Collaboration in the office (Groupware)
Table of contents
The ZIH offers various collaboration platforms which support work and project groups.
The user receives a mailbox for managing their own emails, appointments, contacts and tasks. More...
- Quota: 1 GB
- E-Mail / Attachment: max. 30 MB
is a web-based platform for group collaboration (managing, editing and exchanging information) and support for typical operations in an organization. Sharepoint does not include a mailbox, an additional one is necessary. Sharepoint areas are only accessible with a login.
Services included
- receiving and sending emails
- address book, virus protection, spam filter
- opening calendars and folders for other users
- allocating access approval
- joint calendars, folders, contact lists, task lists
- sending "on behalf of" and sending "as"
- absence notifications
- mailbox access via a web-browser - synchronization with mobile devices per ActiveSync
- Integration in´to MS Office
- setup of room or resource mailboxes or booking plans for institute rooms, laboratories, teaching tools etc.
- setup of special address lists for institutes, working groups, etc.
- setup of mailing list groups
provisioning of a website area (Site-Collection) in the form of team or project sites. Available Web-Apps:
- Document storage with version and authorization management, (simultaneous) editing of MS Office documents in the browser (Office Web-App), synchronization possibilities
- full-text search / indexing
- Wiki, calendar, task planning, Blogs
- appointments, contacts, lists
- increasing the Exchange mailbox by applying to the Service Desk
- 2 Options for Sharepoint: Team site (Standard for Organisation units or functional areas) and project site (comprehensive, limited)
is set up for students automatically with enrolment; new employees and already enrolled students must apply via email to the
All members of the TUD are authorized with a ZIH login.
- Service for all structural units of the TUD can be applied for through the Self Service Portal of the ZIH
- The leader of the structural unit is responsible for instructing the site administrators for the application and maintenance of the site
- the ZIH creates the sites after receiving authorization from the office for information security
- The care of the sites (contents, authorizations, etc.) is the responsibility of the site administrator
- The authorization concept (Berechtigungskonzept) must be approved by the office for information security
- ZIH User Login,
- Hardware (PC),
- Access to the Internet/Campusnetz
User rules and regulations (all documents)
Terms of use for Sharepoint
Information about the use of IT Resurces
User information for students
User information for other members of the TUD
Information about mail spamming
Sharepoint and Exchange are free for members of the TUD.
Provisioning Time
- Students: automatic setup with enrolment
- Employees: ca. 1 Working day
Max. 2 working days after clarification of the client's requirements (a possible discussion with the client may be necessary) and after authorization of the site through the office for information security
Operating time / Operating status:
Service in operation? Operating status
Please report problems to the service desk:

Visiting address:
Andreas-Pfitzmann-Bau, Room E036 Nöthnitzer Straße 46
01187 Dresden
Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Support Center Digitalisierung
Service Desk
01062 Dresden
Office hours:
- Monday to Friday:
- 08:00 - 19:00
In the state contract Microsoft SharePoint stands as a high-performance collaboration platform, which offers high potential for simplification, flexibility, speed and standardization for IT supported collaboration in research and management at saxon universities.
Therefore, the ZIH provides a central installation based on MS Sharepoint 2013 on the website
The basic service SharePoint includes the functions of a simple data repository service with central data storage, version and authorization management as well as full-text search. This functionality is made available in site collections (website collections, team or project sites possible), which are centrally administered (site administrators). The service can be utilized by all structural units of the TU Dresden exclusively for teaching and resesarching. Team sites as well as project sites support the collaborative work of work groups. For project sites it is assumed that the sites are customized to the project running time.
For more information, click here.
Affiliates of TU Dresden are automatically provided with an Exchange mailbox when a ZIH-Login is generated.
Setup instructions
Instructions on how to set up the e-mail box and tips on how to use the mailbox functions can be found in our FAQ portal (instructions on the subject of e-mail)
Information for administrators
Information for administrators (firewall rules, mailbox migration etc.)
Exchange: Related sites
Groupware-MS Exchange
Application for a personal certificate (user certificate)