workshop for TU Dresden employees
The annual meeting (GER)
In-person workshop for TU Dresden employees
Project management basics intensive for managers (GER)
In-person workshop for TU Dresden managers
15.09. - 16.09.2025
Voice and presence - strengthening my impact (GER)
In-person workshop for TU Dresden employees
17.09. - 18.09.2025
How to improve your conversational skills - Respectful Communication (ENG)
In-person workshop for TU Dresden staff
24.09. - 25.09.2025
Creating accessible digital documents - basics (GER)
Day 1: Online / Day 2: In-person for TU Dresden employees
More than just a compulsory program - rethinking and effectively shaping committee work at universities (GER)
Online workshop for TU Dresden professors
25.09. - 26.09.2025
Arguing confidently and effectively (GER)
In-person workshop for TU Dresden employees
28.10. - 29.10.2025
Crash course in leadership - Successful leadership without authority (GER)
In-person workshop for TU Dresden managers
Time and self-management (GER)
In-person workshop for TU Dresden employees
04.11. - 05.11.2025
Agile working - methods for effective team collaboration (GER)
In-person workshop for TU Dresden employees
06.11. - 07.11.2025
Project management basics (GER)
In-person workshop for TU Dresden employees
Safeguarding good scientific practice for professors (GER)
In-person workshop for TU Dresden professors
The annual review (GER)
In-person workshop for TU Dresden managers
Further Information: Qualification and counselling for the scientific staff

Center for Continuing Education
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Visiting address:
Fritz-Foerster-Bau, Room 560 Mommsenstr. 6
01069 Dresden
Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology Zentrum für Weiterbildung
01062 Dresden
Parcel address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology Zentrum für Weiterbildung Helmholtzstraße 10
01069 Dresden