personal data
The EU General Data Protection Regulation speaks of "personal data" and refers to all data that somehow (possibly via indirect channels) are relatable to specific persons.
The handling of personal data requires a responsible understanding of the access to data. Careless handling of sensitive data can result in a variety of personal damages for the person concerned, as well as civil and criminal consequences for the responsible researchers or research group.
When handling personal data, all relevant IT departments of the own department and of TU Dresden must be involved without exception. In particular, there must be coordination with the guidelines of IT-security and the data protection officer of the TU Dresden.
In these processes, e.g. the pseudonymization and secure storage of personal data, the Independent Trust Office of the TUD (Unabhängige Treuhandstelle) also provides support. Their services are usually subject to a fee and should therefore be applied for with the project application.
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