Service Catalogue

28 Search results

Directory services (Active Directory/LDAP)

Tags: Authentication, B2B, Identity Management (IDM)

User administration based on centrally maintained identities

OpenLDAP Service

Tags: Authentication, B2B, Identity Management (IDM)

Shared use of central identity management

Group management

Tags: B2B, Identity Management (IDM)

Access rights via group memberships

Single-Sign-On (Shibboleth)

Tags: Authentication, B2B, B2C, Identity Management (IDM), Login

Single-Sign-On based on Shibboleth

Vvulnerability Management

Tags: Monitoring

Testing of IT infrastructure for security vulnerabilities

Certificate management

Tags: ACME, B2B, B2C, E-Mail, SECTIGO, Virtual Server (VM)

Apply for user certificates and server certificates

ZIH login

Tags: Authentication, B2B, B2C, Login

User account

DNS service

Tags: B2B, B2C, Datanet/Internet

Name resolution for the Domain Name System (DNS)

WebCMS of the TU Dresden

Tags: Web

The Unit Web and Video of the Directorate Communication and Marketing is responsible for the operation and further development of the Web Content Management System (WebCMS) of the central website of the TU Dresden and offers various consulting services and training courses for content creators.

ERP-System SAP

Tags: ERP, Management Application

IT-system for business management planning and control of company resources (ERP)

PICTURE process platform

Tags: Collaboration

-coming soon-

Redirection portal

Tags: E-Mail, Login

E-mail forwarding /notification after contract end