Podiumsdiskussion: „Trump! – Über die Möglichkeiten und Unmöglichkeiten von Satire“
On October 27, SFB’s Prof. Katja Kanzler led a podium discussion on the topic of satire, its limitations and affordances, and its potentials in the pushback against Donald Trump's policies and politics. The event was attended by about fourty people and took place at Galerie KUB in Leipzig. The panel consisted of four contributors, who each brought their own unique backgrounds to the table.
Prof. Holger Kersten, professor for American literature at Halle University and member of the International Society of Humor Studies, gave a short presentation detailing his stance and the current state of research on the uses of satire. This look towards the more literary side of satire was complemented by University of Leipzig’s Prof. Crister Garrett, who provided a detailed view into the history of humor and satire within the context of the US and also argued that satire and political humor were signs of a healthy democracy. A perspective on the legal context of satire was added by our own Prof. Sabine Müller-Mall, an expert on “Invectivity.” The fourth panelist was not only part of the discussion, his work was also displayed at the Galerie KUB during the event: the cartoonist and artist Schwarwel. He contributed by detailing his motivations and experiences as an artist producing political satire.
Overall, a consensus was reached on the limitations of political satire, which specifically concerned the limited effect it could have on audiences who already have a strongly held opposing belief. The discussion remained lively and interesting throughout and was rounded out afterwards by drinks provided by Galerie KUB's bar. The event was a collaboration by American Studies Leipzig, Leipziger Literarischer Herbst, the Collaborative Research Center on “Invectivity”, Lachmesse, Galerie KUB, and the Verband Deutscher Schrifstellerinnen und Schriftsteller VS.

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