E-Mail Lists
Table of contents
Provision of mailing lists for work groups.
This offer is open to institutes and projects from the TUD for teaching and research.
Services Included:
- Provision of the list takes place through the ZIH.
- decentralized administration of the list by applicants via web interface
Optional archiving of emails on the mail list server.
- Employees of the TU Dresden can submit applications.
- For students, an employees must be given as well
- Application for the service takes place over a web form via Self Service Portal
- Users require a TU email address.
- the user or representative must be reachable.
This service is free for members of the TU Dresden.
Provisioning Time:
- 1 working day (if all information is complete and there is no present need for coordination for the list name or the purpose of the list)
Operating Times / Status:
Service in operation? Operation Status
please report problems to:

Visiting address:
Andreas-Pfitzmann-Bau, Room E036 Nöthnitzer Straße 46
01187 Dresden
Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Support Center Digitalisierung
Service Desk
01062 Dresden
Office hours:
- Monday to Friday:
- 08:00 - 19:00
Basic Information
The ZIH prepares mailing lists centrally for the TU-Dresden. Such mailing lists are functionally e-mail addresses under which some other people are reachable.
The mailing lists have addresses in this form:
INSTITUTE is a predefined identifier (like JURA, USZ, ZIH, or other). The Listname can be freely chosen.
In the case that a student or temporary employee of the TUD is listed as the list administrator, a permanent employee, project leader or professor must be given as well.
To have a new mailing list set up, please use the web form in the ZIH's Self Service Portal.
Please note that it may occur that we have to delete the mailing list if a problem occurs and we cannot reach the list administrator or one of the listed persons within a reasonable period of time.
Please note:
- A mailing list has a minimum of one list administrator. This person decides on the properties of the list and manages the members.
- Membership in a mailing list can either be open for everyone or require the consent of the list administrator. The list administrator can refuse or enforce the membership in the mailing list.
- A mailing list can be set up to have messages which can be opened by anyone or can be set up to be restricted to members on the list. The list administrator can also moderate the list, which means that the delivery of each message can be decided individually.
- The name of the mailing list (including the email address) can be shown in the overview of all mailing lists or not. This is important regarding spam protection for open mailing lists.
An overview of all publicly listed mailing lists can be found here. For lists which are not public, the list name is to be added in lower case letters.
E-Mail-ListS / Verteilergruppen im Exchange
You can also set up mailing lists (distribution groups) in Exchange. However, all members must have an Exchange E-Mailbox at TUD. External E-Mail addresses are not allowed. Exchange distribution groups can be used to assign permissions to calendars, spaces, resources, etc. at the same time.
Set up a mailing list / distribution group in Exchange
Frequently Asked Questions
The list server only accepts email with a size up to 10MB. Please note that the sizes can be interpreted differently on different operating systems. An email with an attachment of 10'000'000 Bytes will be accepted.
- In moderated lists new messages are held back until the list administrator or moderator approves the message.
- In unmoderated lists emails are only held back if they contain control commands or do not comply with the required attributes (for example size, type of attachment).
The NNTP interface from mailman was deactivated.
The archiving of emails on this list server is not available.