Georg Helm Prizewinners Alumni Network
The winners of the Georg Helm Prize form a network of excellent early-careers researchers and scientists from all disciplines represented at TU Dresden. Interdisciplinary networking and the opportunity for stakeholders from different institutes to share experiences stands at the foreground of the Georg Helm Prizewinners Alumni Network.
The alumni meet once a year for an interdisciplinary discussion between the award winners, TU Dresden and representatives of the Stifter-Verein. As high achievers and representatives of various disciplines and professions, the award winners’ feedback forms the core of this discussion platform
The resulting feedback from other research institutes, companies and associations points to solutions to current issues in the design of research and teaching. Furthermore, it forms the basis for collaboration between science, research and industry. The Georg Helm Prizewinners become members of the alumni network upon presentation of their award-winning theses during the meeting.
List of Georg Helm Prize Award Winners
- Dipl.-Ing. Maximilian Froitzheim , Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Diploma thesis: Investigation of a duo-binary laser driver
- Dr. rer. nat. Ekaterina Vorobevskaia, School of Science, Dissertation: Structural stability oft he integron synaptic complex
- Dr. rer. nat. Konstantin Beyer, Faculty of Physics, Dissertation: On the Measurement of Quantum Work: Operational Aspects

Dr. Ekaterina Vorobevskaia, Dipl.-Ing. Maximilian Froitzheim, Prorektorin Forschung und Sven Spielvogel bei der Verleihung des Georg-Helm-Preises am 8. Februar 2025.

v.l.n.r. Lisa Lorenz, M.Sc., Dr. Obada Bahra, Karen Tessmer, PhD
Dr. Obada Bahra, Bereich Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften, Dissertation Regulation of human Akt1 by phosphatidylinositol (3,4,5)-trisphosphate lipid species
Lisa Lorenz, M.Sc., Fakultät Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Masterarbeit: A model-based impact analysis of hybrid interconnector parameters on the quantity of cross-border countertrade measures, unintended exchange, and capacity provision for balancing power
Karen Tessmer, PhD, Medizinische Fakultät, Dissertation: Incorporation, polarization and maturation of human photoreceptor transplants in the mouse retina

Dipl.-Ing. Philipp Hanisch, Rosanna Rödiger (M.A.), Dr. Matthias Jost
Dr. Heike Eisenlohr (Faculty of Physics), Dissertation: Frontiers of quantum criticality: Mott transition, nuclear spins, and domain-driven transitions
Dr. Matthias Jost (Faculty of Biology), Dissertation: Plastid genome evolution in holoparasitic Hydnoraceae (Piperales) and implications for their phylogenetic placement
Dipl.-Inf. Philipp Hanisch (Faculty of Computer Science), Diplom thesis: Indexing for Datalog Materialisation with Leapfrog Triejoin
Rosanna Rödiger, M.A., (Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Science), Master’s thesis: “Singularly North of the Alps.” Schloss Übigau in Dresden and its relationship to Italian villas. (“Singulär nördlich der Alpen“. Schloss Übigau in Dresden und seine Beziehungen zu italienischen Villenbauten.)

From left to right: Prof. Angela Rösen-Wolff (Vice-Rector Research), Tilman von Strauwitz, Ph.D., Nina Böhme, Dr. Max Gmelch, Dr. Klaus Grandin
- Tilman von Strauwitz, Ph.D., Faculty of Medicine “Carl Gustav Carus,” dissertation: Bioprinting of Functionalized Bone Grafts.
- Dr. Max Gmelch, Faculty of Physics, dissertation: From Quantum Mechanical Restrictions to Everyday Applications: Programmable Tags using Organic Phosphorescence.
- Nina Böhme, Faculty of Education, State Examination thesis: Prevention of sexual violence in primary school – development of a teaching concept using the picture book ‘Das kummervolle Kuscheltier’ (Prävention von sexueller Gewalt in der Grundschule – Entwicklung eines Unterrichtskonzepts anhand des Bilderbuchs ‘Das kummervolle Kuscheltier’)
- Paula Santos Otte, CMBC, master’s thesis: Biophysical characterization and nanotechnological application of microtubule severing by spastin.

Prof. Angela Rösen-Wolff (Vice-Rector Research), Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Raßloff, Sarah Naomi Bolz, M.Sc., Dr. Klaus Grandin
- Dr. Lara Marrone, CMCB, Dissertation: Investigating aberrant granulostasis and impaired protein homeostasis in P525L FUS-amyotrophic lateral sclerosis using iPSC-derived neurons
- Dr. Urban Seifert, Faculty of Physics, Dissertation: Novel phases and light-induced dynamics in quantum magnets
- M.Sc. Sarah Naomi Bolz, CMCB, Master’s thesis: The Role of Non-Covalent Interactions in the Activity of PAINS
- Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Raßloff, Faculty of Mechanical Science and Engineering, Diplom thesis: Mesh generation and finite element simulation of periodic representative volume elements with random particle distributions. (Netzgenerierung und Finite-Elemente-Simulation periodischer repräsentativer Volumenelemente mit zufälligen Partikelverteilungen)
- Dr. rer. nat. John Martinovic (Faculty of Mathematics)
- Dr. iur. Sylvia Maus (Faculty of Law)
- Leonard Schärfen (CMCB/BIOTEC)
Dr.rer.nat. Reinhard Stahn, Faculty of Mathematics, Dissertation: Quantifed Tauberin Theorems and Applications to Decay of Wave
Dr.-Ing. Maximilian Matthé, Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Dissertation: MIMO Detection Algorithms for Generalized Frequency Division Multiplexing -
Dipl.-Ing. Johannes Marvin Eckhardt, Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Diplom thesis: Design of a MIMO Primary Radar System (Entwurf eines MIMO-Primärradarsystems) -
Hans Friedrich Findeisen, M.Sc, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Master’s thesis: Prospects of Raw Wood Availability for the Production of Veneer Lumber with High Natural Durability – Case Study: Black Locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) in Hungary (Perspektiven der Rohholzverfügbarkeit für die Herstellung von Furnierholz mit hoher natürlicher Dauerhaftigkeit - Fallstudie: Robinie (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) in Ungarn)
Dr. rer. nat. Martin Julius Körber
Institute for Theoretical Physics
Chair of Computational Physics
Dissertation Phase-Space Localization of Chaotic Resonance States due to Partial Transport Barriers.
Dr. Christoph Meißelbach
Institute of Political Science
Chair of Political Systems and Comparative Politics
Dissertation The Evolution of Cohesion. Anthropological Foundations of Social Capital Theory
Deborah Yvonne Nagel, M.Sc.
Chair of Business Administration, esp. Management Accounting and Control
Master’s thesis Linguistic Analysis of Risk Reports (Linguistische Analyse von Risikoberichten)
- Dr. rer. nat. Simon Pratorius, School of Science, Institute of Scientific Computing, Dissertation: Efficient Solvers for the Phase-Field Crystal Equation. Development and Analysis of a Block-Preconditioner
- Luisa Herrmann, M.Sc., Faculty of Computer Science, Institute of Theoretical Computer Science, Master’s thesis: A Chomsky-Schützenberger Theorem for Weighted Automata with Storage (A Chomsky-Schützenberger Theorem for Weighted Automata with Storage)
- Dr. rer. nat. Ulrike Schnoor, School of Science, Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics, Dissertation: Vector Boson Scattering and Electroweak Production of Two Like-Charge W Bosons and Two Jets at the Current and Future ATLAS Detector
- Dr. rer. nat. Sara Jahnke, School of Science, Institute of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, Dissertation Understanding and Challenging Stigmatization of People with Pedophilia
Dr. rer. nat. Lydia Bahrig
School of Science, Faculty of Chemistry
Dissertation Self-assembly and Mesocrystal Formation via Non-classical Crystallisation
Dr. rer. pol. Gerhard Aust
Faculty of Business and Economics
Dissertation Game-theoretic analysis of vertical cooperative advertising in supply chain management
Dipl.-Phys. Alexander Mietke
School of Science, Faculty of Physics
Diplom thesis Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of Cell Deformations by Hydrodynamic Forces in Microfluidic Channels
Dr. rer. nat. Normann Mertig
School of Science, Faculty of Physics
Dissertation Complex Paths for Regular-to-Chaotic Tunneling Rates
Dr.-Ing. Tim Baldauf
Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Dissertation Integration of Multi-gate Transistors Based on 22 nm Technology (Integration von Multi-Gate-Transistoren auf Basis einer 22 nm-Technologie)
Dipl.-Phys. Philipp Rosendahl
Biotechnology Center (BIOTEC)
Diplom thesis Mechanical Characterization of Suspended Cells in Microfluidic Channels
MA Christian Ranacher
Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Science, Chair of Medieval History
Master’s thesis The Brotherhood of the Holy Trinity ... zcu troste yren selen. Piety and Religious Practice in Dresden around 1500 using the example of the Trinity Brotherhood (der bruderschaft der Heiligen Dreifaldikeyt ... zcu troste yren selen. Frömmigkeit und religiöse Praxis in Dresden um 1500 am Beispiel der Dreifaltigkeitsbruderschaft)
Dr. rer. nat. Wolfgang Tress
School of Science, Faculty of Physics
Dissertation Device Physics of Organic Solar Cells – Drift-Diffusion Simulation in Comparison with Experimental Data of Solar Cells based on small molecules
Dennis Kappei, Ph.D.
Biotechnology Center (BIOTEC)
Dissertation Novel telomere binding proteins
Dipl.-Inf. Franz Josef Grüneberger
Faculty of Computer Science
Diplom thesis Non-Invasive Workspace Awareness for Standards-Based Web Applications
Dr. rer. nat. Daniil V. Evtushinsky
School of Science, Fachrichtung Physik
Dissertation Physical properties of layered super-conductors from angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES)
Dr.-Ing. Andreas Nocke
Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Dissertation Manufacture of Microbolometers Based on Polymeric Materials (Herstellung von Mikrobolometern auf der Basis polymerer Werkstoffe)
Dipl.-Ing. Franz Lehmann
School of Science, Faculty of Physics
Diplom thesis Evaluation of the CoDOM Framework Analyzing Web Application Coverage and Collaboration Quality
Dipl. Math. Anke Todtermuschke
School of Science, Lehrstuhl für Versicherungsmathematik
Diplom thesis Marked Point Processes and Abstract Collective Models Markierte Punktprozesse und abstrakte kollektive Modelle
Dr. rer. pol. Christian Leßmann
Faculty of Business and Economics, Chair of Public Economics
Dissertation Federalism, Regional Inequalities and Development Föderalismus, regionale Ungleichheiten und Entwicklung
Dr. Shuizi Rachel Yu
Biotechnology Center (BIOTEC) / Center for Regenerative Therapies Dresden (CRTD)
Dissertation Biophysical characterization of fibroblast growth factor 8 signalling and morphogen gradient formation in vivo
Dipl. Math. Mike Behrisch
School of Science, Mathematics Diplom degree program
Diplom thesis Relational Tame Congruence Theory and Subalgebra Primal Algebras
Dr. rer. nat. Steffen Löck
School of Science, Faculty of Physics
Dissertation Dynamical Tunneling in Systems with a Mixed Phase Space
Dr. rer. pol. Martin Juhrisch
Faculty of Business and Economics, Business Information Systems
Dissertation Guidelines for the Model-driven Integration of Service-oriented Architectures in Analysis Models (Richtlinien für die modellgetriebene Integration serviceorientierter Architekturen in Analysemodellen)
Dr. phil. Solveig Richter
Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Science
Dissertation Partner, Admonisher, Know-it-all? On the Effectiveness of External Democratization by the OSCE in South-East Europe (Partner, Mahner, Besserwisser? Zur Effektivität externer Demokratisierung durch die OSZE in Südosteuropa)
Dr. rer. nat. Zoja Milbers
School of Science, Faculty of Mathematics
Dissertation Own-value Problem for the 1-Laplace Operator (Eigenvalue Problem for the 1-Laplace Operator)
Dr.-Ing. Andreas Doms
Faculty of Computer Science
Dissertation GoPubMed: Ontology-based literature search for the life sciences
Dr. rer. pol. Marcus Dittrich
Faculty of Business and Economics
Dissertation Negotiations in Labor Markets (Verhandlungen in Arbeitsmärkten)
Dr.-Ing. Anni-Yasmin Turhan
Faculty of Computer Science
Dissertation On the Computation of Common Subsumers in Description Logics
Dr.-Ing. Gesine Marquardt
Faculty of Architecture
Dissertation Criteria Catalog Dementia-friendly Architecture - Possibilities to Support Spatial Orientation in Inpatient Geriatric Care Facilities (Kriterienkatalog Demenzfreundliche Architektur - Möglichkeiten zur Unterstützung der räumlichen Orientierung in stationären Altenpflegeeinrichtungen)
Dr. rer. nat. Julia Lyubina
School of Science, Faculty of Physics
Dissertation Nanocrystalline Fe-Pt alloys: phase transformations, structure and magnetism
Dr. rer. nat. Stefan Wanke
School of Science, Faculty of Biology
Dissertation Evolution of the genus Aristolochia - Sytematics, Molekular Evolution and Ecology
Dipl.-Ing. Matthias Kirchner
Faculty of Computer Science
Diplom thesis Falsifiability of Circumstantial Evidence of Multimedia Forensics (Fälschbarkeit von Indizien der Multimedia-Forensik)
Dipl.-Psych. Kersten Diers
School of Science, Faculty of Psychology
Diplom thesis Localization of P3a and P3b - A Combined MEG and MRI Study (Lokalisation der P3a und P3b - Eine kombinierte MEG- und MRI-Studie)
Dr. rer. nat. Kirsten Bacia
Dissertation Dynamic Processes in Membranes studied by Fluorescence Correlation
Dr.-Ing. Sebastian-Philipp Brandt
Faculty of Computer Science
Dissertation Standard and Non-standard Reasoning in Description Logics
Dr. rer. nat. Anja Strobel
School of Science, Faculty of Psychology
Dissertation The Diagnostic Instrument for the Assessment of Interviewer Competence in Personnel Selection (DIPA) – Development, Empirical Tests and Acceptance in Practice (Das Diagnoseinstrument zur Erfassung der Interviewerkompetenz in der Personalaus-wahl (DIPA) - Entwicklung, empirische Prüfungen und Akzeptanz in der Praxis)
M.Sc. Markus Krötzsch
Faculty of Computer Science
Master’s thesis Morphisms in Logic, Topology, and Formal Concept
Dipl.-Ing. Robert Michel
Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Diplom thesis Investigation of FlexRay applications in control loops focussing on steer-by-wire models in hardware and software
Dr. rer. nat. Christian Pech
School of Science, Faculty of Mathematics
Dissertation Kleene-Type Results for Weighted Tree-Automata
M.A. Jakob Lempp
Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Science, Political Science Master’s degree program
Magister thesis Change in the Diplomatic Service - An Evolutionary Theoretical Analysis of the Reform of the Foreign Office (Wandel des Diplomatischen Dienstes - Eine evolutionstheoretische Analyse der Reform des Auswärtigen Amtes)
Dr.-Ing. Sabine Werkmeister
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Dissertation Permanent deformation behavoir of unbound granular materials in pavement constructions
Dipl.-Math. Julia Sternberg
School of Science, Faculty of Mathematics
Diplom thesis Adaptive Reversal Schemes for Step Sequences with Non-uniform Costs (Adaptive Umkehrschemata für Schrittfolgen mit nicht uniformen Kosten)
Dr. rer. nat. Alexander Walz
School of Science, Faculty of Biology
Dissertation Molecular cloning and characterization of the IAP1 Gene from bean encoding a protein modified by indole-3-acetic acid
Dr. Tobias Bulang
Faculty of Linguistics, Literature and Cultural Studies
Dissertation Barbarossa in the Realm of Poetry. Negotiations of Art and Historicism in Arnim, Grabbe, Stifter and on Kyffhäuser (Barbarossa im Reich der Poesie. Verhandlungen von Kunst und Historismus bei Arnim, Grabbe, Stifter und auf dem Kyffhäuser)
Dr. rer. nat. Bettina Jakob
School of Science, Faculty of Physics
Dissertation Investigation of Proton-Proton Reactions at the Pion Production Threshold with the COSY-TOF Spectrometer (Untersuchung von Proton-Proton-Reaktionen an der Pion-Produktionsschwelle mit dem COSY-TOF-Spektrometer)
Dr. rer. pol. Martin Kornmeier
Faculty of Business and Economics
Dissertation Mental Distance and Cultural Openness to Foreign Markets: An Application of the Attitude/Behavior Hypothesis in Intercultural Marketing (Psychische Distanz und kulturelle Offenheit gegenüber Auslandsmärkten: Eine Anwendung der Einstellungs-/Verhaltens-Hypothese im Interkulturellen Marketing)
Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Albrecht
Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences
Diplom thesis Simulation Test of a Procedure for the Connection-securing and Resource-saving Flexibilization of the Suburban Railroad Operation (Simulationserprobung eines Verfahrens zur anschlusssichernden und ressourcenscho-nenden Flexibilisierung des S-Bahn-Betriebes)
Dr. rer. nat. Ralph Kummetz
School of Science, Faculty of Mathematics
Dissertation Partially Ordered Sets with Projections and their Topology
Dr. rer. nat. Michael Hoffmann
School of Science, Faculty of Physics
Dissertation Frenkel and Charge-Transfer Excitons in Quasi-One-Dimensional Molecular Crystals with Strong Intermolecular Orbital Overlap
Dipl.-Psych. Antje Krauseneck
School of Science, Faculty of Psychology
Diplomarbeit Working Memory Training: Effects on Different Memory Spans and Children’s Computational Performance (Arbeitsgedächtnis-Training: Auswirkungen auf verschiedene Gedächtnisspannen und die Rechenleistung von Kindern)
Dr. rer. nat. Ulrich Jentschura
School of Science
Dissertation Quantum Electrodynamic Radiative Corrections in Bound Systems
M.A. Ulrich Huth
Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Science
Magister thesis The Attitude of Professors and Students of Technische Hochschule Dresden to the 1918-32 Weimar Republic. A Contribution to the History of the Technical University of Dresden (Die Haltung der Professoren und Studenten der Technischen Hochschule Dresden zur Weimarer Republik 1918-32. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Technischen Universität Dresden)
Dr.-Ing. Thomas Ziegert
Faculty of Computer Science
Dissertation Use of Behavior Patterns for the Localization of Mobile Objects
Dipl.-Kffr. Silke Lehmann
Faculty of Business and Economics
Diplom thesis Complexity and Time (Komplexität und Zeit)
Dipl.-Ing. Kerstin Speck
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Diplom thesis Use of Waste Products from the Chemical Industry as Concrete Additives / Aggregates (Verwendung von Abprodukten der chemischen Industrie als Betonzusatz / Zuschlagstoff)
Dipl.-Inform. Lars Beikirch
Faculty of Computer Science
Diplom thesis Investigation of Methods for Stable Online Adaptation of Neural Process Controls Using the Example of Short-stroke Control in the Rolling of Steel Strip (Untersuchung von Verfahren zur stabilen Online-Adaption von neuronalen Prozess-steuerungen am Beispiel der Short-Stroke-Steuerung beim Walzen von Stahlband)
Dipl.-Phys. Ralf Schützhold
School of Science, Faculty of Physics
Diplom thesis Vacuum Decay due to Dynamic Disturbances (Vakuumzerfall aufgrund dynamischer Störungen)
Dr. rer. nat. Holger Scheytza
School of Science, Faculty of Chemistry
Dissertation New Hetrocyclic and Carbocyclic Bridged Phanes of 4.4'-Bipyridine - Synthesis, Structures and Electrochemistry (Neue Hetrocyclisch und Carbocyclisch Überbrückte Phane des 4,4'-Bipyridins” - Synthese, Strukturen und Elektrochemie)
Dr. rer. pol. Peter Meyer
Faculty of Business and Economics
Dissertation Stability versus Efficiency: A Theory of Public Goods (Stabilität versus Effizienz: Eine Theorie öffentlicher Güter)
Dr. rer. nat. Annett Vahle
School of Science, Faculty of Chemistry
Dissertation High-temperature Gas Chromatography with Trace Amounts of Homologues of Element 106 (Seaborgium) in the O2-H2O(g) / SIO2(s) System (Hochtemperaturgaschromatographie mit Spurenmengen der Homologen des Elementes 106 (Seaborgium) im O2-H2O(g) / SIO2(s)-System)
Dipl.-Phys. Carsten Deus
School of Science, Faculty of Physics
Diplom thesis Investigations on Structure and Mechanical Properties of Quasicrystals (Untersuchungen zu Struktur und mechani-schen Eigenschaften von Quasikristallen)
Dipl.-Inform. Jens Schönherr
Faculty of Computer Science
Diplom thesis Investigation of Methods to Prove the Input/Output Equivalence of Two Finite, Deterministic, Abstract Automata with Binary Inputs and Outputs (Untersuchung von Verfahren zum Nachweis der Ein-/Ausgabeäquivalenz zweier endlicher, deterministischer, abstrakter Automaten mit binären ein- und Ausgängen)
Dipl.-Math. Astrid Mirle
School of Science, Faculty of Mathematics
Diplom thesis Estimation of the Hausdorff Dimension of Invariant Sets of Non-injective Mappings (Abschätzung der Hausdorff-Dimension invarianter Mengen von nichtinjektiven Abbildungen)
Dipl.-Kffr. Heike Sonnenburg
Faculty of Business and Economics
Diplom thesis The Preferences of Theatergoers - A Conjoint Measurement Study (Die Präferenzen der Theaterbesucher - eine Conjoint Measurement-Untersuchung)
Dipl.-Ing. Reinhold Buchhold
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Diplom thesis Analysis of the Properties of Thin Polymer Layers (Analyse der Eigenschaften dünner Polymerschichten)
Dipl.-Math. Matthias Herrmann
School of Science, Faculty of Mathematics
Diplom thesis Restringed Interpolation and Histopolation with Bivariate C1 Splines (Restringente Interpolation und Histopolation mit bivarianten C1-Splines)
Dr. rer. nat. Pierre Sachse
School of Science, Faculty of Psychology
Dissertation Development and Evaluation of a Computer-based Decision Support System (Entwicklung und Bewertung einer copmu-tergestützten Entscheidungshilfe)
Dipl.-Ing. Matthias Lugenheim
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Diplom thesis Modeling and Static Analysis of the Lower Part of the “Supporting Bell” of the Frauenkirche Dresden (Modellierung und statische Analyse des unteren Teils der 'Tragenden Glocke' der Frauenkirche zu Dresden)