Service Catalogue

52 Search results

Object storage

Tags: B2B, B2C, Collaboration, Central Data Storage

Storage of object data enrichable with metadata

HPC login

Tags: B2B, B2C, High Performance computing (HPC)

User account for HPC resources

PC labs

Tags: Workplace, B2B, B2C, PC-Pool

ZIH managed PC labs in WIL and APB with reservation

HPC project management

Tags: B2B, B2C, High Performance computing (HPC)

HPC projects portal

HPC job monitoring

Tags: B2B, B2C, High Performance computing (HPC)

Analyse computing jobs on HPC resources

Certificate management

Tags: ACME, B2B, B2C, E-Mail, SECTIGO, Virtual Server (VM)

Apply for user certificates and server certificates

Group management

Tags: B2B, Identity Management (IDM)

Access rights via group memberships

IT asset portal

Tags: B2B

Portal for registering IT roles and IT assets on the TUD campus

Guest logins

Tags: Authentication, B2B, B2C, Login

ZIH logins for externals, guests

Function logins

Tags: Authentication, B2B, Login

ZIH logins for projects, functions, organizational units

Room, resource and distributed mailboxes, mailing lists

Tags: B2B, E-Mail, Collaboration, Management Application

Exchange add-on services

Software procurement

Tags: B2B, Software

Process for procurement (including own purchase) of software not in stock in the ZIH software list (software retrieval).