Events as part of the International Day against Homo-, Bi-, Inter- and Trans-hostility 2025
The International Day against Homophobia, Biphobia, Intersex and Transphobia is celebrated worldwide on May 17. The day was established in 2004 to draw attention to the violence and discrimination faced by lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex - queer people with different sexual orientations, gender identities or expressions.
After the Progress Pride Flag was raised at TU Dresden for the first time on May 17, 2022, TU Dresden is also participating with various awareness-raising and empowerment formats.
Queer Science Panel
Friday, 16.05.2025 // 13.00-14.50 // hybrid
Queer research is as diverse as the community itself: from the portrayal of queer characters in contemporary literature to gender- and diversity-sensitive transportation concepts for urban spaces. Legal framework conditions to strengthen the rights of LGBTQIA+ people or the diversity of biological gender concepts also offer exciting research approaches. Regardless of the specific subject area, the Queer Science Panel is a special colloquium that offers space for a wide range of contributions.
The panel is taking place for the fourth time as part of the IDAHOBIT (International Day Against Homo-, Bi- and Inter-hostility) and sees itself as a lively place for exchange. Both theoretical ideas and practical examples can be discussed. In moderated talks (approx. 15 minutes) or poster presentations, there will be the opportunity to present research projects and receive feedback from the audience. There will also be plenty of time to network and be inspired in a relaxed atmosphere.
The panel will take place on Friday, May 16, from 13:00 to 14:30 both digitally via Zoom and in an accessible room. The event will be held in German or English, with the possibility of translation. Further needs for barrier-free participation can be communicated.
Contributions or requests for participation can be sent to
The Queer Science Panel is organized by Anja Wiede, the contact person of the complaints office for incidents of harassment, discrimination and violence at TU Dresden.
Queer peer counseling is also available for queer networking or counseling concerns: