Dec 15, 2022
GFF e. V. Teaching Awards 2022 - for the first time also for innovative student-designed teaching and learning
During the Senate meeting on December this year's GFF e. V. teaching awards were presented by the Vice-Rector Academic Affairs Professor Michael Kobel and the Vice-Rector Research Professor Angela Rösen-Wolff.
Since 1995, the Association of Friends and Sponsors of Technische Universität Dresden (GFF) has been awarding prizes for outstanding achievements in the field of education. For the first time, the GFF was calling for nominations for a teaching award honoring teaching and learning at TU Dresden that has been conceptualized by student groups and initiatives. The joint design of teaching activities by lecturers and students is a key interest of our university and an integral part of TU Dresden's teaching mission statement.
Seven formats or student initiatives were honored from the proposals submitted:
- RepetiTutorium Technische Mechanik - Elastostatik bzw. Kinetik“ by Johannes Reimer and Selina Zschocke
- "Nachhaltige Baukonstruktionen, alternative Dämmstoffe und ihre Ökobilanzierung" by Studentische Hochschulgruppe Nachhaltigkeits-AG Bauingenieurwesen
- Tutorium „Investition und Finanzierung“ by Maximilian Hubmann
- Studentische Gruppe CaruSono for the commitment in teaching sonography in medical studies
- „Grundvorlesung ökologische Nachhaltigkeit“, which is initiated and organized by students
- „Ringvorlesung zum gesellschaftlichen und sozialen Wandel im Baugewerbe“ by Hochschulgruppe IG BAU Dresden
- „Grundlagen des Asyl- und Aufenthaltsrechtes“ by Refugee Law Clinic
For this year's GFF e. V. teaching award, teaching and learning concepts were sought that are particularly dedicated to the topics of ecological sustainability or entrepreneurship - creatively preparing them and implementing them in a future-oriented manner. For the first time, all university members were invited to submit proposals. From these, the Board together with the Vice-Rector Academic Affairs , selected the following winners for the teaching award, each of which is endowed with 5,000 Euros:
- Entrepreneurship: Businessplan Seminar by Sophie Kutzsch, Prof. Michael Schefczyk
- Entrepreneurship: Collaboration in the Virtual Classroom by Mattis Altmann, Prof. Schoop
- Ecological Sustainability: "Lernen durch Engagement (Service Learning) - praxisSDG" by Dr. Sylvia Maus, LL.M., Dr. Martin Gerner, MBA
- Ecological Sustainability: Vorlesung + Seminar "Verstärken von Massivbauwerken" by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Steffen Marx, Peter Betz, Conrad Pelka
- Ecological Sustainability: Vorlesung + Übung Bauleitplanung by Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wende; Dr. Alejandro de Castro Mazarro; Anna Dietrich; Vanessa Thiem
We congratulate all award winners and thank them for their commitment!