Welcome to the 'Friedrich List' Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences!
Table of contents
We are really glad you are here!
We are pleased that you have decided to immerse yourself in the world of transport and to study transport at the TU Dresden.
On the following webpages you will find general information on your arrival in Dresden as well as suggestions to ease into your studies. If you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact us!
- In October , an extensive welcome program and the ceremonial matriculation event for our first semester students will take place from 07.10. to 13.10.
Events at the start of your studies
To give you the best possible start to your studies, you should not miss out on two important dates. The preparatory courses help you polish your basics in mathematics and physics.
The student counsil welcomes you with a first semester introduction week. Have fun!
The freshmen week (ESE) is organized by the student council and strives to familiarize new students with the faculty, campus, and student life in general. Immediately before the start of the winter semester, numerous events are offered and provide opportunities to sozialize with fellow freshmen and older students. The ESE-week is highly recommended to all new students.
For students of all faculties and disciplines with basic mathematical education, the faculties of mathematics and physics offer a "Learning Room Mathematics" and a "Learning Room Physics".
As immediate study preparation for future students of the degree programmes in Transport Engineering (Diplom) and Transport Economics (Bachelor), it is recommended to accept an offer from the faculties of Mathematics and Physics to complete a few training hours in the form of preparatory courses in Mathematics and possibly Physics before starting their studies.
The focus is on repeating and deepening those parts of the syllabus that first-year students are expected to know, but which experience has shown to cause the most difficulties in application.
Every first-year student whose degree programme includes mathematics and physics as a subject/module can participate.
Participation is free of charge; registration is not required.
Each topic in the preparatory course is dealt with in the context of a lecture and a subsequent exercise. In each exercise, tasks from an exercise book are discussed that thematically belong to the respective preceding lecture. The courses take place every year at the end of September/ beginning of October.
Further information on the preparatory course in Mathematics and the preparatory course in Physics.
More information to further courses of other schools.

CAREER SERVICE weil du viel vorhast
Would you like to develop yourself and your skills ? Then you've come to the right place!
The Career Service offers a wide range of events and workshops every semester. All offers are free of charge for TUD students. Binding registration via OPAL is required.
Click here for the semester program!
Find out what type of writer and worker you are; how you can organize your writing process well, overcome writer's block, structure and revise your texts sensibly; which reading and writing strategies will help you and how you can use literature management and other helpful software.
In the summer semester, the SZD offers this series of events as part of the studium generale and supplementary courses. Students from all departments are invited to find out more about academic reading and writing. The events are interactive impulse lectures - this means that there are exercises in each event so that the topics can be applied immediately.
The SLUB also offers a wide range of support at all stages of the writing process:
Are you planning to write an academic paper - or perhaps you are already in the middle of it? We support you in all phases of the writing process, from research to literature management and text production to publication. In addition to conventional courses and workshops, we also offer freely available self-study materials on many topics, including an increasing number in English. You can choose between detailed self-study courses on OPAL (SLUBtutorials) and explanatory videos on youtube (SLUBcasts).
Counseling Services at the beginning of your studies
Right at the beginning of your studies, there will certainly be a lot of questions on your mind. We have compiled a list of people you can contact.
Did not find what you were looking for? Here we have a more substantial list of further counseling and supprt services.
The ServiceCenterStudies at TU Dresden © TU Dresden
If you are concerned with any questions about studying, the ServiceCenterStudies can help you or guide to the right counseling center for your concerns. It accompanies you throughout your sudies, from choosing a degree program to graduation.
Mentoring and Buddy Programmes at TU Dresden © TU Dresden
Among other things, the SCS offers mentoring and buddy programs that are designed for various target groups in order to give you the opportunity to discover and dicuss the wide-ranging possibilities and perspectives of studying. An overview of the current offerings can be found here.
The TU Dresden implemented the Passt?!-Program as an early warning system for students in order to adequately react to challenging situations during your studies as needed. The participation is free, voluntary, and open to anyone.

Workflow PASST?! Participation
The goal is to timely identify challenges and offer customized support and counseling to students.
You can log in and out of PASST?! at any time in the selma portal:
- Log in to the selma portal with your ZIH-Login and your password.
- In the menu to the left click 'Account'.
- Scroll down to the section 'Additional personal details'.
- Here you will find your current PASST?! participation status (Registration for the PASST?! program). Click ‘Edit’ on the right side in order to change your status.
- Using the drop-down menu, choose ‘Ich nehme teil.’ (I take part.) if you wish to participate in the program. Choose ‘Ich nehme nicht teil.’ (I do not take part.) if you do not wish to participate or you wish to withdraw. Once you have done so, click ‘Save’.
- After the status change, there is no further confirmation.
Further informationen can be attained here.
If you have questions about studying with disability and/or chronic illness, you will be supported by the relevant representatives with deciding on and applying for a course of study, organizing and completing your studies, receiving individual advice on compensating for disadvantages in studying as well as in examination performance, digital and structural accessibility as well as support options in everyday situations.
You can find further information here.
Financial Aid
If you study at TU Dresden, you are able to apply for financial aid (BAföG). The Studentenwerk Dresden will help you with the application. For further information, please follow this link.
Student Halls
Are you wondering how to submit an online application for a dorm room? What are the chances of getting one in the first place? How extensive is the waiting list? Find out on the Studentenwerk's website in order to find your Student Hall!
Living in a hall of residence? That's how it's done! © Studentenwerk Dresden
All over the TU Dresden campus there are canteens and cafeterias to provide you with the nutrition you need to go about your busy day. The Studentenwerk feeds up to 20.00 guests everyday. You can purchase their dishes at fair and transparent prices. The current menu can be found here.
Having a plan: timetables and important dates, WiFi and E-Mail
Everything is new, everything is different. To set you up nicely, we have compiled the most important information here to help you get the full picture. So you not only have a good idea of the lecture periods but you also can read your timetable correctly.
Here you can find further information about lecture times (start and end dates of the teaching period), the core exam times, and public holiday and lecture-free periods.
Winter Semester 2024/2025
01.10.2024 until 31.03.2025
Courses and lectures:
Monday, 14.10.2024 until Saturday, 21.12.2024 and Monday, 06.01.2025 until Saturday, 08.02.2025
(Dates in the Academic Year as an i-Calender-file)
Lecture-free periods and bank holidays:
- 01.10.2024 - 13.10.2024
- Matriculation Ceremony: Thursday, 10.10.2024
- Reformation Day: Thursday, 31.10.2024
- Day of Prayer and Repentance: Wednesday, 20.11.2024
- Turn of the year: Sunday, 22.12.2024 until Sunday, 05.01.2025
- Lecture-free period: Monday, 10.02.2025 until Monday, 31.03.2025
- Main exam period: Monday, 10.02.2025 until Saturday, 08.03.2025
Summer Semester 2024
01.04.2024 until 30.09.2024
Courses and lectures:
Monday, 08.04.2024 until Saturday, 18.05.2024 and Monday, 27.05.2024 until Saturday, 20.07.2024
Lecture free periods an bank holidays:
- Eastermonday: Monday, 01.04.2024
- 1st May: Wednesday, 01.05.2024
- Dies Academicus: Wednesday, 05.06.2024
- Ascension Day: Thursday, 09.05.2024
- Pentecost: Sunday, 19.05.2024 until Sunday, 26.05.2024
- Lecture-free period: Monday, 22.07.2024 until Monday, 30.09.2024
- Main exam period: Monday, 22.07.2024 until Saturday, 17.08.2024
You can find your timetable on the subpages of your study program.
Times of day
Courses are held in 90-minute double sessions (DS):
1. DS: 07:30 am – 09:00 am
2. DS: 09:20 am – 10:50 am
3. DS: 11:10 am – 12:40 pm
4. DS: 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
5. DS: 2:50 pm – 4:20 pm
6. DS: 4:40 pm – 6:10 pm
7. DS: 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Some courses are held only every two weeks. In the timetable, a distinction is made between odd calendar weeks and even calendar weeks:
1st week: odd week, e.g. calendar week 41.
2nd week: even week, e.g. calendar week 42.
This web page lists the current calendar week.
The letters in front of the course title indicate the type of course and its position in the curriculum:
V lecture, Ü exercise, S seminar, P lab course, SP language course, T tutorial.
O obligatory (compulsory module),
W optional (one of several courses must be chosen).
All students receive a TU email address, which is used for all electronic communication with the university. Since staff members are encouraged to disregard emails from other providers, it is really important to check your mailbox regularly. If you want to use your private email address, please set up an automatic call-through of TU emails.
The easiest way to access the mailbox is to use your browser at msx.tu-dresden.de.
There you log in with your ZIH login data and you are ready to go.
"eduroam" (= Education Roaming) is a university initiative that enables WiFi for employees and students of and at all participating organizations and universities. TU Dresden is also part of the roaming project of the DFN (DFN = Deutsches ForschungsNetz; Internet provider of German universities).
Here you can find the setup instructions for:
Windows 10, MacOS, Linux, iOS, Android
The urgent need for specialist in the engineering field goes beyond the current number of graduates and is also signaled by numerous partners of the faculty from business and administration institutions. Therefore, since mid-2023, the faculty has been talking to companies to take new approaches in order to draw attention to the study programs of the faculty of traffic and transportation at TU Dresden as well as to attract the young talent.
Starting in the first semester of the master program, particulary talented applicants who can be expected to perform excellently in their studies and careers are supported by a scholarship.
Number of Scholarships: 1 Scholarship
Target group: First-semester students of the Master's degree programmes: Railway System Engineering or "Electrical Transportation Systems".
Duration of funding: 24 months (from winter semester 2023/24)
Amount: 750 euros/month
Application deadline: extended until 22 September 2023 (in connection with applying for a place on one of the two Master's degree programmes mentioned above for the winter semester 2023/24).
About IKOS Consulting Deutschland GmbH
IKOS Consulting Deutschland GmbH is a consulting group specialized in railroad and energy technology and offers development services for train manufacturers, track network operators and energy suppliers worldwide. The company's mission is to help shape ecological change and develop safe and sustainable means of transport for the future. With 25 offices in 13 countries, IKOS offers the opportunity of an international career in a multicultural environment. Supported by the in-house R&D department IKOS Lab, 1,450 engineers are currently working on projects in the fields of control and safety technology, rail vehicle construction, telecommunications, energy and high voltage, as well as infrastructure and track systems. Further information on the company
Further possibilities of a scholarship exist via the usual sponsoring organizations and an application for the Deutschlandstipendium.
Campuscard and Co.
One card for everything! The Campuscard is your digital student ID, which cannot only be used to pay in our dining halls and cafeterias but is also valid as your semester ticket and your library card!
Since the summer semester 2024 (April 1, 2024), the semester ticket for Dresden universities consists of the Germany semester ticket and additional use of nextbike (in Dresden as yellow bikes of the MOBIbike brand) free of charge for 30 minutes per rental throughout Germany.
You can find more information here.
Even more mobile is hardly possible!
In order to take advantage of the rich and interesting possibilities of the University Library, you can register online as a user here.
Sächsische Landesbibliothek – Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden (SLUB) © Sächsischen Bibliotheksgesellschaft
For example, you can borrow books and media, reserve work spaces and equipment in the SLUB-Makerspace, conduct research in the database and register for events and advisory services.
After you finish your studies, your SLUB user status will change and the Campuscard will no longer be valid for use as a library card. However, you can then receive a new SLUB card free of charge, allowing you to benefit from all the same SLUB services.
All over the TU Dresden campus there are canteens and cafeterias to provide you with the nutrition you need to go about your busy day. The Studentenwerk feeds up to 20.000 guests everyday. You can purchase their dishes at fair and transparent prices.
The payment function for the dining halls and cafeterias is already integrated into your Campuscard and all you have to do is present it at the checkout. Either you use Autoload, pay in cash, or top up your credit directly at the cash desk.
The current menu can be found here.
(Transport) Culture in Dresden and at the faculty
There is traffic and transport running through your veins? Then you have come to the right place! Not only do you get "your money's worth" with a variety of student associations concerning mobility at the faculty itself, Dresden also offers various transportation museums and places to visit!
Transport Museum Dresden
Since the opening of the museum in the city center of Dresden in 1956, a vast number of exhibitions and exhibits on the history of railroads, seafaring, air and road transport have been displayed on more than 5.000m2. The group 'Forum Mobilität Dresden' organizes regular panel discussion and presentations on interesting transport-related topics.

© Dresdner Verkehrsmuseum

© Dresdner Verkehrsmuseum

© Dresdner Verkehrsmuseum
Dresden Railway Museum

Verein des Eisenbahnmuseums
The association 'IG Bahnbetriebswerk Dresden-Altstadt e.V.' was founded in 1999 in order to preserve the traditions and history of the German railroad, especially from the sixties and seventees of the last century. In addition to maintaining and repairing of technical installations and various diesel, steam, and electric locomotives as well as carriages, a number of events are held at the museum: e.g. the Steam Engine Festival in the spring, children's festivals as well as the Dresden Museum Night take place annually.
Dresden Tram Museum

Straßenbahnmuseum auf dem Betriebshof Trachenberge
Where the horses for the horse-drawn streetcars were once housed, you will now find a historic depot. The Trachenberge depot not only accommodates historic rail vehicles but the residing museum also shows the everyday life of work of transport companies in the past. During guided tours you can marvel at 38 vehicles. Next to the Tram Museum you can find the association 'Historische Kraftfahrzeuge des Dresdner Nahverkehrs' that concern themselves with the preservation of, among other things, historic busses.
Dresden Airport
At Dresden Airport you can not only travel comfortably within Germany and Europe but also enjoy guided tours.
Imagefilm Dresdner Flughafen © DresdenAirport
Expeditions with the DVB

Streifzug 1 der DVB
With the semester ticket you not only easily get to the university or the cinema but also to the countryside! The DVB has compiled great recommendations for hiking, walking, and little adventures in well- and lesser known parts of the city - and the best thing: you can comfortable reach the starting points by bus and tram.
The student council is the student representation of the "Friedrich List" Faculty. Beside the council, there are various student groups that are also calles "listige" associations.
The Deutsche Verkehrswissenschaftliche Gesellschaft takes up, discusses, and published current perspectives and issues in the field of transportation and mobility. The 'Junge Forum' of the association is aimed at trainees, students, young researchers, and young professionals in the trantsportation sector.
Spätverkehr e.V.
In 2006, the faculty's graduates' association was founded in order to support the students and faculty in forming networks and promoting exchange with partners in the industry. For example, they organize an annual job fair 'KontaktMesse' and the attendant faculty ball.
Verkehrte Welt e.V.
Verkehrte Welt e.V. was founded in 2003 to promote international communication between students in the field of transportation. They organize lectures, excursions, and conferences for enthusiastic students who love what they do.
EUROAVIA Dresden e.V.
This association brings together aerospace students from 42 universities from several countries. EUROVIA aims to bridge the gaps between universities, their students, and the industry. The Dresden chapter was founded in 1990 and has since been recognized as an official university group of the TU Dresden.
Since 2010, the Dresdner Verkehrsbetriebe have annually been looking for students who would like to work as tram drivers! If you are 21 years or older, interested in looking behind the scenes of an actual transportation company, and want to make some money at the same time, please contact personal[at]dvbag.de.

Serviceteam Verkehr studieren
for questions about the transport studies at TU Dresden
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).