Mentoring and buddy programs
Mentoring and Buddy Programs at TU Dresden © TU Dresden / Büro Vogel & Moritz
Mentoring at TU Dresden is designed to support you from the beginning of your time at university to the start of your career. Mentors are available to help you discover and discuss all that your degree program has to offer. They can help with preparation for your studies, guidance during the beginning of your studies at TU Dresden, the choice of a specialization, advice on entering the world of work, and support with your academic career. Different programs are available to suit a range of needs.
We are happy to send you a PDF copy of the Guidelines for Mentoring and Buddy Programs and our Overview of Mentoring and Buddy Programs, currently available in German.
Overview of mentoring and buddy programs at TU Dresden
AG Study information with a difference of the Deutschlandstipendium
- Target group: Pupils
- Information on studying and choosing a course of study
AG Study information in a different way of the Deutschlandstipendium
Connect to talent
- Target group: Pupils from grade 7 with an interest in study and career orientation
- Mentoring from TU Dresden students from all undergraduate fields of study
Connect to talent
Study bridge mentoring
- Target group: Pupils from grade 10 with an interest in studying at TU Dresden
Mentoring of TU Dresden students from all undergraduate fields of study
Studienbrücke - Mentoring
Orientation year - mentoring and coaching
- Target group: Prospective students with a university entrance qualification
- The peer mentoring program supports you in getting started with your studies. Experienced TU Dresden students - mentors - provide tips and guidance during the introductory phase of your studies.
Orientation year
Rock your Life
- Target group: Students with special challenges
- Mentoring of students from all departments to accompany them on their way into professional life
Rock your Life Dresden
Mentoring for female students and early career researchers
- Target group: Female early career researchers and students at TU Dresden who need support in establishing, reflecting on and networking in various phases of their own academic career.
- Mentoring for female students and early career researchers at TU Dresden
Mentoring for female early career researchers and students
The international alumni ambassadors of TU Dresden
- Target group: TU Dresden students who would like to contact alumni about their career start/professional field in Germany or abroad
TU Dresden students who would like to study or do an internship abroad - Mentoring of TU Dresden alumni
Regional ambassadors of TU Dresden
1:1 Medic Mentoring
- Mentoring program for students of the model degree course in human medicine
- The students
gain insights into the career development opportunities
of doctors in the region
1:1 Medic Mentoring
Buddy program of the Biomedical Engineering degree program
- Students enrolled in the degree program
Buddy program of the Biomedical Engineering degree program
Buddy program of the Electrical Engineering degree program
- Students enrolled in the first semester
Buddy Program of the Electrical Engineering degree program
Buddy program of the Information Systems Engineering degree program
- Students enrolled in the degree program
Buddy Program of the Information Systems Engineering degree program
Buddy program of the degree program Mechatronics
- Students enrolled in the degree program
Buddy program of the degree program Mechatronics
Buddy program of the degree program Renewable Energy Systems
- Students enrolled in the degree program
Buddy program of the degree program Renewable Energy Systems
Working Child Dresden
- Target group: prospective students and students who are the first in their family to study
- Mentoring of students from all Departments to support them in starting and progressing their studies
Arbeiterkind Dresden
Architecture mentoring groups
- Target group: First semester students on the Architecture degree program
- Mentoring of teachers and students of architecture
Architecture mentoring groups
Mentoring of the BIOLOGY student council
- Target group: First semester students in the Bachelor of Biology program
- Mentoring of students in higher semesters of biology
Mentoring of the biology student council
Mentoring of the CHEMISTRY/FOOD CHEMISTRY student council
- Target group: First semester students in chemistry/food chemistry
- Mentoring of students in the 5th semester of the same degree program (Chemistry, Food Chemistry and Teaching)
Chemistry and Food Chemistry Faculty Student Council
Mentoring of the HYDROsciences student council
- Target group: First semester students of the Hydrosciences student council
- Mentoring of 3-4 first semester students by 1-2 mentors from the higher semester
Mentoring of the Hydrosciences student council
Mentoring of the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Target group: First-year engineering students
- Mentoring from experienced lecturers and students
Buddy programs
Mentoring of the PHYSICS student council
- Target group: First semester students in Bachelor's, Master's and teacher training in physics
- Mentoring by university lecturers or student mentors
Mentoring of the physics student council
Mentoring of the PSYCHOLOGY student council
- Target group: First semester students in the Bachelor of Psychology
Faculty Student Council Psychology
Mentoring at the Institute of Sociology - studISmentor
- Target group: First semester students in Bachelor and Master Sociology
- Mentoring from experienced sociology students
Mentoring at the Institute of Sociology - studISmentor
- Target group: Students of the Center for International Studies
- Mentoring of graduates of the International Relations degree program
Mentoring of the Center for International Studies
Mentor:innen Program of the Faculty of Mathematics
- Target group: First semester students on degree programs in Mathematics, Mathematics in Business and Economics and teacher training programs with a degree in Mathematics
- Supervision by professorial and student mentors
Mentoring program of the Faculty of Mathematics
Buddy program for GRW first-year students
- Target group: First semester students of the subject Social Studies
- Supervision by students from higher semesters
Buddy program for first-year GRW students
Mentoring by the Computer Science student council
Target group: First semester students of the degree programs Computer Science and Media Computer Science
Mentoring by students from higher semesters as part of the ESE
Mentoring of the Computer Science Student Council
Buddy program of the Geosciences student council
- Target group: First semester students in the Department of Geosciences, buddy groups as part of the ESE
- Supervision by students from the higher semester
Buddy program of the geosciences student council
Student initiative Sí KoWi
- Target group: Students of the Institute of Media and Communication, help with getting started in student life and networking among students at IfK
- Student initiative Sí KoWi
Target group: Tutoring: First semester students in the teaching profession
Mentoring: student teachers from the 3rd semester onwards -
Mentoring for teacher training students in higher semesters, by experienced teachers within and outside the university
Tutorials for first semester students in interdisciplinary topics
International tutorial program of the International Office
- Target group: international students of all Departments before or in their first semester at TUD
- Mentoring of usually two tutors per faculty
International tutoring program of the International Office
Buddy Program GSW
- Target group: The Buddy Program of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences is aimed at students of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences who have successfully completed at least the first year of study.
- Mentoring of students from the School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Buddy Program of the SLK
Buddy Program of AEGEE e.V.
- Target group: International students
- Mentoring of students from Dresden to support them in preparing for their studies at TU Dresden
Buddy Program of AEGEE e.V.
Tandem partner
- Target group: International students
- Mentoring of students for the exchange of language skills
Tandem partner
Find International Friends (FIF - Program of the Studentenwerk Dresden)
- Target groups: International and German students
- The FIF program aims to support international students in making friends with Dresden students.
FIF Program
Maria Reiche Mentoring
- Target group: female postdocs and habilitation candidates
- Mentoring of professors
Maria Reiche Mentoring
YOU PROF - Young Professors Program
- Target group: the Young Professors Program is aimed at all junior professors and holders of tenure-track positions at TU Dresden
YOU PROF - Young Professors Program
Mentoring Program Academia
- Target group: the Academia mentoring program supports postdocs
Mentoring Program Academia
Charlotte Bühler Program - Develop your Postdoc Career
- Target group: female postdocs and habilitation candidates at TU Dresden and all DRESDEN-concept institutions
What's next?
Overview of other programs
FIF - Find International Friends (a project of the Studentenwerk Dresden)
- Target group:
Participants from abroad (international students) and local participants (students, Dresden citizens or families) - Tandem partners for joint activities in and around Dresden, to brush up on a foreign language and get to know another culture
FIF - Family and International Friends
Projects of the Studentenwerk Dresden
- Target group: Students
- WOMIKO - Living with fellow students
- International Coffee Hour
- Welcome tutors for international students
Buddy Project - Integration through friendship (DRESDEN-concept Welcome Center at TU Dresden)
- Target group: Academics from abroad and local participants (students, Dresden citizens or families, pensioners)
- Aim: Tandem partners for joint activities in and around Dresden, to brush up on a foreign language and get to know another culture
Buddy project
Target group: Students of Catholic theology (primarily teaching).
The mentorate consists of students and mentors.

NameNicole Strauss M.A.
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01069 Dresden