Connected Cabin - Information Centric Operation of Future Connected Cabin
Subproject: "Information- and Communication-Systems in the Cabin"
Project description: In ConCabInO ITVS builds an infrastructure plattform in order to detect system states (status, position, presence, etc.). Our starting point therefore is the development of a multisensor data base within an information centric system design. Thus, system information of the aircraft cabin is performed in line with its special requirements. The innovation potential of ConCabInO is carried out by joint demonstrator functions of different stakeholders for e.g. on-board service, cabinoperations und health monitoring (predictive maintainance).
- TU Hamburg-Harburg (Institut für Flugzeug-Kabinensysteme) - Zodiac Cabin Controls (ZCC) - Zodiac Premium Galleys (ZPG, ehem. Sell GmbH) - Zodiac Inflight Innovations (ZII, ehem. TriaGnoSysGmbH)
Contact: Richard Weber, Oliver Michler (,